The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2214: Conquered is the star void

As the saying goes, when you fight your brothers, you will fight father and son soldiers.

Although many sergeants in the Great Xia Army have fateful friendships with each other, it is not common for the father and son to join together in a squad performing life and death tasks.

Because once both are killed in battle, it is undoubtedly a complete destruction of a family. This is also a point that the military department needs to consider carefully when arranging tasks.

But at this time, on the battlefield where the iron and blood was tumbling and the earth was shaking, Ao Bai and the others, whose nerves were strained to the extreme, had no time to think too much. Then the former retracted his mind and looked up, trying to see clearly how far the forward troops were advancing.

This is extremely important for the sergeants of the Breaking Formation Division, because once the forward force advances 30 miles outside Tangdu City, it means that they will rush into the big formation as soon as possible.

"Brother Guan, this frontline unit should be fifty miles away from Tangdu at this time?"

Because above the void, Tianhui Jun Jiangyue and Kaiyang Xianjun are still blasting frantically. The destructive power pouring outwards blasted a large area of ​​the void into extremely vague and fragmented ripples, so that it is difficult for Ao Bai to accurately. Judge the distance.

Next to Ao Bai, Guan Shanbei, who also looked forward with his head up, raised his hand among the flying messengers flying to the side, took out a piece of battlefield intelligence, glanced at it, and said:

"The latest news. At this time, the forward force is just fifty miles away from Tangdu, and the information of the commander will be reported every five miles. With the speed of the black scale warhorse under us, it is completely possible to reach the destination before the forward force arrives. ."

"That's coming soon!"

After Guan Shanbei's words fell, Ao Bai's voice sounded immediately, and then he raised his hand to support the long sword behind him, gazing at the front with a divine look, and the battle intent within his body soared in a straight line.

After dozens of breaths of time, Ao Bai’s line, which is madly advancing among thousands of troops and horses, began to get closer and closer to the front line. At this time, every step forward, even if the front line belongs to Da Xia. The ten-sided barriers of the Shield Armored Army are still standing steadily and proudly, and the sense of oppression from the front is getting more and more, as if they are rushing towards an extremely powerful and violent storm tornado.

‘Everyone, slow down, fix, and start making final preparations! ’

After the sonorous voices from the various commanders of the Breaking Formation Division fell, the speed of each team suddenly slowed down, as if from the original violent arrow, it became a state of being slowly drawing a bow.

Between this static movement, it was undoubtedly extremely shocking from the perspective of the high platform of the gods of the war in the rear. At the same time, the figures standing on these platforms were completely in an excellent view to see the entire Daxia Military Department’s The mobilization of the army.

Then Li Chunfeng, who was standing on the edge of the platform where Jin Yuanbao and Fanxing were located, put on his battle armor, raised his hand and patted Jin Dashao, who was almost in sluggishness next to him, and the old voice came out:

"How about, little fat man, can you still understand the arrangement of our new coach in Daxia?"

As soon as this question came out, the gold ingot took a deep breath, shook his head, and said directly:

"Father, if you are asking, if I can understand, let's go to the Ministry of War as a errand, and the role of this army, the boy is also blackened."

"Your kid's head has grown so big."

After Li Chunfeng's smiling voice fell, he just wanted to continue to speak, he listened to the thinking female sword Xiu Fanxing, suddenly red lips lightly opened, and said:

"Father, the little girl has some understanding of her own, but she doesn't know if she is right."

After Fanxing's non-heavy voice fell, Li Chunfeng's eyes lit up, and a slightly raised voice came out:

"Little girl, let's just talk and listen."

"Master, the little girl looks at the posture spread by the entire army below, it can be said to be like a running war machine, interlocking, and at the same time, although the various army formations are constantly moving, they always keep in touch with each other in the formation. And you see, within the formations of the various armies, for every distance between them, there is a passage leading directly to the front."

As the voice fell, Fan Xing stretched out his right hand, pointed to one of the vacant straight roads in the army formation below, and continued to speak:

"Master, these dense straights, my understanding is equivalent to the blood vessels in our living beings, and the life channel of the entire battlefield. They are responsible for supplying, treating, and retreating the wounded. At the same time, they also provide for the interspersing and marching of other combat troops. It’s a straight path."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Chunfeng nodded with great satisfaction and opened his mouth and said:

"The little girl is very good, but she understands the role of our Daxia army. Of course, this army is extremely important. It can be said to be advancing, retreating and defensive, but this is only part of the battle. There are too many doors, old man. I will not be able to tell you fully for a while."

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, the solemn star beside him nodded very seriously, then he pondered for a few breaths, as if he was hesitating, but finally opened his mouth and said:

"Master, there is another point of view. The little girl doesn't know if it's right, maybe this is just my feeling."

As the voice fell, Fan Xing continued to speak under Li Chunfeng and a few people around with a little doubtful gaze:

"Although the little girl has never experienced such a magnificent war scene in this life, perhaps this earth-shaking battle is rarely seen in the entire Taixuan Land, but based on the superficial insights below, if she only wants to break the soup The big formation outside the capital shouldn't need to spread out such a grand formation.

"Because siege wars require both offensive and defensive warfare, but they still pay attention to the strategy of attacking fortifications or siege. However, the layout of the battlefield below us is not just that, it looks more like a frontal battle."

After speaking, Fan Xing's face showed a little anxiety, and he spoke again:

"This is also where I am puzzled by the juniors, because the spread of the battle is too Hongda, as if it was not prepared for the soup city in front of you!"

As soon as this word came out, the platform where the few people were on suddenly became extremely quiet. After a few breaths, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, who had a solemn face, suddenly showed a smile on his face. The voice came out:

"You little girl is really good. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can cultivate it."

As the words fell, Xu Sheng stepped forward slowly, gazing at the forefront of the battlefield, increasingly towards the forward troops approaching Tangdu, bringing an extremely domineering and majestic voice, and rolling out again:

"Little girl, you have to know that a Tangdu may be extremely old and powerful in the eyes of the creatures in the Supreme Profound Land, but in my Daxia's eyes, is it worthy of all my troops?

"So this time we have a sharp blade out of the sheath and the whole army will attack. This goal, naturally, is it a mere soup city that we want to conquer, but the stars are void!"

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