The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2218: Break the first weight

Darkness is surrounded by endless darkness, and this darkness is like you are in a starry sky that has been dead for countless years.

There is no light, cold and numbness, and even the passing of time in the whole body becomes dispensable.

This is a dark void that is not known many years ago from the Taixuan Land, and it is also the interior of this ancient universe of stars.

In the next breath, in the darkness that hadn't been stepped in for countless years, there were wisps of very strange fluctuations suddenly, and then a strong voice sounded directly:

"Broken Division Division, report the number!"

After this question fell, the next breath, a series of young responses sounded directly:

"Guan Shanbei, here."

"Ao Bai, here."

"Aofu, here."

"Qi Dong, here."

After another breath of time, when the hearts of everyone in this squad of the Destroyer Division began to hang, a soft female voice finally sounded:

"Zhijuan, here."

"Well, you guys, determine the surrounding situation and see if there is any danger."

Qi Bin, the partial general of the Rage Beast Army, who has extremely rich combat experience, knew the urgency of the battle to break the formation, so he didn't have any extra words, and directly issued a second instruction.

Before the words fell, a red glow burst into the darkness, and then formed a red circle, which spread out loudly. The red glow spread extremely fast and disappeared to the end of the darkness in an instant. At the same time, it came from the young captain Xiaoqi. The voice came out:

"Returning to the commander, the ring of will spread outward without colliding with any objects. There should be endless void around, and no danger has been found for the time being."

"If this is the case, then start Akashi!"

After Qi Bin's third command was delivered, a bright stone was directly taken out, and then a ray of light suddenly lit up in the darkness, just like a white flame that suddenly burned in the boundless black tide.

Under the light of Akashi, several people performing the task appeared, but although the Akashi carried by Ao Bai and others on the march was the best among Akashi, it still looked extremely small in the endless dark starry sky.

Then Aofu, who was on the left side of the formation, looked around and heard a young voice:

"I'm waiting for this time, it should be a deserted ancient void. Although I don't know how wide it is, but fortunately there are no enemy ancient immortals."

Ao Fu's words fell, and Zhi Juan, who was firmly guarded in the center, gave a soft voice after thinking a little with her white face:

"This is the first change in this cosmic Zhoutian Great Formation. With the ultimate power of space, a part of the dying ancient void was moved abruptly and contained within the formation.

"This major change was called Fangcun Void in our expectations before breaking the battle."

After Zhijuan’s words fell, the dignified color on the faces of everyone around him faded, because the Daxia sergeants at this time had full confidence in Daxia’s strength, and once the situation in front of him was expected in advance, then this It means one thing.

The cracking method is already ready.

Sure enough, at the next breath, Zhi Juan's head slightly lifted, and when she raised her hand, she took out two small objects, and gently tossed them toward the front.

What the girl threw were two paper birds waving their little wings, and at the same time, the two paper birds contained an investigating guard and a sentry guard in their mouths.

"Ethereal paper bird, come out!"

With Zhi Juan's soft drink, the extremely strong spatial power suddenly surged above the two small paper birds, directly turning into two streams of light, one after the other, rushing into the distance.

"What a profound space law."

The ethereal paper bird was like a fish swimming in the water, easily opening the ancient space around it, which made Ao Bai and others in the back subconsciously exclaimed.

Then a thought suddenly appeared in the minds of several people:

"Among the university palaces of Shenjing City, when did such a young generation who control such a profound spatial law appear?"

As soon as this thought appeared, the admiration on the faces of several people came out again, because the voice from Zhijuan in their ears immediately sounded:

"found it."

The brief words came out, and the end of everyone's sight suddenly lit up again. It was from the broad vision provided by the sentry and the investigating guards. Then, Zhi Juan stretched out her white hands and gently waved to the front.

After an instant, the space fluctuated like a stream of water, and the void around a group of people suddenly began to circulate, and although for most people, this ancient and silent void, even if it flows, is hard to feel, but if there is a reference Things, you can still feel the difference.

A moment later, Ao Bai and the others raised their brows, because the guard at the very distant post had already appeared right in front of them, which could be described as close in front of them.

What made everyone even more focused was that in the center of this sentry guard, there was an investigating guard, and around this investigating guard, there was an extremely inconspicuous spatial crack.

"The way of space is extremely vast. From ancient times to the present, it has been one of the most difficult original laws to be conquered in the world."

At the next breath, the voice from Zhijuan continued to sound in the ears of everyone, and then he paused for a while and said again:

"But one thing worth noting is that even if this universe of stars is extremely ancient and vast, it still takes the path of taking the outside world into its own body, so no matter how perfect it is, there will be some space cracks, and Because space has a strong exclusive nature, there are still many cracks."

After speaking, Zhi Juan slowly stepped forward, step by step approaching the space crack in front of which was photographed by the investigating guards, and at the same time, the voice continued to spread:

"I have to say that this big formation is really perfect, and it can control this crack to such a subtle level, but fortunately, we have a more unpredictable detection method in Daxia."

Zhi Juan's voice fell, and she also stepped forward, tightly protecting Ao Bai, who was in front of the figure. After a moment of thought, she spoke:

"Girl Zhijuan, could it be the spatial change of the formation, and there is no more mysterious means than this?"

"The formation is also one of the high and deep avenues, and it is naturally endless. If I were to lay out and design the space part of this formation, regardless of other factors, I would not intercept a part of this ancient starry sky and accommodate it in the big formation. Instead, they will directly teleport all the enemies that enter the large formation to the starry sky that is unknown many miles away, so that it will not be easy for anyone to come back."

As soon as Zhi Juan's understatement came out, several younger generations around him who heard the words suddenly felt that their cold hair was standing upright, and a chill directly rose from the depths of her heart.

At the next breath, the transparent space flames above Zhijuan's hands suddenly burned, and then the girl stretched out her hands, grabbed the space crack below, and tore it outward!

"Crack, click."

The crushing sound of the densely packed space represents an eye-popping amount of violent violence within the girl's small body. Then the entire space was completely torn apart, and then the infinite starlight suddenly rushed out from the crack.

Break the first barrier of the universe of stars!

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