The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 814: Another Liuli City


read2();   In the snowy field under the extreme night, the boundless darkness has been shrouded in the world, and the raging cold tormented the body and soul of every creature on it.

   Whether it is an endless mountain with three scorching suns that never fall, or a snowfield in the north for three years at night, after the sun and the moon are gone, they all seem to be forgotten by time and become a real abandoned place.

The glazed city in the center of the snowfield represents the passage of time with the percussive sound that resounds throughout the city, and this percussive sound, like two ice crystal glasses colliding with each other, is as clear and pleasant as the collision of two ice crystal glasses. Into the ears of all the people in Liuli City, even the existence in the underground dark city can be clearly heard.

   This represents the gift of a saint.

   After the ding dong sounded twice, the gate of the Saintess Hall in the center of the Blizzard Mansion slowly closed, and at the same time the voice of the nearby Shi Xueying loudly spread out:

   "The saints practice in retreat, don't disturb everything temporarily!"

After speaking, the gate of the Saintess Hall was completely closed, and then a vigorous violent bear soldier surrounded the entire hall. At the same time, another corner of the violent bear mansion, the courtyard where Yanjiao Well was located, was a group of people from outside. Step in slowly.

These people were all wearing white beast cloaks covering the whole body, as if walking out of the darkness, silently, and then the first tall figure stepped forward, looking at nothing but Xue Bancheng alone. Sitting in the garden by the Yanjiao Well, a cold voice came from under the hood:

   "Xue Bancheng, two hours have arrived, are you ready? This Yanjiao Garden is the main place of the blizzard mansion, and there are a lot of people stationed there. Where are the others?"

Xueyan’s two consecutive inquiries fell, leaning against the wellhead of Xuebancheng, which was emitting a billowing heat, raised his head gently, watching the group of people standing in front of him, smiling lightly at the corners of his mouth, matching the fire and heat behind him, Just like a demon from the boundless cold hell, it can't help making people's scalp numb.

   "I used some small tricks to make the guards and the rest of the yard fall into a deep sleep, presumably the saint does not want to be seen whereabouts."

After    Xue Bancheng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and gently took out a palm-sized red leaf, spinning it in his hand, and then the sound continued:

"Snowmen all know that Yanjiao is powerful and can provide a large amount of energy in the extreme cold of a snowy field. The critical moment is the second life, but few people know it. Its leaves are good things. Just a little bit can make people fall into a drowsiness. So I sprinkled a little bit on the well behind me, and under the heat, everyone in the garden fell."

The voice of Xuebancheng was as plain as water, but the faces of the Xuemen warriors behind Xueyan's robes were stunned, but the words that the former continued to say completely changed the elite warriors of these blizzard tribes. Complexion.

"The stun time of Yanjiao leaves will last up to an hour. After waking up, there will be no other negative effects except for a little headache. But there is one more thing. I want to tell the saint in advance. The guy is too heavy. I accidentally fell into the well behind me when I was carrying it. After I reacted, he had completely turned into the nourishment of the hot pepper, which is a shame."

After Xue Bancheng finished speaking, the handsome face still had the harmless smile of humans and animals, but in the eyes of everyone present, she felt extremely strong heart palpitations, and even Xue Yan fell into a short silence. Among.

The Snow Lion is not an unknown little character in the Blizzard Mansion. It is a powerful right-hand man under the patriarch of the Blizzard Tribe, in charge of the entire Blizzard Mansion’s internal affairs. On the other hand, in the snowfield, which is based on the strong, This also represents the strength of the snow lion.

Xuebancheng is just a thin and short snow rabbit, but I don’t know how to use it to kill a snow lion that is countless times stronger in a very short time. This makes people feel ridiculous. And a sense of panic.

   After a while, under the front hood, the sound of Xueyan sounded again:

   "Even the snow lion was killed. It seems that you have confidence in your actions this time."

   "I just don't leave a way for myself."

   Xue Bancheng slowly stood up from the side of Yanjiao Well, and then looked at the burly figure in front of Mo Yue, shook his head, stretched out his right hand, gently raised a finger, and solemnly said:

   "My Lord Saint, you have brought too many people. You can bring one at most, otherwise this time, you will definitely be discovered."

  Xue Bancheng's voice fell, and the figures in robes behind Xue Yan took a step forward and spoke together:


"Then there's no way."

   Xue Bancheng spread his hands, but his eyes were staring at Xue Yan who hadn't spoken closely, with a smile on his face, and then Xue Yan did not hesitate for too long, and said directly:

   "Aslev followed me, and the others waited in secret."

After    said, Xue Yan directly raised his leg and stepped forward, followed behind Xue Bancheng, walked out of the Yanjiao Garden, and plunged into the rolling darkness outside.

Half a quarter of an hour later, it was still the chaotic and foul-smelling igloo on the edge of the Grim Bear Mansion, and this small igloo was slightly crowded because of the sudden addition of two people, and then the snow was light. A soft voice sounded:

"My Lord Saint, since you and I have reached an agreement, once you start to act, I need absolute trust. Although the roads of the underground city under Liuli City are complicated, no one has the ability and dare not to be in the Liuli Palace where the saint lives. A road was dug under the icon, because everyone who wanted to do this died.

"Therefore, I can only get closer and get closer to that palace. Although I don’t know what you are going to do to the Liuli Palace in secret, but in the snowy field, the ice-field female saint is the absolute master. As a saint’s disciple, you should be better than me. clear."

   When he said this, Xue Bancheng squatted down and fumbled gently on the ground under his feet. Then he found a spot, clenched his fist directly, and slammed it down.

   After a breath, there was a slight tremor on the ground, and then a dark hole the size of a person appeared directly.

   Xueyan looked down at the deep pit like a monster with its mouth wide open, and then a faint voice sounded:

   "The situation in Liuli City is terrible, maybe it's a matter of life and death, so I can only trust you and hope you won't let me down."

   "There is no guarantee, because every time, whether it is the ladies who want me to stay, or the girls who admire me, the thing I bring them the most is disappointment, I hope this time not."

  Xue Bancheng’s handsome face smiled again, and then the expression on his face gradually became solemn, his eyes burst out with scorching fire, and then he took the lead and jumped directly into the hole, and then the voice came from below:

   "Welcome to another Liuli City."

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