
read2();   Beihai, the land of Taixuan, the deck of the big blue ship is exquisite and perfect everywhere, and the girl Qingtian squatting in front of Ye Yi and Xue Dao has a beautiful face. A smile appeared.

Although the sky in the North Sea has been shrouded in a thick gray mist for tens of thousands of years, making the light look dim as the setting sun or dusk, but the girl’s white face is like a pearl and jade, emitting a crystal clear light. .

The beauty smiled and there were a lot of beauties, but Ye Yi, who was sitting cross-legged in front of Qing Tian, ​​did not react at all on the pale and stern face. He just stared faintly at the girl in front with his smooth black eyes, while Xue Dao next to him, They simply closed their eyes, and the two were completely incomprehensible.

   The young girl Qing Tian was not angry, she sat down on the emerald green deck covered with lawn under her without a shelf, with long green hair sprinkling behind her, gently repeating the name just said:

   "Ye Yi, Xue Dao."

After the murmur of the girl fell, she raised her head and continued to open her mouth and said:

"The names of Er and others are very interesting. This young lady is very curious. After so many years of being chased and killed by the people of the entire Supreme Profound Land, how your human race survived is indeed the one who once let all the forces A race that feels fear."

After Qing Tian spoke out, he raised his right hand to support his round chin, and carefully looked at the front Ye Yi and Xue Dao, although they were ordinary, but their faces were as cold as a knife. They listened not far behind, from the young man Qinglin. The voice of's gently passed into the ear:

"Ms. Qingtian, a few months ago, while I was waiting on the way from Beihai, I received a news that a monk from a different place was inadvertently in a very hidden rift in Beihai County. I found a gathering place for human races that had been considered extinct. I thought that these two people might have escaped from that rift valley."

   Young Qinglin fell with a confident voice as always, the girl in front of Ye Yi then sighed faintly, and then looked at the eyes of the two people in front of her with pity.

   Among the kingdoms of the Taixuan, the Qingzhi Kingdom advocates beauty and nature, and does not like killing. It is a rare peaceful race. They often live in the jungle and greenery, and are also known as the Shumei clan.

Then the young girl Qing Tian, ​​who sneaked out of Qingzhi Country to travel in the North Sea, looked serious, staring at Ye Yi's face with a crossbar totem in front of him, and repeated what he said at the first meeting again and again. That sentence:

   "You can rest assured, this lady said that if you cover you by the North Sea, you will never break your promise. As long as you follow this lady, no one will dare to embarrass you."

After    finished speaking, the girl stretched out her hand and patted Ye Yi's shoulder, and then she turned her head and asked directly:

   "Qinglin, just now you said that the human race in the gathering place was discovered, what happened afterwards?"

   "I have to check this."

After Qinglin finished speaking, he directly stretched out his hands into fingers, and tapped gently at a plant on the deck below, and after a breath, the grass in that spot rose and grew rapidly, with the branches intertwined, with great speed. Speed ​​forms a small emerald green platform.

Then the young boy Qinglin gently placed the book he was holding on the platform. After gently turning the page, a large number of green awns were released from the outside, gradually condensing and shrouded on the book, forming one after another. A beating character finally forms a paragraph of text gradually.

For Xue Dao and others from the vast land of China, this is undoubtedly an extremely novel method, but Ye Yi, who was born in the southern jungle with a barbarian totem on his face, feels even more obvious, because At the moment when the green light that contained the dazzling aura of law appeared, the fifth totem hidden in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness was unexpectedly hot for a while.

   At this moment, the fleeting change caused Ye Yi to frown the brows of the extremely sensitive girl in front of Ye Yi. Then she looked at Ye Yi’s unchanged face with some doubts, and gently explained:

"You who live in the rift valley and have never been in contact with the outside world should be a little curious about this method. In fact, it is very simple. The plant that grows under the book is an extremely precious seed from the mother of the jungle of Qingzhi Country. .

"As long as the people of Qingzhi Nation are outside, as long as we urge this seed, no matter where in the Taixuan land, we can establish contact with the kingdom through the vast will of the mother of the jungle, so we can send some simple messages. "

   Young girl Qing Tian’s explanation just fell off, and the doubt on her face became thicker, she raised her hand to touch her pretty face, and muttered softly:

   "It's really strange, why this lady subconsciously wants to explain this to you alone."

   But before Qing Tian could think about it, the voice of the young teenager from not far away directly pulled the former's attention away again:

   "Ms. Qing Tian, ​​the news from the domestic sacrificial institution seems to have discovered something extremely interesting."

   In the voice of the boy from Qingzhiguo, in addition to his usual self-confidence, there was also a hint of surprise. Then he flipped through the books before the green light was gradually dissipating, and the young voice continued to sound on the deck:

  " After the gathering place of the human race named Rift Valley was discovered, many forces that came to the North Sea from various places had thoughts about it, and even a battle broke out between them.

"But the interesting thing is that the human race in this valley is not what everyone thinks is a soft persimmon. The defense is tight, and there is even a high-level monk sitting in town. This directly caused these forces to suffer a sudden loss and lose many lives. , And then the Beihai County Ditou Snake Five Immortal Sect took action and took away all the races without knowing the life or death."

When    Qinglin's words came out, Qing Tian, ​​a young girl sitting not far away, sank, and then blurted out:

   "Qinglin, if this lady remembers correctly, the place where the Five Immortal Zongmen is located should be Shenxiancheng, the largest and most prosperous port in Beihai County, and the place we are going this time is right there."

   "Exactly, and within half a day, I will arrive soon. Miss Qing Tian can look into the distance, where the horizon has already appeared."

As soon as the words came out, Xue Dao, who had always closed his eyes and slumbered, opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at each other with Ye Yi, while the girl Qing Tian in front of the two turned to look into the distance after hearing this. At the end of the line of sight that was originally flooded by the dark green North Sea water, a black line slowly emerged.

  Above the black horizon, a large number of buildings are faintly visible on it, and as the ship advances, this black line becomes more and more obvious, and it is getting bigger and bigger, like a high peak.

   "Such a protrusion above the sea level, this Beihai County Shenxiancheng, could it be that it was not on a mountain peak?"

   After the girl Qingtian's question fell, the young Qingzhiguo, who stood up from the deck not far away, gently shook his head, squinted his eyes, and slowly responded:

  "Miss Qing Tian, ​​there are no peaks within a thousand miles of the North Sea under the invading waves of countless years.

   "So this is not a mountain, but Ao Jia. In other words, the Shenxian City that I will soon change to is a big city built on the remains of the ancient giant Ao Jia!"


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