The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 807: Hand and foot


read2();  The three consecutive days of continuous spring rains in Shenjing City, which happened to stop when the sun sets in the evening, although the sky is still as gray as draped in a blue gauze, but the big city after the spring rain has a special flavor , The new buds that just emerged are dripping with water drops, everything is fresh and tender.

   Curly smoke rises from the households of Shenjing City, and the smoke and fire scent composed of the rich food and vegetables spreads in the mid-air of the city, forming a prosperous scene of leisure and peaceful residence.

The Baidi Palace imperial dining room, the flavor that came out of it was particularly strong, belonging to the most mellow aroma of the food itself, making the experienced chefs secretly swallowed their saliva, and then they looked at the big pot, standing firmly in front of the large pot. There is sincere admiration in the figure and eyes.

   "Can the Kunlun Snow Chicken eggs be steamed?"

Suddenly a sound full of magnetism came from the front, and then the waiting Yu Chu quickly stepped forward and opened the steaming pot in front of him. Looking up, I saw that the Kunlun Snow Eggs in the steaming bowl in the pot had already appeared crystal clear. The light golden luster, and this golden color also contains the best snow clams from the East China Sea, and a strong vitality immediately rises.

   "Master Liang, the egg has been steamed."

   Liang broke the word, turned his head and looked at the steamer, his bright bald head even reflected a little fire, then he nodded and continued to speak:

   "Let's start the pot, add less salt, the queen empress eats lightly recently."

   "Yes, Lord Liang."

   The imperial chef, who had long been convinced by Liang Po's earth-shattering culinary skills, directly followed the former's words without saying a word, and stared scorchingly at Liang Po's skillful techniques, trying to learn something.

   Then a loud voice belonging to the Imperial Guards rang from outside the imperial dining room:

   "Master Liang is here, your Majesty summoned in the Royal Garden."

Ten breaths after the voice of the imperial guards fell, Liang in the imperial dining room slowly walked out of the burly body that almost reached the roof. He was also wearing a specially customized huge apron, wiping his hands clean with a towel. Slowly spoke:

   "I will go over immediately."

The tacit understanding between Zhao Yu and Liang Po, who grew up together since childhood, can be said to be carved into each other’s bones. Therefore, when Liang Po appeared in the Royal Garden, the young emperor happened to have finished the last one on the Imperial Table today. Ben Zhezi slowly got up.

   Then Zhao Yu beckoned to Liang Po, and the calm emperor's voice came out:

"Broken, according to the nine-tailed celestial fox, the tops of the two adult celestial trees growing in Hexu Mountain have mysterious secret generations. I see that this one in our imperial garden also looks similar. Let’s take a look. He Guangjing at the top."

   When the young emperor's voice came out, Liang Po was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and the two figures instantly disappeared where they were.

For Xuantianmu and other heaven and earth sacred trees, its growth is extremely strange. It does not grow taller every day, but after a long period of time, it will usher in explosive growth in a very short period of time. The ten-year spring is a big step for this Xuantianmu seedling to mature.

It hasn’t been long before the opening of Spring in the vast land of Shenzhou, and the height of the Xuantianmu in the Baidi Palace has surpassed the Sitian Pagoda that goes straight into the sky. It has officially become the second tallest thing in Shenjing City after Phoenix Terrace. From a distance, Its dense, radiating broad branches and leaves even cover a small part of the Baidi Palace.

   Zhao Yu and Liang Po jumped from between the branches of Xuantianmu, then plunged into the clouds floating in the sky, and then continued for nearly a hundred breaths to reach the top of Xuantianmu.

   The Xuantian wooden roof above the clouds was bathed in a red light and looked extremely quiet and serene. Then the two figures of Zhao Yu appeared in the orange sunset, standing with their hands behind them.

The high place was cold, so the dark golden robe on the young emperor’s body was swaying in the wind. He did not wear the Emperor Tongtian crown, but the black hair that was simply draped behind him. It was blown up like a billowing river. Then Zhao Yu looked around and saw that there were no secret realms in the surrounding area, a slightly regrettable voice came out slowly:

   "It seems that the Xuantianmu seedling that Niang personally grabbed by Sun Moon Sect is not pure, otherwise at this scale, there should be at least a prototype of the secret realm."

   "Xuan Tianmu is the heaven and earth sacred tree, and it is already extremely rare to be able to grow two plants at the same time. If there is a pure seedling, I am afraid that it does not conform to the style of this heaven and earth."

Liang Po's faint response sounded from behind Zhao Yu, and then Zhao Yu turned around, and the sunset above the sky shone on his handsome face, and the reflection was red. At this time, he was watching what could be called a brother. Liang Po, the young emperor's face did not have too strong majesty, and then continued to speak from Zhao Yu with a little teasing voice:

   "Broken, you and I have grown up together almost since birth. You know me, and I also know you, so maybe you haven't noticed it recently. You talk more."

   After Zhao Yu's faint emperor voice fell, Liang Po's usual expression was slightly taken aback, and then the young emperor's calm emperor voice sounded in his ear again:

"Let me think about it, since when did you begin to speak more words than before, it should be that after the news of the imminent civil unrest from the northern snowfields, your heart is disturbed, and your words will naturally change. "

After hearing Zhao Yu's words, Liang Po did not reply, but fell silent. At the same time, there was a little confusion in his eyes. Then Zhao Yu turned around and stared faintly at the clouds in front of the entire Shenjing City. The reddish sunset, the voice continued to faint:

"A person's life is very long, short and short, it comes like wind and rain, and goes like dust. So you might as well go live and live a little bit more happily. In the past few years, I knew you lived for me. , But now, you don’t have to be like this, because I am strong enough."

   Zhao Yu's remarks were plain and calm, but with the absolute domineering that even the sky trembles, the young emperor who sits in this Daxia dynasty and even brings Daxia into another era should have this confidence.

   Then Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and continued to speak slightly:

   "Broken, it's time for you to live for yourself, and fortunately, you have found what you love, whether it is cooking that has been focused on all the time, or the snowman girl who has gone home with you.

   "Let every soul have a place to go, which is what I seek for home and country."

   At this point, Zhao Yu turned slightly, looking at Liang Po, who was silently following behind him as always, like a shadow. He slowly raised his right hand and pointed to the rolling red cloud on his side. His mouth was slightly opened, and Di Yin was rolling:

"So live my life, find that girl, and bring it back, whether she is in the green mountains, red clouds, or white snow, and bring it back. Whoever dares to stop it will tear her away. Break him.

   "The whole world, you are fearless, because you are my brothers and feet."

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