"Your Excellency, there is one thing I am extremely curious about."

A solitary animal car drove on a trail in Bafengguan Hengduan Mountains. Then the voice of the girl Pearl fell, and the eyeballs in her big eyes turned and continued to speak:

"Since this rain is the rain of Qixian, in order to revive the so-called ancient immortals, your Excellency, as a citizen of Daxia, specially ran outside the pass, and you have to take the so-called others to shower in this weird scene. What is the rainstorm for?"

Pearl's remarks took a little seriousness, and at the same time, the qi in her body began to be gradually raised, and she would directly act if there was a big inconsistency.

At the next breath, Liang Po, who was sitting beside Pearl, did not directly respond to Pearl's question, but continued to speak with a voice full of magnetism:

"So little girl, you think I will be against Daxia, so you want to follow me so closely?"

After Liang Po finished speaking, the young face under the black robe showed a little smile and continued to speak:

"The heart is kind, but some are too big. Every ancient immortal has a lot of strength. Therefore, the best way to encounter this situation is to send the news back to Bafeng Pass."

"Who told you that this girl didn't send back news, this girl is not stupid!"

The pearl of her own motives that was broken by Liang, she deserves to be a girl who grew up in the snowy field. She is very courageous, but the smile on the girl's face gradually disappeared, turning into a solemn and serious color, and she directly spoke. :

"The family and country are in danger, and everyone is responsible. Although this girl wants to go south for business, she really wants to meet someone who is not good for Daxia, but she can't be regarded as invisible."

After speaking, Zhenzhu stretched out his hand and pressed the plate of the animal car next to him, with piercing eyes, staring straight at the broken beam in front of him, as if to penetrate the hood on the face of the figure in front of him. See the specific look underneath.

At the next breath, Liang Po did not continue to speak, but stretched out his right hand and gently pulled toward the front. Then in front of the two, the strange beast that was pulling the carriage between the undulating mountains, opened his mouth after a while. There was a neigh.

Immediately afterwards, Pearl's red lips opened, and a scene of surprise appeared before her eyes.

I saw this very ordinary strange beast, which did not seem to be much different from a normal horse, suddenly began to show off its momentum, and then two huge white wings, directly extending out of the descendants of the strange beast, violently instigated After that, the whole body directly rose into the air.


After a muffled sound, the alien beast flew into the sky, straight into the heavens, and flew higher and higher, at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time, an exclamation from the pearl sounded directly:

"Wind-handling horse, it turns out to be a wind-handling horse that is rare in the capital city, and I only heard it mentioned by the gentleman in the school, and it was actually able to see it with my own eyes."

Accompanied by the girl's exclamation, Liang Po controlled the carriage to rush forward under the heavy rain, tearing through the wind and rain, and went straight to the sky with great momentum.

Under such circumstances, the girl Pearl didn't show much panic, instead she stared at the alien beast waving all white wings in front of her, and she was splendid.

The horse driving the wind is extremely fast, and it only took a very short time to traverse the entire mountain gorge, toward the highest point of the Hengduan Mountains, and move forward at extreme speed.

As Pearl said, the reason why this horse riding wind is extremely precious is that, on the one hand, it is scarce; on the other hand, it lies in its ability to soar into the sky.

Therefore, after about a hundred breaths, at the highest point of the Hengduan Mountains, the wind-driving horse waving white wings, dragged the carriage down slowly.

This transition from movement to stillness was full of calmness, reflecting the outstanding strength of this horse riding wind, and then the carriage steadily landed on a platform in the mountains, and at the same time a voice from Liang Po came out:

"You don't need to worry that I will be detrimental to our Daxia, because this place is still under the control of the Bafeng Pass Frontier Defense Army. Therefore, in a sense, we are flying above the sky in grandeur. We are already in the Daxia Bafeng Pass. Within sight.

"So girl, you might as well think about it. At this time, the soldiers of the garrison will look for you and me in the future. What does this mean?"

After speaking, Liang Po's huge and burly body stepped down on the carriage without holding an umbrella, allowing the heavy rain above to flow down from the black robe.

At the next breath, the girl Pearl saw Liang Po walk down, and she jumped out of the frame. After concentrating on it, she spoke in a crisp voice:

"Your Excellency, according to your statement, you are going to take someone to the rain. In other words, this person might be able to use the rain of enlightenment to extend his life?"

As soon as the words of Pearl fell, Liang Po's voice continued to sound:

"Little girl, you are very smart."

After speaking, his body was like a hill, and he stretched out the curtain of the carriage in front of him, and then revealed the coffin of ice crystals in the carriage.

This ice crystal coffin is crystal clear, extremely holy, and even more dazzling is a young girl lying in the ice coffin.

The girl has a face that is different from that of a woman in the Central Plains of Daxia, with a tall nose and a deep outline of the eyes, which undoubtedly represent her past origins.

"Really a beautiful Xuemin sister."

After Pearl’s admiration fell, her eyes continued to look at the figure lying quietly in the ice coffin lying in front of him, then his complexion changed slightly, and he spoke directly:

"Your Excellency, if I am not mistaken, this, this girl, has no vitality."

"You are right, her vitality has completely dissipated a few years ago, and even the soul has been completely drawn out of the body."

Liang Po's voice fell, and the color of horror on the pearl face became thicker, and then Liang Po did not speak any more, stretched out his hand, held the ice crystal coffin in front of him, and lifted the extremely heavy ice coffin easily, and extremely gentle Lift out of the carriage.

It wasn't until the ice coffin was lifted out of the carriage that the girl Pearl felt an extremely piercing chill on her face.

Then Pearl stepped back, watching Liang Po carrying the coffin of ice crystals, step by step towards a platform on the top of the mountain.

For this short distance, the beam did not break away quickly, as if the ice coffin in his hand had infinite weight.

After tens of breaths, Liang Po walked to the highest point of the Hengduan Mountains, but he did not directly put down the ice coffin, but stood proudly in place, letting the rain beat the black robe on his body. At this moment, he seemed to be completely integrated with the earth below him, and he did not distinguish between each other.

At the next breath, Liang Po lowered his head and looked at the snowman girl lying quietly inside the ice coffin. A faint voice came out:

"Anyway, today is the final conclusion."

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