If there is only one last look in your life, where would you choose to look?

Perhaps most creatures don't need to face such a choice, but at this time, Yin Wen, the second prince of the Central Kingdom, chose to look at Tangdu in front of him for the last time.

Inside the Jinluan Temple in Tangdu, the dazzling blood marks started from under the deepest steps of the Jinluan Temple and extended all the way. Within the blood marks, every time Yin Wen moved a little bit of his body, he could get closer to the outside of the temple.

However, on the next breath, a painful snorting sounded easily in Yin Wen's mouth, and along with this snoring, there was also blood that could not be restrained in the former's mouth.

At the same time, this mouthful of blood, as if completely taking away the last trace of Yin Wu's strength, stopped his forward figure.

The half-hidden door outside the Jinluan Temple was clearly in front of him, but the young man lying on the ground could no longer take a step forward. How desperate it was, and then Yin Wen let out a sigh.

In the sigh, there is infinite sorrow.

His life is actually very simple, with books all day long, but perhaps by fate, his life will not always be so simple.

After an instant, outside the Golden Temple, a figure with the same disheveled hair appeared suddenly, or that figure, as if climbing directly on the ground, at the same time the latter saw Yin Wen lying at the gate of the Golden Temple. He opened his mouth and let out a mournful cry:

"Second brother, second brother, how can you be like this, how can you be like this!"

Accompanied by this sorrowful cry, the visitors rushed into the hall, and even because they were too anxious, they stumbled and fell directly to the ground. After a few laps on the ground, they climbed up again. , Using both hands and feet, rushed to the side of Yin Wen whose pupils began to shrink and hugged the latter.

"Second brother, you are the crown prince of our central government, and the beloved king of all the people. There must be nothing wrong with you. Wake up and wake up soon."

Perhaps it was the shouting of the silhouette that had the effect. Yin Wen, who was originally ailing, actually opened his eyes after a few breaths, and then on the latter’s pale golden pupils, it seemed to reflect a similarly embarrassed one. Face.

"It turned out to be Xiao eighteen."

The muttering voice came from Yin Wen's mouth. The voice had not yet fallen. The violent cough, accompanied by blood, came out of the former's mouth. Then the eighteenth prince who followed Yin Wen after urinating, shook his head while shaking his head. He lifted the second prince in his arms hard, and kept muttering:

"Second emperor brother, please don't talk, I will take you to the imperial physician. Finding the imperial physician to ask for Long Yuan, who was left by the former emperor, will surely restore you to the original state and regain control of the central government."

"Little Eighteen, don't waste your efforts, Long Yuan can't save my life."

As soon as the eighteenth prince’s words fell, the response from Yin Wen immediately sounded. After speaking, the latter coughed again. At the same time, at the entrance of the hall, the eighteenth prince holding Yin Wen, his eyes were again A burst of pain emerged.

At the next breath, the eighteenth prince suddenly raised his head, and the question in his mouth continued:

"Brother Second Emperor, there must be something that can save you. You can't die, pass the national jade seal, yes, that pass the national jade seal contains the most mysterious of the Yin clan, and the final details, it will definitely save you."

"Little Eighteen, I don't know where the Chuan Guoyu Seal is, even if I know it, it won't save me."

Although Yin Wen's opening speech was extremely weak, it sounded decisively, and then he slowly closed his eyes, and a deeper voice continued to be heard:

"Don't waste your efforts, take the emperor brother to the gate of the palace. I want to see this piece of land I love again."

"Yes, Brother Second Emperor."

After a few breaths, the same low and lonely voice came from the 18th prince's mouth, and then the former lifted Yin Wen in his arms and walked out of the hall step by step.

The two were not far from the main hall. After only a few steps, the eighteenth prince appeared outside the hall with Yin Wen, and then a voice from Yin Wen sounded in the ears of the former:

"Let me down."

The voice fell, and the eighteenth prince, who was also extremely weak and weak, put down Yin Wen cautiously, and at the same time let the latter sit cross-legged outside the Golden Luang Temple.

At the next breath, Yin Wen raised his head, slowly opened his eyes, and exhausted all his strength to look at Tang Du for the last time.

I saw in this eye, the entire Tangdu, as if completely under Yin Wen's eye view, that is the radiant city, it is also the supremely prosperous city.

In Xiongcheng, there are tall and sturdy buildings everywhere, and the streets are filled with endless streams of people. A large number of people of different races, based on Tangdu, have thrived for generations.

They may conflict with each other and may be separated, but it is undeniable that these people have created the prosperity and vitality of Tangdu Zengjin.


After a while, the muttering voice came from Yin Wen's mouth again, and then the eighteenth prince beside him nodded and echoed:

"Yes, Brother Erhuang, today's Tangdu has completely restored its former prosperity. Look at the towering Tongtian Pavilion over there, and there is such a fascinating fairy light, it even makes people think that they have returned to the fairyland. The palace era."

For some reason, the voice of the eighteenth prince was crying, and then his fists were clenched, so powerful that he almost pierced his fingers directly into his palms.

Then Yin Wen beside the eighteenth prince did not continue to follow the former's voice, but opened his mouth like a gossamer:

"Emperor Father was still thinking about getting rid of the holy court above his head, but neglected to make Tangdu greater. When he was walking through the streets and alleys of Tangdu with Grandpa Fu, he was always enthusiastic. Talking that the street in Tangdu could be neater, the house was built too fancy.

"If living beings are fleeting visitors from heaven and earth, then the city is the resident of the times. Tang Du has no idea how many years it has stood in the land of Taixuan. It is so beautiful and ruined by you and my generation. What a pity in my hands."

After Yin Wen's words fell, the eighteenth prince beside him trembled more severely, silently bowed his head and remained silent.

Then after finishing speaking, Yin Wen paused for a few breaths, his godless gaze continued to stare at Tangdu Great City outside the Jinluan Temple in front of him, and his words continued to sound:

"Eighteen, Brother Three Emperors will tell you one more thing in the end, my generation, you can lose, but you must never give in."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Shiba couldn't suppress it anymore, and a lot of tears poured out from his eyes. He directly knelt on his knees, lowered his head, and cried bitterly:

"Brother Sanhuang, I was wrong. Eighteen was really wrong."

After the eighteenth prince finished speaking, he raised his head and looked forward, and the Tangdu in front of him was as prosperous and splendid as Yin Wen had said, already **** and devastated, it was comparable to the purgatory on earth.

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