
read2();  Ying's dynasty calendar, 11,119 years, imperial city Yinxu city.

The days of winter always go by very fast. It clearly feels that the sun has not been long before the sun has begun to set. The orange-red scorching sun is like a big cigarette on the verge of extinction, dyeing the clouds in the sky red, and then gradually Sinking under the mountains.

As night fell gradually, the countless lights of the entire Yin Ruins City seemed to be lit all at once, releasing a brilliance stronger than the setting sun, just like a huge and incomparable pearl. This is the confidence and strength that inherits the imperial city of Wanzai. .

Tomorrow will be a huge celebration that lasted for 12,000 years in the Ying Dynasty. Therefore, the entire Yinxu City is in a happy atmosphere at this time. The streets and alleys are all covered with brightly colored lights, and children are running in the yard. , Yelled in a tender voice:

   "The dynasty is immortal, win the emperor's longevity!"

The strong celebration atmosphere presented by the entire Yinxu City even made everyone temporarily forget the uprising army that has sprung up like mushrooms in various places on the vast land of China, and the wave of foreign races outside the endless mountain pass that is stronger than the wave of charges. offensive.

While the smoke was rising, countless people in the city talked at the dinner table about the scale of tomorrow’s celebration, and whether the old Yinghuang, who had not heard of news for a long time, would show up at the celebration as before to show off. Its own imperial prestige.

The emperor Ying has been in power for a long time, so long that the people almost forget how old he is. However, the emperor has also ignored political affairs for many years, and even a few years have seen some news, proving that he is still the same. Live in this world.

As the people of Yinxu City talked about it, the sun sank completely below the horizon, and the lanterns first came up. On the main street in the middle of Yinxu City, a huge carriage was galloping at a very fast speed, pulling it under the strong beating of the horseman. The three tall and famous horses neighed and drove at full speed.

The entire rolling forward huge carriage made the ground tremble, and the surrounding pedestrians yelled to escape, and the grumpy person just wanted to swear, but seeing the family crest carved on the carriage, it was already halfway through. He swallowed his voice abruptly.

   Win the kingdom!

  After the old Yinghuang did not ask about political affairs, the prime minister can say that he has carried half of the country.

   "How long is it from the Guoxiang Mansion?"

Amidst the galloping carriage, an old voice came out, and then the middle-aged groom who was lashing hard and whipping loudly responded:

   "Return to the Lord, Moh, about a quarter of an hour."

   "It's too slow, speed it up, stimulate the horse with vitality, and speed it up."

   "Master, in this way, these three horses won't survive tomorrow."

   The middle-aged groom's voice had not yet fallen, and the majestic voice in the carriage sounded directly:

   "Do as it should be!"

   The sound from inside the carriage in the ear was extremely anxious, and then the middle-aged groom nodded directly:


After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hands and directly mobilized his whole body's vitality. He slapped the tall horse in front of him and injected it into it. Then, accompanied by a violent neigh, the speed of the carriage once again soared several times and turned into a single The black light, which was difficult to catch with the naked eye, rushed towards the Guoxiang Mansion in the city.

The original quarter of an hour’s journey time from the Guoxiang’s Mansion was shortened by half under the condition of overdrafting the vitality of the horses. Then the carriage steadily stopped at the back door of the Xiangfu. As soon as it stopped, the three horses fell directly to the ground. He died, and at the same time, an old man in the carriage jumped out, pushed open the door, and quickly stepped into it. The old man's right hand was holding a very young baby girl.

The road to the back door of the State Minister’s Mansion is complicated, but the old man who is the owner of this mansion is naturally very familiar with it. Therefore, the former took the little girl with a puzzled face, turned left and right, before coming to a courtyard, and pushed the door again. Enter, before walking to the inner room, raised his hand and started knocking frantically on the door.

   The violent knock on the door was accompanied by a shy woman's exclamation from the room, and then a young man's angry voice came out:

   "Who, I don't know this son has ordered, and no one is allowed to come to disturb?"

   "The old man will give you three breaths to open the door, or I will kick in by myself."

   After the response of the Ying clan fell, the urgent voice of the young man in the house sounded directly:

   "Father, I'll open the door right away. Don't be angry."

The sound fell, followed by a crackling sound of tables and chairs turning over, and then after a few breaths, the door of the house was opened, revealing a young man with a handsome face, looking at the old man in costume, who was not angry and pretentious. Then he said:

   "Father, what kind of wind can blow you here, usually you don't even want to step into the backyard."

The man only wore a thin single coat, and from behind it was possible to see that there was a gorgeous **** the bed inside the house wrapped in a quilt, her head exposed, a frightened look, like a frightened little girl. The beast is so pitiful.

   But the old man in Chinese clothes turned a blind eye to him, frowned, looked at the surprised young man in front of him, and directly stretched out his hand, grabbed the latter by the shoulder, dragged him out of the house, and said at the same time:

   "Go, go now, leave Yinxu City, the sooner the better."

   "Father, what are you talking about?"

   While the young man fastened his shirt, he continued to ask questions, but the anxious color on the face of the old man in Huafu became more and more intense, and finally he directly pulled the little girl beside him in front of the former and let out a stern shout:

"Don't ask so much, this is Princess Sixteen. You will immediately take him out of the city. Remember, you must leave Yinxu City immediately. The guards I arranged are already waiting at the Shili Pavilion outside the city. They will **** you to the south. Keep heading south, don’t look back, and go to the Great National Teacher who suppressed the rebellion."

   The young man saw the anxious appearance of Win Chao Xiangguo, who has always been known for his composure and calmness. Knowing that things must not be easy, his face became solemn, and he walked out quickly, and asked solemnly:

   "Father, did something happen?"

  As soon as this question came out, the face of the old man in Huafu went bright and dark for a while, and finally opened his mouth and murmured in response:

   "His Majesty, under the torment of the five decays of heaven and man, is completely crazy. He will break his heart tonight, and then resurrect from death. The price is to sacrifice an entire Yinxu City!"

   "How could this be!"

   The young man's complexion changed wildly after hearing the words. He held the little girl's hand and became wet from sweat for a moment. Then he seemed to have thought of something, and asked again:

   "Father, won't you go with us?"

   "Go? Where can I go, I am the Xiangguo who wins the court, and the win is about to die in my hands, what face do I have to walk?"

   The old man in Chinese clothes finished speaking, and a group of people came to the gate of Xiangguo Mansion. The old man's forward footsteps gradually stopped, just stopping at the threshold, and outside the door, there was already a carriage waiting.

The old man stood inside the door and looked out the door. At this moment, it seemed to be as old and depressed as the imperial city that was about to be destroyed. Then the old man raised his right hand and waved forward. The son hurried away with the only blood of the Ying family, and it was like a silent farewell.

   After a while, the carriage disappeared at the end of the street. The old man raised his hand and carefully sorted out the luxurious official clothes on his body, then slowly turned around, step by step, and walked back to the huge Xiangguo Mansion.

Half an hour later, at the Ten Mile Pavilion outside Yinxu City, a carriage from Yinxu City pierced the night, and then a team of elite soldiers swarmed directly, but at this moment, Yinxu City in the distance, Suddenly, dazzling and dazzling blood burst into the sky, and the noise of ghosts and noises in the sky was extremely harsh.

   Then in the carriage, the young man with disheveled clothes and unbuttoned shirt knelt to his knees and howled:

   "The winning dynasty was ruined, it was destroyed the day before twelve thousand years!"

   In the carriage, the very young girl, although she still doesn't understand, but for some reason, the big teardrops are still flowing down through the arrogant eyes.

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