
read2();   "Unexpectedly, I was so old, but my Majesty was still enthusiastic about it in a few words."

In the vast Arctic land of Shenzhou, the old Ministry of Industry Shangshu stroked the white beard on his chest, and gently sighed at the girl Xihongchen beside him. Lao Shangshu's complexion was still agitated and then flushed, his entire beard flicked. Shaking, the eyes of the old are even brighter than those of the young man.

  In fact, for the craftsmen of the Ministry of Engineering, besides his flexible hands, the most important part is the eyes. Lao Shangshu has the best in it, so his eyes are especially shining.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of a person’s soul, so he has the longest post in the world among the six books, but the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, which is not sharp, often sees through without saying it, and the governor does not judge the matter, but only cares for his own sake. This matter has won the golden mean.

   After the old voice of Lao Shangshu fell, the girl recovered from a daze after washing the red dust, and gently responded:

   "Every time I see your Majesty, I think I see a god."

   "That's also a powerful, benevolent god, isn't it?"

Lao Shangshu smiled slightly, and then under the leadership of the Tianhui Army in front, he nodded to the officials who were free to explore the northern boundary city around him. At the same time, together with the girl washing Hongchen, he stepped on the incomparably hard ice. Walk towards the bottom of the Arctic City.

The closer you get to the northern boundary city, the more fragments and pits on the ice in all directions, the more dense it is. This means that just now, an unimaginable battle of high-level cultivators has erupted here, and it serves as an institution sect. The Young Sect Master’s scouring of the red dust, the talent among the younger generation is also among the best, so watching the surrounding eyes more and more solemnly.

   "When I was a child, it happened to be a war, and I remember that my mother used to say to me at that time, don't worry, the sky is falling, and there is a tall man against it."

  Today’s Lao Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry did not know why, and the words were extremely loud. After his words fell, he turned his head and looked at the girl listening beside him, and continued to speak:

"At that time, I was thinking, what kind of person is a tall person who can even withstand the catastrophe of the sky. Later, I realized that those people are actually the same as us, with two eyes and one nose. , A mouth, so girl, why not try it and see if you can become that kind of person?"

As soon as Lao Shangshu’s soft questioning sound fell, the pace of washing Hongchen suddenly slowed down for a while, and then turned to look at the forward. His beautiful face was surprised, like amber eyes, full of doubts. .

   Then Lao Shangshu smiled slightly, raised his hand and gently touched the head of the girl in front of him, and continued to speak:

"There are special skills in the art industry. We craftsmen are not as good as soldiers in battle, and eloquence and strategy are not as good as counsellors, and they don’t have the ability to move mountains and reclaim the sea like monks. The old man is not talented, but in the past few decades, I have been the craftsmen of Daxia who have withstood the sky, but after all, I am too old and can't live for too long."

Lao Shangshu’s remarks did not have a strong sigh, but were full of indifference, because at his age, perhaps he had already seen the cycle of life and death, but the girl in front of him washed the red dust, and the big eyes were filled. From the sad color.

   It is said that once a person reaches a certain time, he can vaguely feel that his time limit is approaching, so Lao Shangshu smiled and continued to speak:

"Hongchen, go to the Great Dynasty Examination in the near future. Unlike the other departments, the Imperial Examination of the Ministry of Engineering is exquisite in engineering. His Majesty has a broad mind and no opinion, and he will not be biased because of your birth in the sect. The former master of Confucianism and the master of Daxia Xuegong are the best examples.

   "In fact, in the great summer, with great ambitions, trying to lift up a piece of the sky for others, there are many people, girls, you must remember, striving forward, never walk alone!"

Lao Shangshu’s words were filled with an extremely warm feeling, and then Xi Hongchen in front of him nodded heavily. Although he did not reply, he was full of firmness. Then Lao Shangshu slowly turned around and continued on the journey, the old man The voice sounded again:

   "Let's go, your majesty has specially left me to wait. I must have important arrangements."

After hundreds of officials disperse in the Arctic, after free inspection, they truly returned to their once lonely and icy appearance, because the officials with shallow cultivation bases can survive in this northernmost place, the great master of the Tianhui Army. The taboos directly opened up the prototype of their own kingdom, covering the entire vast range of void.

From a bird’s eye view of the sky, one by one, the colorful and huge prototypes of the country, just like an open umbrella of heaven and earth, with a full of dreamy color, and then under a huge cyan umbrella, the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and Xihongchen, who was standing, came to Zhao Yu and saluted him.

   Zhao Yu’s eyes stared at the very ruddy Lao Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry for a long time, then his lips lightly opened, and a soft voice sounded:

   "After Xu Lao returns to the capital, I will ask the people in the palace to send a cup of tea to the house every day. You must remember to drink it."

   As soon as he said this, Lao Shangshu bowed forward again, and then his voice came out:

   "Thank your Majesty Longen, but the old man has found a successor, and he has no regrets."

   Lao Shangshu's indifferent voice fell, and Zhao Yu turned his gaze to Xi Hongchen, who was on the side. In the ebony black eyes, the girl's red body was reflected, just like a thorny rose that opened alone in the snowy field in winter.

   Then the young emperor withdrew his gaze, and the infinite pressure on Hong Chen's entire body suddenly disappeared, and then Zhao Yu's calm emperor's voice sounded in his ear:

   "Old Xu, I call you, there is an arrangement."

   "Your Majesty, please order!"

   Lao Shangshu bowed his head to lead his orders, and then Zhao Yu nodded and slowly spoke:

   "I have heard that when the organ sect was at its peak, it was even possible to create puppets that could absorb vitality and act on their own. This is a great way to gather organs. Is there such a thing?"

   Zhao Yuyu finished, Lao Shangshu turned his head and glanced at the girl beside him, and then continued to respond:

   "Return to your Majesty, but there is such a thing. This puppet used to be the treasure of the government sect. It has no fear of pain when fighting, and is not afraid of death, but it can hardly shake the high-level master directly.

  Lao Shangshu said this, and after hesitating for a while, the voice came out again:

   "However, it was later cut in half by the master with a sword, and now it is completely scrapped."

As soon as this statement came out, a strange color appeared in Zhao Yu’s eyes. The grievances between the Master and the Institution Sect were known to all in Daxia, but few people knew that the Master had cut all the treasures of the Institution Sect. No wonder the old queen mother said that the master's mind was extremely small.

   After the voice of Lao Shangshu fell, Xi Hongchen next to him raised his head, gently opened his mouth and continued:

   "Return to Your Majesty, this puppet has actually been repaired by the clan for the most part over the years, and it can be completely repaired with only a trace of the last soul."


The murmur of    came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then he stretched his hand forward, and a light ball with a light green glow flew out, and the emperor's voice sounded again:

   "Wait, wait and see, is it feasible to use this weapon soul to refine a puppet that can be remotely controlled or controlled by itself?"

After    finished speaking, Lao Shangshu and Xi Hongchen looked up and saw that within the ball of light, a Taoist spirit resembling a huge chariot was suspended, and then the voice of the young emperor came in again:

  "I can make the entire engineering department and all the craftsmen of Daxia cooperate fully, but I have a requirement, mass production!

"Since it is unrealistic and improper to build the Great Wall to enclose the entire Daxia, the first step is to cover the coasts and borders of the 36 states in Daxia with these catapult puppets, so as to reduce defenses for the mountains and seas in the future. pressure!"

  Emperor Huanghuang has completed the sound, an extremely long and unfamiliar vocabulary suddenly appeared in Zhao Yu's mind.

Self-propelled artillery!


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