
read2();   "What is your name?"

Outside the Jiangling city of Jinzhou, the primary school, sitting on the threshold, the boy in commoner who was pouring porridge with big mouths, raised his head, frowned slightly, some unclear voices came out, and then stepped in from outside the door The slender figure of, responded softly:

   "His Royal Highness, the name of the final general is Guan Zhengqing!"

   Great Xia Guizhou, on the endless green fields and plains, the drizzle is like a curtain of beads hung from the sky, lightly patted on the two young figures who raised the handles of the guns and practiced holding the guns.

Then a stone pierced the void with a whistling sound and hit Sima Annan's calf directly. The latter screamed and suddenly turned his horse back. Then Guan Zhengqing's thin lips were pursed, and he looked at another meticulous figure, showing strangeness. color.

Gwangju Metropolitan City, with heavy rain, the entire city ground is devastated and broken everywhere. The vast aftermath of the saints of the land fairyland is still pressed on everyone's heart like a mountain. Above the torrential rain raging sky, Guan Zhengqing is supporting the ghost beast with one hand The leader's back, staring at the cracked star sand below, and the cinnabar pattern lined by the avenue above the young man's eyebrows covered by countless shining sand grains, felt deep awe.

   Guan Zhengqing felt for the first time that this chaotic world is about to usher in an absolute master.

In the capital city of Daxia, wearing a crimson robe and a crown of heaven, he is like a figure of a banal immortal, holding a golden holy sword, three swords to kill the gods, and Guan Zhengqing in the four armies in the White Emperor Palace , Pursing her thin lips again, and sighing unconsciously in her heart.

   The coronation of the ruler of the vast land of China is actually the end of their former dynasty.

   Guan Zhengqing sometimes feels that, in fact, the young emperor who controls the entire Daxia knows more than anyone, including the Yingshi imperial tomb in Shiwan Dashan, which is actually giving himself a choice.

Guan Zhengqing on the high platform of the Jinluan Temple in Yinxu City gradually stopped wailing, the whole body was completely devoid of flesh and blood, only the bones of the body became as stable as before again, even the chaotic spirits, at this moment, became extremely clear. All the memories kept popping up in front of me in an instant.

   Back to the light.

Over the dark and silent Yinxu City, the sky and bone debris still fell down. Guan Zhengqing looked at the sky in the distance, wearing a big crown of sky, and a crepe gown with jade pendant flying around his waist, like a young emperor who descended from the sky. It gradually became blurred. At this moment, the figure in front of him seemed to coincide with the supreme heroic posture that stood proudly in the sky over the hills of the Baidi Palace a year ago.

   "Really a kind and reassuring emperor, the people of Daxia are blessed!"

The murmur of    came from Guan Zhengqing's mouth. After the voice fell, Guan Zhengqing slowly closed his eyes.

   North Pole, over the city, golden light splashed all over the sky, the Arctic city under Zhao Yu's feet kept trembling with a violent frequency, and a loud noise came out like a big bell after being struck vigorously.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

Under the loud noise, Zhao Yu’s body in the flying robe was still as stable as Kunlun Mountain. At the same time, the young emperor’s gaze stared at the Yinxu city, and the sky was flying like a snowflake. Ziwei's face was as stable as Pinghu, but in his dark eyes, emotions surged.

   As the supreme emperor of the Great Xia, Zhao Yu can only hide it under the calmness most of the time, whether it is joy, anger, sorrow, or joy, but at this moment, the young emperor's heart is full of anger.

   This anger is not right, wrong, right is the way of heaven that keeps tragedies unfolding!

Then the young emperor slowly closed his eyes and concealed all his emotions, but all the people in the Arctic had a very clear feeling. The sky above the Arctic Realm City was vast and majestic. It was beyond words to describe the momentum and violent The posture rises rapidly upwards.

  The dark night sky of the Arctic, instantly brightened up!

   Zhao Yu's whole body is a golden law that shines like stars, and around Guan Zhengqing, gray and white bone debris is flying.

   The difference between the two is like the world and hell!

   But both of them closed their eyes, unwilling to face the scenes before them, because in essence, the **** on earth is the same, it is a world that eats people without spitting out bones.

   Zhao Yu's aura became stronger and stronger, but on the contrary, the aura of Guan Zhengqing's body became weaker and weaker.

   In the end, perhaps only a few breaths, or perhaps a long, long time, Zhao Yu and Guan Zhengqing opened their eyes almost at the same time.

  Guan Zhengqing's eyes were dark, and there was no trace of humanity, but in Zhao Yu's eyes, the anger was still so high.

   Then, Zhao Yu, who was so angry, raised his foot directly, and stomped on the Arctic City under his feet, and Emperor Huang Huang's sound penetrated the sky.


   This kick fully expresses the wrath of the emperor, and the entire Arctic City, which was impacted by the law of the saint, stopped shaking in an instant and became as stable and quiet as a rock.

   At the same time, in the blasted North Sea center of the Supreme Profound Land, countless monks headed by the three kingdoms turned into trajectories that cut through the void, and went straight to the seabed below.

Then, within the sight of all the monks, in the chaotic and dark void below, a phoenix scream that pierced everyone's eardrums suddenly sounded. The domineering and sharp screams went straight into the depths of everyone's sea of ​​consciousness, making a lot of them too mysterious. The monks in the land subconsciously covered their ears.

   Then, on the bottom of the North Sea, a small group of fist-sized golden flames appeared out of thin air.

The size of this golden flame is so inconspicuous. From a distance, it looks like the faintly swaying wick in a lamp that will go out in the next second. It is even ignored by most monks, but then, this light , Let these monks unforgettable in this life.

After    a breath, this flame floating from the bottom of the sea exploded outwards, emitting light that was even more dazzling than the scorching sun, and even caused the countless monks on the sea in the entire Supreme Profound Land to create a visual blank in an instant.

   Then a pair of huge wings stretched out from within the golden light, and the sound of crying pierced the sky again.

   The extremely cold temperature above the North Sea rose to its peak in an instant, and then in the light that was difficult to see directly, the blazing golden phoenix soared, instantly occupying the seabed cracks in the North Sea, and headed straight for the three kingdoms above the sky.

   In the next instant, three muffled hums sounded almost at the same time, and the three kingdoms of red, blue, and white were directly blown far behind.

   Under the North Sea, the phoenix came out of Tai Xuan, and the three statues retreated three hundred li!

   The sight in front of all the monks above the North Sea was dumbfounded, and then they heard an even more incredible voice in their ears.

   This voice is so young and steady, but it makes the monk feel a panic rising from the depths of his soul:

   "Today, I pretend to send my friend Guan Zhengqing to sink into nine quiet places!"

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