
read2();   The setting sun sinks, the evening clouds return to the mountains, the sky above the capital city of the northwest of Great Xia, the orange sunset glows across the city, just like the shy cheeks of a young girl, they all say that the words of the world are complex, The girl's blush is better than a long dialogue, so the capital city at this time has a thrilling beauty.

   Pure and sincere.

As night fell gradually, the first city of Shenzhou Haotu, which had been bustling for a day, gradually fell into calm, but at the gate of Qinglong City, the people who lined up to enter the city were still in an endless stream. However, if you look closely, these people waiting to enter the city, Most of them were ordinary people who returned from a spring trip out of the capital city, and only a very small number of outsiders were mixed. This is exactly the opposite of the scene a year ago.

   After the completion of the Taiping Ruins Shenjing Station and the popularization of the teleporting scroll, everything has changed. The life style of the entire Daxia people has undergone earth-shattering changes in subtle ways.

   "Attention, everyone, the Qinglong Gate of Shenjing City is about to close in a quarter of an hour, please hurry up and enter the city!"

A loud ringing of the bell, accompanied by the generals' vigorous shouts, echoed from the city wall, resounding everywhere, and then on the road outside the Qinglongmen city, a team riding a fast galloping speed suddenly accelerated, aroused The sky is full of dust.

  At the same time, on top of a big horse in the team, a beautiful figure in a pale green monk's robe controlled the horse galloping under him to speed up, and at the same time some unpleasant voices sounded:

   "Black skin, the next time you travel out of the city, this lady will definitely not take you. Not only will it be useless, but will also drag her back. Now if this time of entering the city is delayed, you will be prepared to suffer the flesh and blood."

  The girl's scolding, a dark-skinned teenager with his head down, looked bitter, but he knew that he was wrong, and he didn't say a word. Then another calm and thick voice continued:

   "Xu Jin is in no rush. At this time, the blue dragon gate is still a quarter of an hour away. We are all famous horses with excellent speed and endurance, so we are in a hurry."

The voice came from an older young man with a well-proportioned figure and an extremely healthy bronze skin. At the same time, his body seemed to contain unimaginable power. His name was Xiao Yuan, the grandson of Xiao Su, a former university scholar, and also The strongest shield ever in Zizhu Alley.

Compared with a year ago, Xiao Yuan has not changed much, but he is more restrained and mature. Then he raised his eyes to stare at the red clouds in front of him, like a behemoth of heaven and earth, inside his eyes, The thoughts flowed, and a faint trace of desire could be seen.

At that time, the senior officials and general seed brothers of the two alleys of Zizhu and Liuye, headed by the eldest lady of the Wei Guogong Mansion, Xu Qing, and Lin Xiao from the Zhenyuhou Mansion, were tit-for-tat and refused to give each other. A year has passed, everything has changed dramatically.

   Xiao Yuan, sitting on horseback, suddenly felt that the dispute between the two lanes, which had been considered extremely important, seemed so naive at this time.

  Thinking about this, Xiao Yuan's mouth showed a smile, saying that he was young and frivolous. At this time, it was not just him, but the young people of his generation, who had begun to grow up.

   Just as Xiao Yuan was thinking, the young black skin who had been pursing his mouth beside him suddenly raised his hand, pointed to the side, opened his mouth and said:

   "I saw a man walking there, in white clothes, she should be a woman, and according to her walking speed, it must be impossible to enter the city before the city gate is closed!"

As soon as the black skin shouted, several people in the team looked in the direction of their fingers. At the far end of the side, there was a black spot-like figure walking forward with its legs raised, and The speed was not fast, and then the voice belonging to the black skin sounded again:

   "You all know that my eyesight is abnormally good, and I faintly feel that the figure of the girl in white is a little familiar."

   Hei Pi's faint voice fell, and the brows of several people were slightly furrowed, and just as Hei Pi said, the city gate had only a quarter of an hour to close. At its speed, this figure would definitely not be able to enter the city within the prescribed time.

   Therefore, after a few breaths of thought, Xu Jin, the second lady of Wei Guogong's mansion, directly pulled the rein to the side, turned the direction of the handsome horse galloping under her body, and went to the side, at the same time the voice came out:

   "I'll have a look, you can go to the city first."

   "Let's go together then, if you are an acquaintance, you might have a look after."

   Xiao Yuan finished speaking, and mobilized the same direction, and then a group of several people quickly approached the figure on the side.

The strong wind generated by the galloping horses blew Xu Jin's pale green monk's uniform backwards. From a distance, it looked like the flying willow branches in the spring breeze on the banks of the Shenjingcheng River. Then Xu Jin's eyes were slightly light Squinting, watching the closer and closer figure, the color of doubt in his eyes became more and more obvious.


   Xu Jin waved the rein forcefully, and after the steed underneath him screamed, he passed the slowly forward figure from behind, and at the same time the girl's voice came out:

   "This girl, at this time, she is very close to the gate of the city of God, if you don't mind, I will take you for a ride?"

   But Xu Jin's voice hadn't fallen yet, the walking figure suddenly staggered and fell to the ground without saying a word, which made the faces of everyone who rode from behind changed.


   Xu Jin opened her mouth and let out a loud shout, and then controlled her figure to stop, and immediately checked before she picked up the figure, her complexion changed suddenly, and she opened her mouth quickly and said:

   "Swordsman girl!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, at the east gate of Shenjing City, because the gate was about to be closed immediately, the people who had stayed outside Qinglongmen had already entered the city. Then a group of children from Zizhu Alley rode their horses. After dismounting, they took advantage of it. At the last time, slowly enter the city.

Xu Jin looked at the girl who was in a coma on the horse and was covered in stains. The doubts and horror on her face remained unsolved. A year ago, in the Daowu Grand Competition, the strength of the sword of Wanjian Pavilion left Xu Jin behind. An indelible impression.

   But when he thought of the battle between Murong He and his majesty at the peak of sanctification a few days ago, Xu Jin sighed slightly, and then looked into Jian Sheng's eyes with a trace of pity.

In trance thinking, a group of people walked past the broad and heavy gate of Qinglong East Gate, but as soon as they stepped into the entire Shenjing City, countless mountains and tsunami-like cheers rushed directly into the sky from the city, like thunder and thunder in the rainy night. The explosion, it was the cheers of hundreds of millions of people, which shattered the entire sunset above the sky.

Under countless shouts and cheers, the young people in Zizhu Alley standing at the door of Qinglongmen looked at each other in disbelief, then the color of ecstasy that emerged in their eyes burst out, and then the unscrupulous generals After losing the rein in his hand, he ran towards Qinglong Street where countless people were chanting in front of them, and at the same time an extremely excited voice came out:

   "We won, we won!"


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