The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2197: Block the Void

"Fuck, click."

Standing on the Shenmu platform, Fanxing only felt that his surroundings changed drastically and changed infinitely, and then he was directly in an extremely unfamiliar area.

It was a vast expanse of lake, and at the same time drop after drop of rain fell from the top of the head and landed on the lake surface, making waves of light noises.

Then the stars who recovered from the trance, stretched out their hands and tried to catch the rain on the lake, but their eyes were fixed, because the rain that had originally been imagined fell on the hands and turned into A small sword with a handle outside.

After this small sword fell on the palm of the hand, it directly turned into a bubble and dissipated. After an instant, a very unusual sound came out from the bottom of the lake again:


As soon as the voice came out, the stars lowered their heads and looked down. The horror in their eyes became more and more dense. Because the large lake under the female sword pedicure, countless swords began to float up at the same time, and the entire lake began to be extremely violent. Ups and downs, shaking, and boiling.

"Sword, are all swords underneath?"

An incredible murmur sounded in Fanxing’s mouth again, and then the female swordsman stepped back, suddenly raised her head, looked around, and saw that all she could see was a densely packed, various sword shadows. Rising above the boiling lake.

That's a billion-handed sword!

"Blade, storm!"

A young female voice rang directly in Fanxing's ears, and with this voice as a command, this world of countless swords suddenly began to burst out completely.

After an instant, in front of Fanxing, the first sword began to burst out of the lake and went straight into the sky above, followed by ten, one hundred, ten thousand, one hundred million, countless, and then the mighty torrent of swords, in an instant It completely fills the entire line of sight in front of Fanxing.

That is the sword Xiu Fanxing, the sword that I have seen the most in my life!

Then these countless sharp swords shattered the lake world she was in, turned into a billowing storm, rushing above the void, and at the same time the entire upper sky began to brighten, and the violent blue dragon sword claws above appeared in Fanxing’s eyes again. inside.

At this moment, the female Jianxiu Fanxing's thoughts returned to the body again, and at this moment, her sword heart no longer shattered and trembled, but a strong light of the wings burst out.

Because she saw kendo, kendo that was not completely dead!

After an instant, the entire void outside the soup city, an extremely harsh sword whistling sound, blasted from the deepest part of the void, and then the space within everyone's line of sight, directly fluctuating and undulating like the surface of a lake, and began to violently twist.

"Sword will never die!"

The next breath, accompanied by the shout of Fan Xing, the void before the Nanban Shenmu was completely shattered in an instant, and every inch of the shattered void was a sword.

In just a moment, these dense, infinite number of blades turned into clouds, turned into seas, turned into earth-shaking storms of cold light!

As soon as the storm came out, as the ancient sword repairer Qinglong Qisu, he immediately felt the tremors belonging to the deepest part of his soul, as well as the sorrows of the swords of the stars all over his body, and he roared together:

"not good!"

This high roar fell slightly, and before the seven ancient sword immortals could react, the long swords in their hands were shattered at the same time, and even the sword power of the whole body was completely stripped by the storm that struck from below.

After a while, the storm of sword blades that covered the sky and the sun completely swallowed these seven ancient sword repairs, and even the original invincible sword claws of the Azure Dragon were directly crushed, just like the scum that was eaten by countless ants. The remaining behemoth.

"If you land, you must land, or you will definitely die!"

In the moment, the strongest cultivation realm of the Seven Swords, True Monarch Kang Jin made a weird cry, cast a magic technique to make his whole body smash into the ground below like a shooting star, but obviously, the sound of his opening was still One step too late.

At almost the same time, the sword blade storm continued to rush forward, sweeping the six ancient sword immortals in front of them, and spreading outwards, allowing Tangdu to perform immortal arts outside Tangdu. The remaining ancient astrology immortals who had just rushed out were also strangely called Lianlian. Extending his figure, he fell rapidly toward the ground.


In the next moment, the blade storm made a loud noise in the universe surrounding Tangdu with no fancy impact.

After that, many ancient immortals who smashed on the ground, after rolling on the ground, suddenly supported their bodies, but looking at the violently trembling world around the sky behind, the twenty-eight stars lit up like burning before. Among the stars, a full six were completely extinguished in an instant.

Above the universe, each extinguished star represents the complete death of a constellation immortal. At this time, six directly extinguished in an instant, the meaning behind it is self-evident.

This means that the so-called Azure Dragon Qisu Sword Immortal, in an instant, was directly obliterated six of them!

"Damn, damn!"

In the next second, True Monarch Kang Jin, who smashed his entire body on the ground, raised his eyes to the sky and let out an extremely stern roar. One can imagine his anger and sorrow, because the entire Azure Dragon Seven Suspensions now only left him alone.

At the same time, on the city wall of Tangdu, due to the violent impact of the sword blade storm, the white tiger seven-stay immortal headed by King Kuimu was also shocked back and slammed on the city wall of Tangdu behind. , Immediately stabilized his body shape, all of them changed their colors frantically, and blurted out:

"This storm of swords has actually retreated?"

When the voice fell, it looked at the countless swords that had previously impacted on the universe of stars. Before the second wave of sword tides impacted, they all stopped in an instant.

This whole billions of swords went from extremely violent to quiet as a virgin in an instant. This sudden change gave people an extremely unreality, just like the previous storm of swords that destroyed the world and destroyed the earth. illusion.

But in the next moment, everyone understood that this was not an illusion, and saw the countless swords hovering above the Tangdu Void, under Jiansheng's will, and at the same time withdrew back.

Immediately after this mighty sword blade storm, it did not continue to bombard the Tangdu Huanyu Star Array in front of him, but rather like slaying Wushuang's thousands of troops, cruising through the void and blocking everything.

The only thing Jiansheng had to do at this time was to use the storm of swords that would destroy everything to block the entire Tangduxu, making it an exquisite territory!

"Locked, really sealed the void!"

The next breath, accompanied by the exclamation of the female sword Xiu Fanxing, the countless swords that almost completely occupied the entire void sky, all turned their sharp edges, pointing at the dozens of ancient immortals below.

Ling Yu's incomparable murderous intent poured down in an instant, making these ancient immortals scalp numb, and at the same time, their feet were as if nailed to the ground, no longer dared to soar into the sky!

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