In the heavy rain at night, the big camel beast stepped forward, and in the deep darkness, the billowing night was rolling to an unprecedented degree.

Then, above the void, there was an extraordinarily deep night, like a ghost in the darkness, moving silently in the volley. After a few breaths, the night stayed in front of a sword-backed girl, and at the same time a faint voice sounded:

"Miss Jiansheng, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your cultivation base is so enviable."

After the words that came out in the darkness fell, Jiansheng, who was originally in deep thought, moved his eyes, raised his head, and responded:

"Master Ye, I haven't seen you in a few years, I can meet you tonight."

In Jiansheng's words, there was a slight color of surprise, and then the darkness in the corridor in front of him undulated more violently, and finally a dark outline appeared, which was a pair of infinitely terrifying and hideous wings.

After an instant, the wings of the night demon tightened inward, and a slender figure shrouded in a black robe condensed in the rolling darkness. Then Ye Yi raised his hand and took off the nightmare robes, revealing A very pale face.

There was a smile on Ye Yi's face, and the gaze watching Jiansheng in front of him was gentle, and then the voice of inquiry sounded again in the darkness:

"Girl Swordsman, it seems that you are very fond of the female swordsman who almost broke the Dao Sword, and you even did not hesitate to personally consolidate her swordsmanship."

"Ya Si Cheng, I actually didn't think too much, or that this is a kind of intuition from Jianxin in my body."

Jiansheng's response sounded calmly, and then he stood up straight, and his voice continued:

"Perhaps because they are both sword repairmen and have had the same situation. Therefore, under the inheritance of swordsmanship, they have developed some compassion. On the other hand, I always feel that there is something else behind the extinction of the Baolian sword field. Hidden, so I want to help that girl."

"The world's cause and effect, one drink and one peck, for monks, sometimes intuition is the best judgment, but we people, we still have to use evidence to speak.

"Therefore, during this period of time, the Secretary Cheng was ordered to investigate the truth of the extinction of the Baolian Sword Land, but he really found some clues and other secrets."

After speaking, Jian Sheng raised his brows and his voice came out:

"Are those ancient immortals?"

"Yes, to be precise, it is the so-called ancient sword fairy."

As soon as the words of Ancient Jianxian came out, Jian Sheng's originally stable eyes immediately began to fluctuate violently, and even behind this fluctuation, a very strong fighting spirit appeared.

"It turns out that there really was a sword fairy in the fairy palace era?"

This murmur fell, and in the darkness of the night, the body became more solid, Ye Yi raised his hand to the front and waved, the darkness in front of him began to roll, and they condensed into a very simple Tai Xuan land. map.

At the next breath, Ye Yi continued to raise his hand, facing a little bit in front of him, and the voice came out:

"In the past year, the dramatic changes in the pattern of the entire Taixuan Land have surpassed everyone's imagination, whether it was the torrential rain that caused Taixuan Land to be located in Heze, or because of the power of Qixian, the ancients that began to continuously recover. The immortals have changed the direction of the whole world chess game.

"Especially those so-called immortals, after a short period of dormancy, they began to make continuous moves, destroying one local power after another, and even hitting Wu Daxia."

"So your Majesty was furious, swung his army south, and began to culminate these ancient immortals."

In the words of Jiansheng's opening, there is infinite iron and blood and evil spirits. It is true that in these eight months, Daxia's taboos, including Jiansheng at this time, have been contaminated in their hands. How much the so-called blood of ancient immortals.

"Yes, Miss Jiansheng, Your Majesty has already known the undercurrents hidden under the rain of enlightenment, so he ordered the entire military aircraft department to conduct a large-scale exercise in conjunction with the map of mountains and seas. At the same time, he mobilized the army to go south and began to calm down the ancient fairy people. Coming riots.

"Especially the Southern Longevity series that had previously dealt with Wu Daxia, it was almost uprooted, but the entire Taixuan Land is really too big. If those ancient immortals want to hide, even Wu Daxia has ancient stone statues. The tower’s undisturbed power cannot be completely killed."

After speaking, Ye Yi's eyes showed a very solemn color, a steady and young voice, and continued to speak:

"In the past eight months, we have culled thousands of ancient immortals in the Taixuan Land, but this is far from enough. We want to completely wipe these ancient immortals from the entire Taixuan Land. Unless my country extends its territory downwards and directly crosses the Yuanchuan, occupying the entire Taixuan land."

Ye Yi’s words were too shocking to the world. Even if it was a Jiansheng, his pupils swelled and shrank. Then even looking at Ye Yi in front of him, he shook his head and continued to speak:

"Of course, the full occupation of the entire Taixuan land is temporarily beyond the consideration of the entire court. Therefore, the key to breaking the game is to know what these ancient immortals, or some ancient immortals, are going to do."

After Ye Yi finished speaking, she turned her body slightly and looked at the darkness that was still undulating and turbulent like a tide ahead. Through her eyes, it seemed that she could see the Tangdu, which has become more and more mysterious in recent days.

After a few breaths, staring at Ye Yi ahead, he continued to speak:

"For the purpose of these ancient immortals, Daxia's various ministries have spared no effort to explore during this period, and My Nightmare Division has also discovered an extremely important law."

After speaking, Ye Yi stretched out his right hand and pointed to the dark and tumbling depths in front of him. Words by words came out:

"All the ancient immortals will be summoned by a voice in Tangdu after their recovery. At the beginning, some immortals will choose to ignore them and find a hidden place to restore their cultivation.

"But with the passage of time, the power of this voice has become stronger and stronger. It is so strong that most of the immortals can no longer ignore it. Instead, they rushed to this soup city through various means.

"More importantly, as long as you enter Tangdu, you will not be able to come out. Therefore, there are not many ancient immortals who can still stay in the Taixuan Land.

"In other words, almost all the ancient immortals have gathered in Tangdu, and Tangdu, the purpose of our trip, is the place to finally solve the mystery!"

Ye Yi's words were firm, and after the voice fell, the former took out a token engraved with a flying phoenix from his arms, and the voice continued:

"Just now, all the officials of the second rank and above in Daxia received the order for the soaring of the gods and phoenixes from the White Emperor's Palace, and this token represents the chill, girl swordsman, should you understand? "

After the question fell, Jiansheng nodded solemnly, his red lips lightly opened, and he uttered:

"I understand naturally, God's phoenix soars, your majesty will personally ask for it!"

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