
read2();  The night sky in the heart of the northern snowfield, the earth-shattering vision and the fluctuations slowly subsided, and then the two indigenous people, cold and dark, once again occupied the void of this deserted land, and at the same time The shattered void also slowly healed under the action of Dao Law.

   The frost that was evaporated into white mist by the hot energy, and then again under the cold, condensed into countless ice crystals, turned into snowflakes, and fell all over the sky.

   Between the heavy snowfall, the ancient black dragon flew in the air. On the back of the black dragon, taboos flying in big robes looked up and looked at the great city of Yinxu, which was gradually moving away to the north.

The short-lived confrontation between the shining nightmare and this big city of Yin Ruins, let everyone know that this city from the underworld **** has unimaginable strong defenses, and it even possesses like a living thing. Flesh regeneration ability.

   "It seems that we ran into trouble this time. This ghost town is not easy to deal with!"

  The solemn and vigorous voice of Zhong Lizhan, grandson of the Western Man King's grandson, slowly sounded, then he gently squeezed his rock-like fists, and continued to speak:

   "Fortunately, the direction it flies is to continue north, not the south where the Central Plains of Great Xia is located, otherwise we will really have a headache."

   "It's the same whether it's going south or north. As long as it is the enemy of Great Xia, I will always have to do one, and seeing its ghost flames lingering, the eerie and weird appearance, it will be inseparable from the Jiuyou.

Lin Xiao’s eyes under his **** robe burned with a golden and purple flame, and his body was originally from the deepest part of the Nine Nether Wild Evil Demon Realm, and he was most familiar with things that also came from Nine Nether. Then everyone heard his sharp voice again:

   "And everyone, don't forget, Lord Liang is still in that city, and according to the news, there is also a chamber of commerce from the Tianmen Pass of Human Race going to Liuli City for business."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's expressions became more solemn. At this time, the situation is not optimistic for these taboos. The fall of the old King Bei'an and the appearance of the great city of Yin Ruins are like a big mountain pressing on everyone's heart. .

   Finally, after a brief silence, with closed eyes and thoughts, Xu Qing, who is in charge of the commander-in-chief, directly opened her eyes and said loudly:

   "Your Majesty has been informed of the situation at this time. Before your descent, I must stay with this city. If this city invades Tianmen Pass across the entire snowy field, then I will be a sinner to blame!"

   In the voice of Xu Qing, the windrunner, there is a firmness that cannot be denied, and an unprecedented seriousness. This may be the most difficult test that the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division have to face since their establishment.

   The night of the northern snowfield, lonely, cold, and unchanging, even the time that erodes everything, is also reduced here, and becomes unnecessary.

The taboos of the Radiant Night Dire carried by the ancient black dragon followed the great city of Yin Ruins and went further north of the northern snowfield. The hinterland of the northern snowfield where Liuli City was originally located was under the falling snow hail. The ice, mountains, and rift valleys were all destroyed, and there was only one huge crater that was unfathomable and huge.

   If you take a bird's eye view from a high enough sky, you will find that this huge pit is like a huge wound that has been torn open from the boundless snowfield, which is about one-tenth the size of the entire snowfield.

   The snowy field, which has not been changed for countless years, suffered unimaginable destruction under the annihilation of the sun, and the impact of the old Bei'an King’s assault was far more than that.

   In the deepest part of the pit in the hinterland of the snow, the entire surface of the pit is the solid crystal shape that is condensed into a solid crystal, like a diamond, when the earth is instantly melted. In the darkness and cold wind, it exudes a faint crystal light.

Suddenly, the surface of the crystal inside a pit shook fiercely, as if a force below it was bombarding upwards, but then immediately fell into calm, but after Moyo's ten breaths, the entire cavity was violent again. The shaking, interwoven cracks began to appear on it.

After another hundred breaths, the third impact came from bottom to top again. This time, the entire crystal wall was pierced. A **** hand stretched out from below the crystal wall, and the five fingers spread out, struggling to grab the sky. .

   This hand that stretched out from the ground seems to have suffered the most severe punishment in the world. Not an inch of skin is in perfect condition. You can even see the faintly exposed, hideous and terrifying bones between the fingers.

Then in the darkness, this hand slowly clenched a fist and slammed a fist against the crystal ground below. After a violent roar, the entire crystal wall at the bottom of the pit was completely shattered by a fist and moved towards Suddenly burst in all directions, and then a piece of clothing shattered, and the blood-stained figure slowly sat up from under the crystal wall.

Under the cold fog and hail, the figure only had a lone left arm hanging weakly downward, and after a muffled hum, Yun Yu Tuoba spit out a lot of blood, even in the blood. Saw some pieces from the internal organs.

This is the most serious injury Yunyu Tuoba has suffered since he started practicing. After spitting out the blood in his throat, the forbidden person of Yunyu started to breathe in and out, and the extremely cold air entered his lungs. In terms of it, it is the best healing energy.

After a long time, Yunxuan Tuoba slowly lowered his head and looked at his chest. On his left chest, he saw a piece of golden feathers that had been clinging to the heart of his left chest. It was completely burned out at this time, leaving only baldness Feathers.

   If Zhao Yu were here, he would definitely recognize the origin of this feather. This is the treasure that all foreign races in the solar empire dream of, and has the life feather that can replace death!

   "The power of the saint is so terrifying, this is only the aftermath of the spread, but it almost makes Mingyu unable to protect me."

A very slight voice came from Yun Yu Tuoba's mouth, and then with a light movement of his left hand, a large number of ice crystals gathered from all directions, and the whole body was shattered, and the **** body was gradually frozen to avoid blood loss. Too many and fell into shock.

For Yun Yu Tuoba, who has undergone inhumane rigorous training since he was a child, he is almost completely immune to the pain, but this serious injury made him feel the faint fear and peace for the first time since his cultivation. fear.

   "Sure enough, the old guys from my grandmother's generation are monsters among monsters."

Yunyu Tuoba's body made of ice crystals slowly walked forward, and then he lowered his head slightly, as if he was looking for something nearby. He was seriously injured, and he stayed in place for a long time every step he took, so he searched for it. Very slow.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Yunyu Tuoba finally stopped walking slowly, and then stood quietly on the ground of a crystal wall. After a few breaths of silence, he stretched out only his left hand and gave a light grip. , Super First-Rank Taboo Dao Soul Frost Hua Spear directly appeared, then it squeezed tightly, no longer hesitating, and directly used force to plunge into the ground in front of him.

   Under the bombardment of the Shuanghua gun, the extremely solid spar ground in front of him had no resistance, and was directly cracked by a single shot. Then Yunyu Tuoba slowly squatted, reaching under the ground with his left hand, and grabbing a slender figure.

   The golden dragon scales on this figure's body have been shattered every inch, leaving only the vague and terrifying flesh and blood, and when Yunyu Tuoba's left hand just touched the figure, his heart already had a judgment.

   The tactile sensation from the feedback is extremely cold, without any vitality.

   Then Yun Yu Tuoba raised the mountain that had no breath, looked up at the deep cold night sky of the northern snowfield, muttered and asked:

   "The person sitting on the throne is dead, Guan Zhengqing, what are you going to do?"


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