The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2146: Southward quotient


These days, the extremely rare thunder sound suddenly sounded at Bafeng Pass, the southernmost part of Daxia in the North, and with the sound of this thunder, after a while, the entire sky was full of wind and clouds, directly covered with dense dark clouds. .

It only took a very short period of time from the clear sky to the dark clouds. This made a person in Bafeng Pass's face a very puzzled look.

It is worth mentioning that Bafeng Pass is currently the only connecting passage between Daxia and the rest of Taixuan counties. After Daxia opened the entry conditions, countless foreign monks came here.

On the other hand, although there are not many Daxia people who pass through Bafeng Pass, the number of people in Daxia is gradually increasing.

The exchanges are always mutual. After the Crescent Chamber of Commerce took the lead to go south and deep into the Taixuan prefectures, the chambers of commerce in the subsequent Great Xia all set their sights on the vast Taixuan Continent below.

At first, because the various counties in the Taixuan Land were extremely chaotic with each other and wars were endless, although these chambers of commerce had a not weak group of monks, they were still on the sidelines.

It wasn’t until Zhao Yu spread Daxia’s illustrious name throughout the continent in the Great War in Fufeng County. The chambers of commerce that had been prepared for a long time only realized that the time had come, so they brought the first batch of goods together. Gather to Bafeng Pass.

Today is the day when the major chambers of commerce gather and prepare to go south.

The dark clouds covered the top, and thunder and lightning flashed among the clouds. Under the rumbling noise, the atmosphere within Bafeng Pass began to become a little solemn. Then, on the huge square of the pass, there was a voice with a little doubt. , From the mouth of a young girl:

"Father, the weather is really strange. It was good before, how could it suddenly become so gloomy, I'm afraid it will rain heavily?"

The girl who spoke at this time was tall and had extremely fair skin. At the same time, the freckles on her face gave her a playful youthful breath, which was refreshing.

Her name is Pearl, and she is also the jewel in the palm of the Xianan Merchants Association of Northern Tianmen in Daxia.

However, at this time, the Southern Chamber of Commerce has already moved its headquarters to Shenjing City, and with the initial business of animal clothing and flame candles, it has grown more and more and has become a force that cannot be underestimated in the Daxia business community.

This can be seen in the densely packed camel beasts behind the girl's pearls. Behind each camel beast is a cart full of goods.

At the same time, on the plaza ready to depart, the ranks of the Southern Chamber of Commerce can be ranked among the top five, and then under the continuous thunder, the middle-aged shopkeeper of the Southern Chamber of Commerce in a black robe looks Retracted from the dome of sky that is gathering more and more densely above, he opened his mouth and replied:

"Pearl, outside of the Bafeng Pass, through the legendary Yuanchuan, it is the county of the Taixuan tribe. I heard that the south has been raining for a whole year. Perhaps it is because of this that it is not good for our tyrants. Fengguan has had a slight impact."

After the middle-aged man fell with a slightly uncertain voice, the pearl beside him was obviously puzzled. Then he stretched out his finger, clicked his red lips, and responded:

"Father, what you said is wrong. When my daughter was studying in the Academy, Mr. Xuegong made it clear that all of us in Daxia is under the blessing of the Supreme Artifact Mountain and Sea Atlas.

"And the power of the mountain and sea map, as long as it is under its cover, even if it is only a trace from the outside world, it will not have any influence."

When the girl Pearl said this, it made the middle-aged man next to him look embarrassed, and then waved his hand, and replied in a hesitant voice:

"Father, it's not like you, go to the Academy for further study, fortunately, you little pearl, you made fun of Daddy after learning your skills!"

After the burly shopkeeper of the Southern Chamber of Commerce had finished speaking, he did not wait for Pearl to speak, and turned around, and he was polite with the other members of the Chamber of Commerce who came not far away.

"The great treasurer of the Southern Chamber of Commerce, but you have long admired your name. You are a legend in our chamber of commerce. It is really eye-opening to be able to go south from Tianmenxia and make your business all the way to the summer."

The principals of the Chamber of Commerce who can make their business bigger and stronger in Daxia are naturally people with extraordinary communication skills. Therefore, this admiration sounds very comfortable. Then the middle-aged shopkeeper of the Southern Chamber of Commerce, his face With a little smile, he responded:

"I'm just a rude person who can only work hard. Doing business is all taken care of by insiders. Therefore, everyone in the showcase is the wrong person."

Nanke's middle-aged shopkeeper's response was neither humble nor overbearing. Then, among the group of shopkeepers who came along, an old-looking old man came to the former, stroked his white beard on his chest, and said:

"Nanke, the shopkeeper, don't be presumptuous. Who doesn't know your Nanke's ability. After all, you are a legend who can survive the transformation that Huozhu was replaced by Akashi, and even continue to grow and develop."

After speaking, the old shopkeeper raised his hand and patted the tightly-wrapped carriage behind the camel beast. The voice came out:

"Among all the chambers of commerce that we went south this time, you are the most popular seller in Nanke. In fact, all of us have no bottom in the business trip. We also belonged to the big **** the sedan chair. The first time, after all, Crescent There is only one chamber of commerce."

After the old man said this sentence, the shopkeepers around nodded, and then the former seemed to have thought of something, and then he said:

"Big shopkeeper, we all know that this trip to the south is not peaceful, so we should discuss with you that the monks you brought should take care of each other, and your Nanke gang of Titans, but the reputation is well-known, let us feel confident. That's a lot."

"When you go out and stay away from the country, as Daxia people, you naturally want to help each other, but you don't need to worry too much. In any case, we still have an extremely powerful motherland as a backing!"

As soon as the word “backing” came out, the faces of the people in the chamber of commerce heard about it all showed solemnity. Of course, the biggest reason why they chose to go south and do business with foreigners in other counties was the biggest reason. , Or Da Xia's incomparably powerful strength, and of course the famous and frightening purpose.

Those who commit Great Xia will be punished even if they are far away!

"In this troubled world, being able to be born in Daxia is really lucky."

After the heartfelt sigh came from the old shopkeeper's mouth, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with a smile:

"I heard that the daughter of the great treasurer recently graduated from the higher education palace in the capital city with extremely excellent grades. It is really enviable."

Hearing about his daughter, the middle-aged man smiled even more. After a loud laugh, he said:

"Pearl, this child is really talented. Come on, Pearl, say hello to uncles and grandpas."

The voice fell, and there was no response from behind. Then the shopkeeper Nanke turned his head, looked at the empty person behind, and let out a wry smile:

"This kid, I don't know where to go!"

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