
read2();  From outside the sky, Liuli City, which has been standing on the hinterland of the northern snowfield for hundreds of years, is on the verge of destruction and collapse.

Under the impact of the red light tsunami formed by the old prince holding the sun’s magical powers, the entire Liuli City kingdom has been completely torn into two parts, and at the same time a large number of dense cracks in the city continue to crack. Under such circumstances, every breath of time Elapsed, it means that Liuli City is one step closer to the abyss of complete destruction.

   The spiritual sense of the saint is much more than that of ordinary people. Therefore, the female saint of the ice can clearly sense the constant gathering under the ground, swallowing almost all vitality on the snowy field like a glutton, and infinitely strengthened destruction aura.

Once this style of holding the sun’s supernatural powers finally broke out, she could not protect the Liuli City under her, so the female saint looked at Guan Zhengqing, because Guan Zhengqing had the last heritage of the Ying’s previous dynasty. .

In the human post square in the middle of Liuli City, there are not many cracks on the ground of the square because of the body of the female Saint of the Icefield. However, despite this, the waves of violent shaking from below have not weakened at all, but rather Bobby's strong wave made the people of the Southern Merchants Association who were being frozen in the altar at this time feel like a flat boat in the tsunami, constantly up and down.

After all, the shopkeeper Fang had experienced strong winds and waves, so his mind was much firmer than ordinary people. Under the violent shaking, the eyes of the middle-aged shopkeeper gradually turned from the original horror to calm and firm. After looking around, the dragon spear penetrated the entire The snow smoke from her heart gave the girl Pearl behind her, she opened her mouth and shouted:

   "Pearl, hold on to her wound quickly, and find a way to stop the spewing blood, otherwise her aorta will be torn and she won't be able to hold on for long."

As soon as the voice of the shopkeeper Fang fell, the pearls behind him used both hands and feet, and quickly climbed from behind to the middle-aged shopkeeper's side. Then the girl lowered her head, gritted her teeth, and directly stretched out her hand, pressing down on Xue Yan, blood is constantly gushing out. Chest.

As soon as the white palms touched the hot red blood, the girl's face suddenly became extremely pale, and the blood spurting from her fingers splashed her face, and Pearl's entire body was trembling, but The strong girl bit her lip, and then came out with a little crying voice:

   "Father, I can't hold back, the blood is gushing too hard!"

   "Don't panic, tear off the cuffs of your inner jacket, and do a bandage according to the method Dad taught you before, without shaking your hands."

After finishing the sentence, the shopkeeper Fang raised his head and continued to look ahead. Through the ice-covered altar, he could clearly see Guan Zhengqing squatting down and slowly lowering the golden embossed city in his hand onto the ground. A palm-sized city relief began to suddenly release a large amount of golden light outward.

   The golden light was very weak at first, but after only a few breaths, it became as if the sun was rising, and it became extremely dazzling in an instant, and it spread directly in all directions along the ground of Liuli City.

At the same time, the vast defensive stone tower inside the ice-bound altar also spewed out a large amount of blue and white light, blocking the golden light, and the treasurer Fang narrowed his eyes, trying to see clearly in the golden light. When I heard the extremely happy voice of Pearl sounded behind me:

   "Blocked, blocked [country novel], her blood has stopped temporarily, I will feed her a little hot pepper water, maybe it can save this saint's life."

But the words of the pearl had not yet fallen, and the snow smoke below suddenly let out an extremely painful snoring, and then the gun wound that was originally wrapped in a cloth to stop the bleeding burst into a large amount of blood, and it was accompanied by a large amount of bluish red forbidden breath. Rushed out.

"How could this be!"

   Zhenzhu let out an exclamation, and once again stretched out his hand to try to hold down the blood surged wound, and then a very weak voice sounded from below:

   "Girl, it's useless, the law of taboos does not remove the breath, this gunshot wound can't be stopped."

   Xueyan's lips moved, then he opened his eyes and continued to speak softly:

   "Please help me up."

Hearing the words, Pearl hurriedly lifted Xueyan up gently, and then the bloodless saint of the Snowmen, staring at the golden light that covered everything in front, I wonder if it is an illusion, everyone in the Southern Chamber of Commerce only feels Under the golden light, the earth suddenly stopped shaking like a sea wave. Then, a young and steady voice rang from the golden light:

   "My sage, since I have no other choice, then the purpose should be unified. If you want to escape from the sky and fly to the extreme north, you and I have to pay some price."

   Guan Zhengqing’s slender figure was looming in the golden light, and the black robe on her body was flying around. Then he raised his head and looked at the ice-field female sage who was still blurred and could not see her expression. The young voice came out again:

   "Can the female saint sense how many snowmen are left in the entire Liuli City?"

   "50%, about ten million."

  After the response sound of the female sage of the icefield, Guan Zhengqing did not hesitate, and suddenly raised her head, with extremely cold eyes in her eyes, she opened her mouth and said:

   "I want the lives of all these snowmen, and use their blood and soul to re-cast the supreme Yin Ruins ancient capital.

"I know that combining the Shinto and the Holy Path like the female saint, taking a shortcut into the existence of the Holy Path, will plant the seed of faith in the sea of ​​knowledge of all believers, which can be completely extracted in an instant as a last resort, and Now, the Yinxu City in my hand needs energy!"

After the voice of   , Guan Zhengqing's expression remained unchanged, and he took a sudden step directly in the direction of the ice sage. Under the dazzling golden light, he even brought a majesty that was difficult to look at, and continued to speak:

"As long as Yinxu City reappears in the world, it can not only protect me and survive this magical power, but also, as I said before, can become a fulcrum that lifts up the northern corner of the vast land of China. At the same time, I have this fulcrum. Then you can go to that place of great profoundness.

   "In other words, Lady Saint, you can go home!"

   Guan Zhengqing's plain voice is tantamount to thunder on the ground. Not only is the expression of everyone inside the ice-bound altar changing wildly, but even the face of the ice girl saint after the blurry light is also wide, unbelievable.

Although I have heard Guan Zhengqing’s idea of ​​personally creating a fulcrum, the ice sage herself could not have imagined that the request Guan Zhengqing came up was so brutal and bloody, it was the freshness of millions of snowmen. Live life, and this is not a simple death, but a sacrifice of blood, soul, everything!

   "No, no, don't promise, Master, Xuemin is also your subject."

Lying in Pearl’s arms, Xue Yan, whose consciousness was gradually blurred, raised his right hand and stretched forward feebly, trying to reach out and grab the flying skirt of the ice-field female saint within the golden light in the distance, to pray for this all The **** of Xuemin's faith, don't abandon that devout believer.

   The female saint of ice fell into silence, even if she was a land **** who broke free from the shackles of mortals, she still fell silent, but in such a threatening situation, silence meant permission.


Xue Yan's body trembled fiercely, and a large amount of blood was spit out from her mouth. The breath of the whole person instantly weakened by more than half, becoming like a gossamer, and even her body began to gradually become cold, and Guan Zhengqing's eyes brightened in an instant, and her hands held the golden light On the paved ground, the rolling sound resounded throughout the city:

   "Ten thousand years of Yin Ruins, boundless stalwart, revolving universe, reappearing the world!"

  The rolling sound fell, originally covering the entire broken glass city with golden light, but in an instant it turned from golden to incomparable darkness.

   At the same time, above Liuli City, Liang Po, like a meteor-like body, was still falling down rapidly, and the place where it fell was the human post in Liuli City!

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