The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 809: Liuli Fengyun


read2();   Tianmenguan Beicheng under the blizzard ravaged the sky, full of iron and blood covering the sky, evacuating the blizzard all around.

   Then a deafening dragon roar suddenly sounded between heaven and earth. This dragon roar with strong majesty, with the barbarity and coercion belonging to the remote ancient continent, resounded directly in the souls of everyone who heard it.

After a few breaths, the wind and snow above the northern city were directly torn apart by a giant that covered the sky and covered the sun. The ancient black dragon after being materialized by the soul of the black dragon guarding the road, carrying the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, was under the gaze of all the northern soldiers. Down, plunged into the sky, and dashed toward the north.

   After the figure of the ancient black dragon disappeared completely, the tall Tianmen Hou Jiangqing retracted his gaze, raised his right fist, and roared:

   "Northern Army, go out!"

   After the roar, the entire Beicheng campus was lined up. The Northern Army sergeants who had been put on the cold beasts in the silver armor lined up to the huge Xiongguan gate under the command of a captain.

   "Master Hou, your majesty did not give a clear order for this expedition. He just asked that Yuan Sicheng to bring half a tiger charm. So how much do I wait for the Northern Army to do?"

   "Your Majesty's undecree is to let the Lord decide on his own. The series of things that happened on the snowy field this time must make His Majesty very unhappy, especially this is also mixed with the conspiracy of the previous court."

   said here, Jiang Qing's cold and stern face showed a little helplessness, and continued to speak:

"And this matter has a lot to do with the Jiang family of Bei'an Wangfu. It is a debt committed by my father a few years ago. Therefore, this time the Northern Army is dispatched, Your Majesty must calm down and protect the emptied Snow Wolf. Uprooting the tribe is the minimum requirement."


The middle-aged lieutenant nodded and led the stride forward. Then, following the gaze of Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, he saw that under the gate of Tianmen Xiongguan, there were snowfield martial arts vehicles the size of half a house and wrapped in special silver armor. Lined up and docked, and at the same time a Northern Army sergeant from behind quickly got into it and disappeared.

   Half a quarter of an hour later, in the northern city of Tianmen Pass, the vast horns that represented Da Xia soldiers' march resounded throughout the sky, and then the billowing **** wolf smoke rose into the sky from above the city gate.

   Liuyan No. 6, the whole army strikes!

   The people of the entire southern city of Tianmenguan were caught in a deep horror for an instant. The Northern Army of Great Xia, already nearly a full force, did not oppose the snowmen of the extreme north.

At the same time, starting from the Xiongguan Pass of Northern Xinjiang in Tianmen Gorge, heading north, passing through the endless dark snowfields, over the huge icebergs composed entirely of hard ice, north and further north, I saw a majestic city full of colored glaze, exuding colorful light.

   This is a god-given city with the largest number of snowmen living on the snowy field. It is the place where countless snowmen have dreamed of asylum, and it is also the place where the Supreme Iceborne Lady lives.

   The rich and legendary color of Liuli City makes the people of Daxia in the vast and central plains of China cannot help but yearn for it.

Although in the endless snowy field, this magnificent colorful pearl is as small as a drop in the sea, the area of ​​Liuli City is actually very large. Although it is not as huge as the Shenjing City, it still has an incalculable north, south, east and west. There are countless snowmen living in it.

Suddenly, the sound of sweet bells rang from every street and center of Liuli City at the same time. The bell sound seemed to have a powerful force, directly overshadowing the roaring wind above the big city, and clearly spread to every city in the city. In the ears of a snowman.

   At the same time, the sound of the sweet bells seemed to be accompanied by a majestic call.

After a very short time, the doors of the houses in Liuli City that were carved out like a mold opened almost at the same time. A snowman, regardless of men, women, young and old, stepped out of them, and then looked reverent, kneeling down and facing Liuli. The center of the city kept kowtow and worship.

In the center of Liuli City, there is a statue of the Ice and Snow Maiden standing straight into the sky. Its height is such that in any corner of the city, just look up and you can clearly see the Maiden who is shrouded in a layer of mist, vague and indistinct. face.

   The statue with infinite sacred power clearly declared to everyone that this is a city belonging to the Ice and Snow Maiden and the supreme kingdom under its control.

   It took only a moment for the entire Liuli City’s streets to go from being empty to the clothes. Almost all the snowmen in the city murmured the words of prayer, threw their bodies to the ground, knocked on the ground three times, and prayed devoutly to the statue of the saint.

   Such a prayer requires a full quarter of an hour before these snowmen in Liuli City can eat and start a new day.

Ever since Liuli City appeared with colorful light in this very northern land that seems to be abandoned by the world, the prayer rituals have been so repeated, day after day, without interruption, so this has been deeply carved into Liuli City In the bones of the snowman.

In the center of Liuli City, on the square outside the statue of the female saint, there are also densely crowded praying snowmen. Compared with the snowmen praying in the streets, the clothes of these snowmen kneeling on the square are undoubtedly too delicate. Many, the body is larger and burly, a trace of violent aura radiates out from his body, with a heavy sense of strength.

   No one dared to have any dissatisfaction with these people occupying the square next to the icon, which is the closest to the saint, because they have a tribal name that is as strong as the Liuli City and Xuemin tribe.

  The first tribe in the snowfield, blizzard!

At the forefront of the people of the violent bear tribe, a tall girl wearing a pure white beast jacket, with a face covered with white gauze, fell to the ground and prayed. The broad beast jacket could not hide the girl’s exaggerated and amazing curves. Although it exudes the cold and harsh breath of strangers, it has a fascinating charm.

The face of the girl under the white gauze was as clear as ice crystals, and then after she continued to bow forward, she slowly stood up, and looked up at the statue of the female saint above, which seemed to have not changed in any way from the past, with a slight flash in her eyes. Uncheckable worry.

The rise of Xue Yan, the disciple of the Ice and Snow Maiden, the daughter of the chieftain of the blizzard tribe, heralded the end of today’s prayer, so the snowmen behind her stood up and spread out, and the entire Liuli City gradually began to recover. , Became noisy.

   Then a young and burly snowman, wearing only a single coat, with a cold face, passed through the bustling crowd, strode out behind the woman, and said softly:

   "My Lord Saint, the little princess has returned from the Jingcheng Road Palace and is now in the Liuli Palace."

   As soon as he said this, Xue Yan's eyes enlarged for an instant, and then he forcibly suppressed the horror in his heart, turned around calmly, and the voice directly passed into the other party's ears:

   "Who else knows about this?"

   "The little princess just left a secret code, I think no one knows otherwise."

   "That's good!"

   Xueyan, who is taller than the average human being, nodded slightly, raised her leg and stepped forward, her low voice continued:

   "This matter is kept confidential, no one is allowed to tell, including my father."

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