The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2170: Tea Shed Murder

"Since our central government went to the country to establish the country, our Long Court has always been the core institution of the entire country, especially in dealing with high-level monks."

Inside the tea stall in the corner of Shangguo Tangdu, the middle-aged monk Longting’s extremely dissatisfied voice continued to sound. Then the middle-aged man in the Longting robe leaned forward with a loud voice again. Rumor:

"But now everything has changed. Look how long it has been since the return of the Three Highnesses. Among all the monks in Longting, including the court master, none of them have been ordered. Little Fairy Garden."

After he finished speaking, the man raised his head abruptly, staring at the second prince Yin Wu, who was sitting on top of the main seat, and then said:

"Second Your Highness, you should understand the importance of the Longting inheritance to our central government. When the old monarch was here, Wu Longting was the sharpest knife. Now the whole knife is thrown aside. Destroy!"

The words that rang out in the mouth of the Brother Longting at this time contained a little sadness and unwillingness, and then the second prince Yin Wu, who had a stubble face and was much more mature than before, did not respond directly, but reached out and held it. The bowl of steaming sweet tea in front of you, put it to your mouth and take a sip.

After this bite, the whole bowl of sweet tea was lost by half, and then Wu Jiang put down the bowl in his hand, and a faint inquiring sound came out:

"Then tell the prince, what is the reason why you think such a situation happened?"

As soon as this question came out, the few Longting monks around who were just about to speak were immediately stunned, and they couldn't say anything. In the end, the middle-aged monk who spoke at the beginning, his face turned horizontally, and he said directly:

"Since the Second Highness asked directly, Ben Xiu is not afraid of offending people. The worst is just a life. The saint court monk's swords and fires have come over, and Ben Xiu is not afraid of death."

After speaking, the face of this monk Longting showed a strong cold and harsh expression, and the voice came out:

"Second Your Highness, the next official believes that the culprit who caused the current Third Highness to ruin the Chao Gang and ignore the Long Ting is the so-called Nine Heavens Profound Girl!"

As soon as the words Nine Heavens Profound Girl came out, all the people around who heard the words suddenly changed their complexions, and the rest of the Dragon Court monks hurriedly turned their heads and opened their mouths and let out an exclamation:

"Master Li, speak carefully."

"Do you think there is a problem with what Ben Xiu said?"

The dissuasion of the surrounding colleagues did not stop the monk Longting who had spoken before. The latter had already been completely ruthless, and once again spoke coldly:

"The times have changed a long time ago. The ancient fairy court has collapsed for so long, and a so-called Profound Girl who did not know the origin and only appeared in the legend, I don’t know how to use it to fascinate the mind of your Highness. To build a Little Fairy Garden of Rao Shizi, and to dominate our Dragon Ting’s head, this Xiu is the first one to not agree!"

This word was firm and decisive, but he didn't know that he heard all the tea shopkeepers not far away, and there was another violent tremor in his hands, and he almost shook all the tea sets in front of him.

Afterwards, the middle-aged shopkeeper finally grasped the tea set again, and then listened to the sound of the second prince Yin Wu's voice, rolling up:

"The prince thinks Mr. Li's words are reasonable, so after drinking this cup of tea, he takes you to the palace and kills the mysterious girl!"

This violent killing made the middle-aged shopkeeper couldn't hold back his emotions anymore. With a bang, he dropped the tea set in his hand on the tabletop, and then not far away, General Yin drank the sweet tea in his hand and raised his hand. He touched his mouth and got up slowly.

It is worthy of the name of a taker, and believes that as long as one kills the word, all problems can be solved.

Then the second prince, who was standing upright, turned his eyes to the swaying wind and rain outside the shed. The killing intent on his face became thicker and more violent, and even inside his burly body, it seemed to spread out. There were fierce dragon roars.

At the next breath, the second prince Yin Wu, who was about to step forward, was about to rush towards the Tangdu Palace like a crazy dragon, but stopped and looked outside with sharp eyes.

At the same time, following Yin Wu's gaze, on the street outside the tea shed, within the wind and rain, a young woman carrying a long sword appeared.

The woman's breath was a little messy, and on the trembling right hand, there was even a wisp of blood flowing down, it was obvious that she had just experienced a big battle.

The pouring rain above the sky rushed down, drenching the sword-backed woman's entire body. The rain flowed down her hair. Before it hit the ground, she was completely torn by strands of sword energy that appeared out of thin air. Chengfen.

At the next breath, the sword-backed woman walking towards the tea shed in the heavy rain, and after seeing the second prince and the others in the tea shed, she was taken aback. After hesitating for a moment, she continued to move forward and walked into the shed.

Then the woman who walked completely into the shed came to a corner and sat down, her red lips lightly opened, and her mouth opened and said:

"Shopkeeper, come here with a bowl of sweet tea, it's better to be piping hot."

As the voice fell, the woman raised her hand to cover her mouth, and suddenly coughed violently. The momentum above her body was also shocked, just like a bottle that was already full of cracks, which might be completely broken into pieces in the next breath.

It is worth mentioning that a few small swords are embroidered on the robe of this woman, which represents the identity of the former. Not far away, a monk in Longting, who looks suspicious, watched and sat down. The woman's voice came out:

"Why did this cultivator of the Baolian Sword Sect endure such a big battle in Tangdu? And looking at the sword robe on this disciple, I'm afraid it is of extremely high status."

This question fell, and the eyes of another middle-aged monk Longting around him narrowed. After a short period of thought, his face became more and more ugly, and his voice came out:

"Everyone, when our Brother Longting asked this question in Tangdu, we were undoubtedly hitting ourselves in the face, and it was a slap.

"You must know that in the past, the handling of these relations with external monks was one of Wu Longting's responsibilities, but now, a core monk of the Baolian Sword Ground has been seriously injured and appeared in front of us. I am still waiting. Mists, this is simply a shame!"

When this monk surnamed Longting Li said this, the hearts of the surrounding people were directly stunned. The few people present were not ignorant people, and naturally heard the deep meaning behind the former's words.

Then the second prince Yin Wu, whose breath surged more and more in his body, raised his hands and squeezed it lightly, and there was a crackling sound like firecrackers between the bones, and then he opened his mouth and uttered three words:

"Little Fairy Garden?"

As soon as these three words came out, the air in the canopy's void suddenly began to change drastically, followed by a strong and indifferent aura that swept across the ground without any scruples.

At the same time, on the streets around the canopy, one after another extremely vague figures appeared directly under the heavy rain.

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