
read2();  Time flies, thousands of logistics go round, ten days of sunlight pass by.

The wheel of time will only roll forward, never retreat. In these ten days, the entire Daxia has been peaceful and prosperous as always, and the festive atmosphere still exists after the victory, and a scholar who went to Beijing for examinations We also launched the final sprint for the great dynasty test that will be launched soon.

In Shenjing City, the atmosphere of the literary world suddenly became extremely rich. During the poems, a widely circulated poem was spread out every three to five times. At the same time, the Shenjing city girls who were waiting for the word went up. On the street, look for the wishful man.

The girl in the northwest of Daxia is always outspoken. When she meets the erlang she likes, she is not as twitchy as the girls from the southern water villages. They have always taken the initiative to attack. Therefore, recently, you can see a large number of pairs in the streets of Shenjing City. Pairs of young people with happy smiles on their faces.

The most beautiful April day in the world, the 36 prefectures of Daxia in the resurrection of all things exude the ultimate charm, and at the same time, behind this graceful spring, under the will of the lord of Daxia Zhao Yu, Daxia Department of Defense and the entire dynasty All the soldiers are undergoing the largest mobilization and reorganization of troops in more than a decade.

Countless elite soldiers, with the help of the teleportation tower, directly teleported from the endless mountain Yulongguan to the major cities of Daxia, and then under a series of orders, they radiated in all directions, and the garrisons were deployed. It saves countless time and reduces a lot of consumption.

At this time, Da Xia had already developed its iron blood and efficiency to the extreme. According to Zhao Yu’s will and decree, the military generals and the secretary of the sky supervisor discussed to re-adjust the garrison system after adjusting Da Xia’s defense. Within the Thirty-Six prefectures of Daxia, no matter where it is, even in the most remote one hundred thousand mountains, as long as the Sitianjian determines the location, within two hours, Daxia Bingfeng can be inevitable.

An invisible net covering the entire vast land of China, integrating monitoring and control, uniting and deploying defenses, rapid response, and precise strikes, gradually took shape. This is also one of Zhao Yu's support for guarding the entire Daxia kingdom, but it is just that. One, because the measures implemented by the young emperor are far more than that.

In the middle of the morning, Shenjing City was still in a very clear and good weather. Under the warm spring sun, a carriage from the Great Summer Academy in the western suburbs of Shenjing City slowly drove into Liuye Lane along the bustling crowd. Among them, after seven turns, the carriage stopped at the back door of a mansion in Liuye Lane.

Before the carriage arrived, a tightly wrapped thin woman had already stood waiting at the back door of the vermilion mansion. A trace of white hair faintly came out from the cotton cap, while the woman slowly looked in front of her. In addition to joy, the eyes of the carriage came with a sense of anxiety.

After hesitating for a few breaths, the Chief Miss Song, who was extremely nervous holding her skirt tightly with both hands, took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, and walked directly to the carriage in front of her, and then she had a pair of powerful hands. Enter it carefully under the support.

   Then the simple carriage moved forward again. This time, it was moving in the direction of Shenjing Station in the center of Shenjing City, not far from Willow Lane.

   In the carriage that continued to move forward, the middle-aged woman sat down, and then looked at the familiar but unfamiliar middle-aged man in front of him, and a slightly worried voice came from her mouth:

   "Ken Lang, you are going to Shinkyo Station this time to take up your post. If I go with you, I am afraid that it is wrong?"

The woman's voice was soft and weak, but she was filled with joy and sweetness that she hadn't noticed. Then, in front of her, Sun Qian, who was sitting cross-legged with a book, raised her head and looked at the extremely pale eldest lady, revealing A smile with his lips pursed, his voice faintly debuted:

   "According to the etiquette, the appointment of a new official with female relatives is a bit inappropriate, and it seems not rigorous enough."

As soon as Sun Qian said this, the face of the weak middle-aged woman in front of him suddenly changed, and a panic flashed in his eyes. He just wanted to ask to get off the carriage, but he heard the leaking voice of the middle-aged man in front of him. Sounded directly:

  "But my grandson Cockroach still cares about his mother’s courtesy. There is no stipulation in the Daxia Law that this cannot be done. I have been separated from you for sixteen years. How many sixteen years can life be?

"Naturally, you have to cherish your time and make up for it. Even if your Majesty is here, I will talk like this. As for you, if you are afraid that other people will gossiping behind your back, you are too underestimated. I am a watcher who is personally canonized by your Majesty. Cheng, if the people below dare to talk nonsense, I'll put on small shoes for him, otherwise you think I've been playing in the endless mountain all these years for nothing?"

   After Sun Qian finished speaking, he gently put down the book in his hand, smiling at the corners of his mouth, revealing the missing half of his teeth. Although he was still a little crooked, he exuded a warm and heavy feeling, and he didn't look fierce at all.

   Then the middle-aged woman in front of Sun Qian chuckled, staring at Sun Cockroach's scarred and weathered face, and said quietly:

   "Kenrou, compared to before, you have changed a lot."

   "Stayed in the flesh and blood mill of the endless mountain for so long, if you don't learn some military scorn, you really can't get into it. Some vulgar language will make you laugh."

After the voice fell, he was sitting right in front of the middle-aged woman, taking off the heavy armor of the Endless Mountain Shield Armor, and putting on a big summer official uniform, Sun Qian bowed his head quite embarrassedly, but still raised his head from time to time. Glancing at the irritated eyes in front of him, but revealing his inner thoughts, and then in front of him, Song Jia Ms. Zhang, on the still delicate face under her white hair, showed a sincere smile, and responded:

   "No, I think the current Kenro is much more approachable than the majestic Great Xia champion 16 years ago, and he also feels more accessible, without the sense of superiority."

   After the voice of Miss Song's parents fell, Sun Cockroach let out a sigh of relief, and said softly:

   "That's good!"

   After Sun Qian finished speaking, the smile on his face increased, and then he raised the book in his hand, and his voice continued to spread from his mouth:

"Actually, I’m used to staying in the endless mountain. I used to forget the etiquette and etiquette, but the books in this hand have always kept me from forgetting. Besides, it’s you. I know, I ruined it. Your whole life."

Sun Qian’s words were full of guilt, and in front of the others, Ms. Song’s parents who were still smiling, at this moment, countless emotions poured in her heart, and then she shook her head. With tears on the side, white hair was shocking.

   After a long time, the elder lady's choked but firm voice came from the carriage:

"This is my own choice. The moment you looked back at me back then, I knew that no matter it was sixteen or twenty-six years, I would wait for you in this life. These years, if it weren't for Mr. Dong Guo Keep telling me that you are still alive, I have already gone with you."


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