
read2();    Liuli City, except for the chaotic and complicated underground city, the entire pattern above the ground, in fact has similarities with the Shenjing City, the status is noble, powerful people are in the center, and the ice and snow girl The statue is closer, while other ordinary snowmen live on the periphery.

The center of Liuli City, called Liuli Palace, is the place where the female saint and her sister live. If there is no summons, no snowmen are allowed to enter, and the large buildings in Liuli Palace are part of the Grim Bear tribe. The Bear Mansion where people live.

The area of ​​the blizzard mansion is huge, which also shows that the snowfield first tribe that controls the entire Liuli City is large in number and powerful, but at this time the entire huge mansion is filled with a strong atmosphere of killing. The burly snowmen warriors of the blizzard tribe, holding ice spears, stepped out of their homes under the call of the tribe.

   In a remote corner of the Blizzard Mansion, a handsome snowman dressed in a snow-white fur coat closed the door behind him, carefully locked it, and walked slowly down the short ice steps.

   Although the snowfield under the extreme night of three years is still shrouded in darkness, the colorful light that comes with Liuli City and the torches lit everywhere in the blizzard mansion make the mansion brightly lit in all directions.

   Then the young snowman, with his hands on his back, smiled and walked along the winding road slowly into a garden surrounded by all sides.

As soon as    stepped into it, he jokingly said to a young Xuemin girl standing aside:

   "Little girl, why don't you just sneak out for a while, you just look unhappy, don't be so."

The garden where the young snowmen is at this time is not big, but it is separated by hard ice on all sides and guarded by heavy soldiers. In the surrounding corners, you can even see the figure of the burly snowmen soldiers, and in the center of the garden, there is a mouthful. The small well was erupting with blazing red light, and at the same time a billowing heat wave spread out from the well.

As soon as the young snowman’s voice fell, the face of the poor snowman girl changed again. Although she still pressed her lips tightly, she kept rolling her eyes to signal the former to pay attention. Suddenly, behind the young snowman , An indifferent and tyrannical voice sounded directly:

   "Xue Bancheng, negligence of duty, punishment!"

After speaking, a violent force directly kicked the popliteal of the left leg of the young snowman Xuebancheng, and even produced a loud noise that exploded into the void. The latter was kicked directly and fell to the ground on one knee. The roaring space explosion resounded again throughout the garden.

A heavy fist hit Xuebancheng's back again without any fancy. After a muffled snort, the young snowman spit out a mouthful of blood. The whole person was smashed to the ground, and suddenly a piece of blood appeared on the ground. scarlet.

Then, in the shadow of the garden, a middle-aged snowman walked out of a particularly burly figure. He simply wrapped his upper body with a fur coat, revealing two extremely thick arms. At the same time, his hair was a rare yellow and white. , From a distance, it looks like a mighty lion.

   This person looked at the leeway, only half the size of Snow Bancheng, with unconcealed disgust in his eyes, and then continued with a hoarse voice:

   "If you don't want to make progress, you don't ask for gratitude, and you are weak, you are the trash of the violent bear family. I don't know why the Lord Saint is still wasting food to feed you, and you have to guard this important place."

As the voice fell, the middle-aged burly snowman bent down and grabbed the unstruggling Xuebancheng neck on the snowy ground, as if he was carrying a chicken easily, and slowly moved towards the small well in the center of the garden that was not far away from the heat. Go.

   Then the middle-aged snowman, like a lion in a snowy field, forced half of Xuebancheng into the well head, and the tyrannical voice continued to resound throughout the garden:

"You rubbish, look at the hot peppers below. Such precious snowy treasures are handed over to your care. How dare you neglect your duty? If it weren't for the saint's protection, I really want to smash you here. In the Yan Well, become the nourishment of Yan Jiao!"

The whole person was half hanging from the mouth of the well, and at the same time waves of huge force hit Snow Bancheng on his neck. There was no fear on his handsome face, and then he watched the rolling and bursting magma in the mouth below. , And a few fiery red pepper-like plants growing on top of the lava, split their lips, and let out a faintly mocking voice:

   "You dare not, minion."

   "Little bastard, what did you say?"

The middle-aged snowman held the hand on Xuebancheng’s neck again and made people feel that if the force were increased by a point, this extremely fragile neck would be completely twisted, but there was still a faint voice under the well. Along with the enthusiasm:



   The middle-aged snowman, stimulated by huge words, directly raised his head and let out a roar like a beast, but heard a cold female voice outside the garden directly:

   "Snow Lion, enough, Master Saint wants to see him, immediately!"

After this sound fell, the burly snowman named Snow Lion gradually recovered his calmness, grabbed the Snow City in his hand from the Yan Well, threw it on the ground, looked at a tall figure gradually approaching, and spoke respectfully. Road:

   "Yes, I will wait for you."

The visitor nodded, and then stopped talking, and no longer looked at Xuebancheng on the ground with a **** face. Instead, he turned around. Then Xuebancheng climbed up from the ground and spit out blood. He rubbed his nearly broken neck with his hands, making a clicking sound, and slowly following behind the figure in front of him.

Although there is still blood on the corners of his mouth, and his left leg is still limping after being kicked heavily, the handsome and young Snowman still has a faint smile when he passes by the little girl with a worried face. He blinked his eyes thoughtfully, like a pearl of the ocean.

The eyes of Xuebancheng are extremely beautiful, not only with the unique deep blue of Xuemen, but also in the deepest part of the blue, it seems that someone took a brush and dipped the ink with a tiny bit of black, with an inexplicable charm, which is the finishing touch. general.

Due to the outbreak of the civil war, most of the fighters in the blizzard tribe were assembled and prepared to go out of the city to fight, so the entire blizzard mansion seemed very quiet, and the light of glazed glass was enveloped in the snow. The girl's lips were slightly opened, and she faintly spoke with a weak voice:

   "Xueying, you are so indifferent, you can make me very sad!"

  Xue Bancheng's magnetic voice, which is very different from that of ordinary snowmen, fell. The figure in front of him did not turn his head or reply, but continued to walk forward. Then the young snowman chuckled again and the voice continued:

   "As a saint's attendant, you don't want to be with me, the famous trash of the violent bear tribe, it is understandable, but I miss your milky silky skin."

  As soon as these words came out, the girl walking in front stopped directly, her complexion changed suddenly, and she turned around and let out a low drink:

   "Shut up!"

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