The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 857: The hidden truth


read2();  "In the past 100 years, I can vaguely perceive that in the deepest part of Liuli City, you are waiting for these arrogant Xia Zhongyuan to sneak in, like a ditch mouse The figure of an ordinary person, sometimes as long as the saint is willing, with a little backhand, you can bury you all in the depths of the earth, but the saint has been holding back, do you know why?"

   is still the center of the Yinxu city. Guan Zhengqing and others looked up at the top enchantment that was constantly bombarded by Liang Po from cracks and healed. Then the ice-field female saint's emotionless voice sounded in everyone's ears.

   "It must not be because of your kindness, Madam."

Guan Zhengqing responded. When the young voice came out, there was a large amount of red and black underworld around him, like thousands of birds returning to the forest, coming from all directions, and then a brain directly penetrated into the former's body, filling Guan Zhengqing's frail The body, then it continued to speak, and the voice came out:

"The female saint came from that mysterious and mysterious place, so these snowmen in the extreme north appear to you, in fact, as if we look at the animals we raise. We are former criminals. Only a habitat is needed, and it does not affect your gain of the power of faith.

"The most important thing is that the female saint has selfish motives. After all, the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the belief. Once you have gained the faith of the monks of the previous dynasty, you will be much stronger than you are now, at least not like It’s like this now, I’ve been injured, and I can’t heal for so long.

   Guan Zhengqing's voice fell, and after a pause for a few breaths, the ice maiden spoke lightly:

   "You really know a lot."

The height of the female saint of ice is actually very high, even a bit taller than Guan Zhengqing, who is already very tall, and then she lifts her right hand upwards, and the ice coffin with Han Wenyue behind her rises slowly, floating in the air. Beside him, continue to speak:

"But now it seems that I have made a lot of mistakes during the hundreds of years in this vast land of China. I underestimate this race called Human Race. You are different from the rest of our races, just like A black and hard rock, stubborn."

"Leave aside the grievances between the previous Ying clan and Da Xia at this time, I am all humans, and the Shenzhou Haotu Humans, since ancient times, are no longer allowed to be slaves. This is engraved in the bones. Faith is also the most precious inheritance of our ancestors in the hot blood. Even if we pay the price of our lives for this, I will stand up and fight for it."

Guan Zhengqing’s remarks, although there is no passionate strong emotions, but they are so plain and flat, but they are more straightforward. As they say, he is undoubtedly a person from the past, but before that, he was first of all a human race. .

   Terran, never a slave!

After Guan Zhengqing finished speaking, several people fell into a very brief silence. After that, Guan Zhengqing, who absorbed a lot of **** qi, began to burn a faint demon flame throughout his body. Then he looked around and looked at the ice sage, slowly Slowly asked:

   "I just heard what the female saint said, is there no human being in that place?"

   "Yes, but no climate."

   The female saint of the ice field still responded coldly, and then Guan Zhengqing's complexion gradually sank, and he continued to speak word by word:

"I know that under the gaze of the great road of Shenzhou, no matter who it is, once you say that place, you will be punished by heaven, but now this Yinxu city is cut off from the gaze of the road, and although this city is annihilated because of the great sun, One side of the square city wall was destroyed, but in this northern snowfield, the existence of the avenue was weak.

   "So, Madam, you can tell me now, what kind of existence is that place?"

   "As the saying goes, when you want to find a way out, you should first know where you are at this time?"

The Saintess of Icefield turned her head and glanced at the expressionless Guan Zhengqing, then gently raised her hand and pointed her finger. In front of a few people, a large number of ice crystals began to converge, and then they gathered into an extremely large map. The center of the map was a huge An incomparable continent, and in the northeast of the continent, there are five fairy islands floating.

   Then the female sage raised her right hand, facing the five fairy islands, and the cold voice continued:

"On the north side of the land of Taixuan, there are places named Guixu, the water of eight strings and nine wilds, and the flow of Tianhan, all of which are injected into the Guixu, and the Bohai Sea is on the Guixu, and there are five immortal mountains on the Bohai Sea, one called Dai Yu, the second is Yuanjiao, the third is square pot, the fourth is Yingzhou, and the fifth is Penglai. The five fairy mountains were originally inhabited by the immortal sacred species.

"The specific situation will not be repeated by this sage. The turning point occurred after the monarch of Longbo Kingdom fished Ao for divination. The people of Wuxianshan were furious and went directly to war with Longbo Kingdom. This battle has been fought for thousands of years. In the end, both sides suffered heavy losses. The Longbo Kingdom was killed, and Wuxianshan sank two fairy islands, Daiyu and Yuanqiao."

  After the voice of the ice female saint fell, on the huge map composed of ice crystals before everyone's eyes, two of the five fairy islands sank directly, and then the ice female saint's voice continued to sound between heaven and earth:

"Under the Bohai Sea is Guixu, and the mystery of Guixu is unknown to no one, but now this saint knows. Under the Guixu, there is another living world, and what kind of existence is this vast land of China? It should be clear."

   The voice of the female saint of ice fell, Guan Zhengqing narrowed his eyes, and responded word by word:

   "So this vast land of China is one of the two fairy islands that have sunk into Guixu!"

   "Because of the constraints of the avenue's eyes, Ben Sheng can only avoid the world and dare not walk around. Therefore, I don't know which one of Daiyu and Yuanjiao is, maybe one of them, or maybe the two are combined.

   The words of the female sage of the ice field plunged into silence in the middle of the station, and even the constant roar above the heads of several people stopped.

Although the Wuguang enchantment in Yinxu City is extremely defensive, it can even remain mostly intact under the bombardment of Old Bei’an King’s Holy Realm Supernatural Power, but it can’t prevent the spread of sound. It was the members of the Southern Merchants Guild inside the Frozen Altar, or Liang Po above, who could clearly hear the words from the female saint of ice.

   That is the truth hidden behind the vast land of Shenzhou, and it is also the secret of the deepest part of this land.

Then Liang Po, who stood above the black light barrier, stopped his right fist hammering downward and squinted, trying to slowly suppress the horror surging in his heart and the ever-present colic. A lightly waved hand released a flying messenger waving its wings. After leaving a thought with vitality, the flying messenger tore the surrounding void directly and disappeared instantly.

Then Liang Po solemnly took out a silver dagger half the size of a palm from his arms, gently squeezed it tightly, and slammed the enchantment below. After a white light flashed, when it appeared again in the next instant, It is already within the Wuguang enchantment.

   flashing dagger!

   After crossing the enchantment, Liang Po's burly body continued to fall violently downward, and the young voice full of magnetism directly resounded throughout the middle of Yinxu City:

   "Your Majesty once said that everyone thinks that they are the center of the world, but the facts are often more cruel than imagined. Many times, we ourselves are the one that sinks."


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