The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2175: Eight months

"Boom boom boom."

A rhythmic sound rang in the ears, and at the same time, in the gradual recovery of the induction, the whole body was also moving at a slow speed.

Then, in the seemingly endless darkness, a sharp pain came directly, but this sharp pain did not come from the body, but from the soul that was torn apart because of the forcible use of magical powers.

For a monk who absorbs the power of heaven and earth to strengthen his body, physical wounds are still easy to heal. What is really difficult to heal is the wounds within the soul. Therefore, the female sword Xiu Fanxing groaned with pain for a while. Once again fell into a coma.

But being able to wake up again means that Fanxing can be said to have escaped from the vortex of eternal darkness, and it may only be a matter of time before the next full recovery of consciousness.

After an unknown period of time, the sword species that symbolized the power of origin in the sea of ​​starry consciousness suddenly began to beat and flicker, and then its spiritual sense began to fully return, and began to control and sense the entire body.

The scenes that happened immediately before began to flash across the starry sea of ​​consciousness.

The palm-sized scroll, the extremely mysterious silver light that rose to the sky after being torn apart, and the void around him that suddenly became transparent and faded.

At the next breath, Fanxing suddenly opened her eyes. After a very brief trance, her pupils shrank severely, and she sat up directly, stretching her hand behind her back, subconsciously trying to hold the hilt behind her, but she grabbed one. null.

"My sword is broken."

Only then did Fanxing remember that the broad sword he had been using was completely shattered when he used the Thunder and Fire Double Lotus Sword on the streets of Tangdu. He opened his mouth and let out a slightly lonely whisper.

This whisper fell, and a burst of extremely turbulent pain swept through the depths of the soul again, and then Fan Xing stretched out his right hand, covering his forehead, and began to mobilize the Qi machine in his body to absorb the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth.

In the next breath, a very surprised scene of the Baolian swordland master sister appeared directly. All the pores on her body were all opened outward, and she began to greedily swallow the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, and at the same time in her own body. All the serious injuries he had received turned out to be better.

"My injuries are all healed?"

After this incredible voice came out of Fan Xing's mouth, Fan Xing raised his head and found himself in a relatively spacious room.

But obviously, this room is moving forward and rushing, and the road below is not smooth, but extremely bumpy, and then Fanxing’s pretty face was taken aback, because of a blast of singing, from nowhere outside the door, and into the ear:

"Green mountains and plains are full of rivers, and the sound of Zigui is like rain."

This singing voice is extremely young and heroic. Although it does not have the vicissitudes of old people's sighs, it has a special flavor. Then, after absorbing some of the stars after the heaven and earth vitality, he no longer hesitated, stood up inside the house, stepped out, stretched out and pushed away not far. Door.

Just as he was about to push the car door, another extremely young voice came immediately:

"Master Wang, you don't sing this tune very well, but it is a bit of a literary charm."

"The little prince doesn't understand it. We sing this, not here, but the vast land of China in China."

The words Da Xia rang, directly causing the still somewhat tranced Fan Xing's mind to violently shook, hurriedly pushed open the door in front of him, raised his eyes, and wanted to see the specific appearance of Da Xia.

But soon, a deep look of disappointment made it easy for the sword repair eyes of this Baolian sword to appear, because what appeared in front of his line of sight was not the green grass that the young voice sang before, everywhere. Good land, but an extremely barren scene.

In the sight of the stars, the torrential rain that had fallen for more than a year is still falling, and the extremely gloomy sky is like a gray and black beast that is crushed down. At the same time, the cold temperature and the freezing cold wind, Fill the mouth and nose, with tingling.

Then Fanxing gradually focused his pupils and began to observe the specific situation around him. Then his face was taken aback, and there was still a hint of surprise.

Because at this time, she is standing on the back of a big camel beast that is stepping forward. This camel beast is not small in size, just like a hill rushing forward quickly, and at the same time, the camel beast's relatively flat back is built up. A continuous building.

Fanxing is no stranger to this kind of camel beast, because whether it is from the Baolian Sword Ground or the foggy mountains and seas to cross into the core of the Taixuan, this extremely precious camel beast is needed as a means of transportation.

Although the use of camel beasts as a way to travel long distances is not as swift as the Tianyun Temple travels to Tianweng, but the creatures who step on the earth always lack some sense of security on the sky, so many people prefer to sit. With the camel beast, rushing on the earth.

The big camel beast where Fanxing is located is extraordinarily huge, so even if the former is not standing on the edge, you can clearly see the muddy ground below.

Not only the ground that has been soaked in rain for more than a year, but also the looming mountains on both sides under the dark sky, all means that it has not left this core place of Taixuan Central Plains.

"It is still the breath and taste of this core place. It seems that what I saw before comatose may be an illusion."

After a soft whisper came from Fanxing’s mouth, a small-looking girl suddenly appeared next to the former, and then a voice of surprise sounded:

"Girl, God, you really woke up."

As soon as this voice came out, Fanxing turned his head and looked at the girl in front of him who was not tall and looked rather ordinary, frowned slightly, and asked:

"Excuse me, are you?"

"Me? Yes, girl, you have been in a coma. It is not surprising that you don't remember me."

After speaking, the petite girl raised her mouth, revealing a bright smile, and continued to speak crisply:

"My name is Aman. Although the girl does not recognize me, I am very familiar with the girl, because I was taking care of the girl during the time you were in a coma."

"Thanks a lot."

A very grateful expression appeared on Fan Xing's face, and after a moment of indulgence, he asked:

"Aman, why am I on this big camel beast? Because after I was in a coma, I don't remember exactly what happened."

"How the girl got to this camel beast, Aman is not sure, but don't worry, you will be extremely safe here, because we are the Crescent Chamber of Commerce under Daxia."

This response sounded into Fan Xing's ears, and the face of this determined female sword repairer changed directly. This emotion was extremely complicated, as if she saw the dawn in the endless darkness.

After a few breaths, Fanxing calmed down, and then asked:

"Then Aman, I just started to fall into a coma at this time, how long has it been since?"

"How long? Then I have to think about it."

A man's face showed a little thoughtful color, which made Fanxing's heart sink subconsciously, only to feel bad. Sure enough, the next breath, after thinking about it, A Man opened his mouth and spit out:

"The girl has been in a coma for a long time. It has been almost eight months now!"

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