The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2230: Stepping stones

"According to the commander, all the soldiers and soldiers who have entered the enemy line have been teleported and returned, and no one has been killed. However, three people were seriously injured and one was slightly injured."

On the commanding platform of the **** of war, the general responsible for going to perform the task, after the sound of a thundering sound, Wang Jing standing proudly in the forefront nodded, and a steady response came out:

"War is always accompanied by casualties. Before the start of the war, the general was awakened, but even so, I felt a sigh of relief when I was able to get the news. , There is no guarantee that there will be no accidents."

When this voice fell, a steady and powerful voice sounded directly in Wang Jing's ears:

"With My Nightmare Stodie, Marshal Wang, don't worry too much."

As the voice fell, beside Wang Jing, an extremely tall figure slowly appeared. Under the dark robe of the Night Dire Division, it seemed to contain an indescribable power of gods and demons like an abyss.

Then Wang Jing nodded, and a steady response came out:

"Little Grandpa, it is said that there are some new faces in the team of the Night Dire Division, but there are new taboos to take action?"

"Since you have obtained the power to reach the sky, naturally you have to use it to the fullest!"

Lin Xiao's resounding sound, although he did not directly answer, he already answered Wang Jing's question sideways. Then Wang Jing smiled undiminished, and raised his hand to make a standard military salute. The voice came out:

"The handsome guy would like to thank his colleagues in the Night Dire Division for their help."

"As a member of Daxia, where my Nightmare Division is responsible, the commander doesn't need to be polite. After all, this battle to reach the sky has just begun!"

As soon as Lin Xiao's stern voice came out, Wang Jing's eyes narrowed, and then he stared at the cosmopolitan array of stars that was still collapsing beyond Tangdu in front of him, opened his mouth, and the military order came out:

"According to this general order, the French Xiu Army will prepare for the Olympic Mathematics impact, and help this collapsed formation, a hand!"

As soon as this military order was issued, the entire battlefield was empty, and finally recovered a little bit of vitality. In an instant, it was completely emptied again, and then the French army formation in the Great Xia formation was another extremely dazzling day. , Rising slowly.

Compared with the previous blazing sun, the rising light in this round is blue and white. At the same time, within the shining light, the real power of the mathematics is circulating. The next breath is this round. The huge and extremely large Olympiad Day fluctuated to an unimaginable degree, and finally formed a huge and incomparable mirror.

"Olympic shock, let it go!"

The next breath, accompanied by the incomparably determined roar of the French generals, the Austrian Mathematical Mirror suspended above everyone's head shot another blue-and-white Austrian Mathematical torrent directly forward!

In an instant, the torrent of the Olympics directly traversed the entire void, and the rapidly approaching formation showed countless cracks in Tangdu. Then on the wall of Tangdu, an ancient immortal with an extremely solemn expression opened his mouth to ask. :

"Xiang Yaoguang, the star formation is shattered everywhere, shall I wait to take action to protect this formation?"

As soon as this question came out, Immortal Yaoguang's expression changed again. He shook his head and waved his hand:

"Everyone, you don't have to work hard. This global formation has already been shattered from within. Even if you and I try your best, it will be difficult to protect it. Sooner or later, it will be broken."

"Then you can only watch it break like this?"

Another ancient immortal's roar was extremely unwilling, and then Yaoguang Xianjun suddenly turned his head, staring at the trembling and undulating eyes of the ancient immortal, with a majestic voice, Billowing out:

"This fairy family, you have to understand that once this Daxia's strength reaches such a level, the situation of this battle is not just that you and I can decide, or even the immortals of my star family can decide, do you understand? "

This word came from the mouth of Yaoguang Xianjun, without mercy, and then the former continued to annotate his gaze ahead, and watched the Olympian shock from the tearing void. There was no fancy impact in the universe of stars. superior.

After an instant, the entire large array directly sounded a whimper before it was completely destroyed, and this was also the last swan song of this large universe of stars that left the entire Taixuan world.


After the loud slamming, countless fragments of stars began to scatter like flying snowflakes. At the same time, within each fragment, there was a dark turbulent flow. Such a scene of a mansion dumping in the eyes of Daxia soldiers in the distance , Just like a mountain through the sky, completely collapsed.

It is true that, as a fairy of the stars, he has inherited countless years of the ancient great array, even if it is broken and extinct, it is still gorgeous and poignant, and then accompanied by the flying and falling of pieces of star fragments, the entire void outside of the soup is just It seemed that there was a very grand meteor shower.

The densely packed meteor fragments dragged the long tail flame across the sky covered by iron blood, and the whole world was completely shrouded in light and dark for a time.

At this moment, the Daxia soldiers who were waiting in the line did not launch a violent attack, but quietly watched them. This was a rare scene in countless years.

In a sense, this is both a closing and a prologue!

And under the cross of fate, the curtain and the curtain appeared at the same time, in such a splendid way, and brought an extremely shocking impact to all the creatures who witnessed it.

"The times will change eventually, no matter how prosperous and prosperous you and me are, they will not be able to withstand the erosion of time. At first I didn't understand the meaning of Fairy Tianxuan, but now, this fairy suddenly seems to understand something."

Above the city wall of Tangdu, Xianjun from Yaoguang sounded with a complicated and obscure voice, and then watched the large array in front of him continue to collapse, and continued to speak:

"You and I were full of ambitions, and planned to fight against the sky and the robbery after regrouping, in an attempt to change the ending of the destruction of the entire era, but I never imagined it. In fact, the times have already changed."

When this word came out, the faces of the other fairy princes of the Big Dipper who had returned to the city wall of Tangdu also changed for a while, and then the fairy prince Yuheng behind him took a deep breath and responded:

"Yaoguang, the universe is undecided, whoever will die, there is still no way to know, the back hand placed by the Emperor Tongtian is still being implemented."

After Immortal Yuheng's words fell, Immortal Yaoguang, who was standing in front of him, shook his head, then raised his gaze, his gaze crossed the bright array of fireworks in front of him, and a word by word response came out:

"When the times obliterate you, it is always silent. Maybe from the beginning, I have been thinking too much, Yuheng, the simplest truth. When the whole world has no stage for you and me, then The meaning of our existence may be a stepping stone for the rest of us!"

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