The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 842: Do you want to give it a try?


read2();   Someone once said that every reunion in the world is an arrangement of heaven, but it took a long, long time for a father and son to be in this situation for the first time. See you next time, this will inevitably make people rush to make good luck and make people feel sad.

The old King Bei'an killed his wife with tears in the first place in front of Yijiazi, but now the mountain standing in front of him looks like a teenager, because he was just born and was directly frozen by magical powers until Guan Zhengqing was born. , And then unblocked by the great country Shishan Wenbo, and began to grow up as the former.

Shanzi’s disfigured face during the Battle of the Southern Barbarians was now covered with patches of golden scales, making him standing under the golden light of the Golden Luang Temple at this time. His face was hideous, neither human nor ghost, but his **** thunder was raging. The right eye, as well as the resonance from the flow of Jiang's blood, told Jiang Yu very clearly that this was his own heir.

  This trip to the northern snowfields made the ruddy and smooth skin of the original Bei'an Wang extremely obviously covered with wrinkles and dark spots, and even his white head was grayed out, and the whole person took on a twilight atmosphere.

   Half-man, half-dragon, and dusky mood, this is the most direct state of the father and son who met in the underground of Liuli City.

After    Shanzi's calm inquiry fell, the old King Bei'an put away the thunder blood halberd that was about to smash on the golden dragon chair, and did not respond, but after looking at the former with his hand for a long time, he spoke lightly:

   "You don't look like your mother. She was very beautiful at the time. Your appearance is a bit ordinary, and you haven't followed my Jiang's handsome appearance."

   "I only have one mother. He is an ordinary-looking woman who has worked hard in this life. Therefore, I am ordinary-looking, and that makes sense."

Shanzi’s eyes are full of nostalgia, because the woman in the small courtyard in the middle of the capital city once gave him the most meticulous care and the best warmth in the world, and then she looked at the king of Bei’an deeply and complicated. His eyes continued to speak:

   "King Bei'an, you are older than I thought."

   "The strongest magical power in this world is time. The old man can't resist it naturally, so he also wants to do something before he gets into the soil."

After    finished speaking, the old prince put away the thunder blood halberd he was holding in his right hand, his face softly raised his hand and beckoned to the mountain in front of him, and continued to speak gently:

   "Come on, this is the first time you and I want to see each other, so we should have a chat."

When the words fell, Shanzi's face showed a little surprise, even in the side of the secret tunnel, staring at Yun Xuan Tuoba on the high platform of the Jinluan Temple in the distance, with a surprised expression, he thought that the king of North An was vigorous and resolute. He was decisive, and he might kill Shanzi directly as soon as he came up, completely cut off the last bloodline of the Ying family, and understand the grievances that have lasted for a whole hundred years.

   "It seems that I still underestimated my father's instinct. Maybe Guan Zhengqing did this, and he is also betting!"

The muttering voice sounded from Yunxuan Tuoba’s sea of ​​knowledge, and then a faint melancholy appeared in his eyes, because he had no father and no father’s love since he was a child. In his life, some Just a gun.

   On the high platform of the Jinluan Temple, after the old prince waved his hand, Shanzi did not hesitate for too long, so he slowly raised his foot forward and gradually approached the impossibly old man.

  The old King Bei'an was also Shanzi's biological father, and as he stepped forward, the fettered throbbing deep in his blood became stronger and stronger, and finally Shanzi stood quietly in front of the old King Bei'an.

The tall mountain is half a head taller than the old king of Bei'an, which made the old king nodded, who was sitting on the dragon chair on the high platform of the Jinluang Temple, while patting. On the high platform beside him, he said:

"Come, sit down and talk, your boy's height is in line with the identity of the Ying clan of your significant other. You must know that the Ying clan was known for being tall and magnificent. Even women are generally taller than the rest of the human race. For the first time, for the other fourteen of ours, only Liang can be compared with his height."

The old prince’s words did not have a hint of coldness, just like a gentle old man, talking about life, and sighing about life. Therefore, the mountain sitting on the ground with the golden dragon chair is very different. In the eyes, a dazed color reappeared, and then the old prince's old voice sounded in his ear again:

   "Child, what's your name?"

The old prince, who was driving along the deserted snowy field, was very blocked from outside news at this time. Therefore, he did not recognize Shanzi, the rebellious who is currently wanted by Daxia, so he asked about this, and Shanzi next to him heard about it. Afterwards, he looked down at the ground under his body that was emitting golden light, and responded softly:

   "My name, mountain ginger."

"Mountain ginger, on the other hand, it is the country and the country. These former criminals of the Ying clan play a good word game. Is this to remind the old man at all times, the old man Bei’an Wangjiang has so many heirs, In order to avoid the taboo of the court, the famous mountain man has always been taboo, but he did not expect to appear in your boy. I hope that your majesty will not condemn me."

  The jokes of the old King Bei’an dilutes the killings of the corpses all around, and makes the atmosphere in the Jinluan Temple a lot easier. Then Shanzi shook his head gently and said softly:

   "Someone told me before that I am not called Jiangshan, but Yingshan."

   "No, your name is Jiangshan."

  The old King Bei'an turned his head and stared at the somewhat ugly face of the mountain at this time, his eyes were full of seriousness, and then the elder who had been in love for half his life repeated one sentence again with a solemn expression on his face:

   "You are Jiangshan, I belong to the Jiang family for life, and the ghost of Jiang family for death!"

   As soon as this remark came out, Shanzi's eyes jumped fiercely, and then he did not speak back for a long time. After a long time, the old prince continued to speak:

   "If you don't mind, tell me about your previous experience?"

   As soon as the old man's questioning sounded, Shanzi's expression instantly became solemn. He straightened his upper body straight up, directly raised his hand to beat his chest, and performed a standard big summer military salute. He made his debut in a full-bodied voice:

   "Daxia endless mountain Yulongguan hidden stab lieutenant, met His Royal Highness Bei'an!"

   "Okay, okay!"

The old king of Bei'an suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, his laughter was heroic and desolate. The black robe above his body and his silver hair were flying around, but he was smiling and smiling, but two lines of turbid tears rolled down from his eyes, like A crazy old man, then the entire underground hall was devastated and collapsed in a large area, and the laughter of the old prince continued to circle.

   After a long time, King Bei'an stopped crying and laughing, watching the mountain in front of him, suddenly stretched out his hand, patted the golden dragon chair beside him lightly, and continued to speak softly:

   "Shan'er, those people from the previous dynasty tried hard to put you on this chair, now my father asks you, how do you feel if you want to sit on it and have a try?"


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