The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 962: Shen Xiancheng


read2();  The area of ​​Beihai County, the land of Taixuan, is actually huge and unimaginable. It is even smaller than the counties controlled by some high-level inland forces, because the entire northern border The coastline stretches for countless miles, making the northern part of Taixuan Land covered in Beihai County.

Such a large territory, logically speaking, should be a place where countless ethnic forces are entrenched in contention, but in fact it is not. Since the **** battle tens of thousands of years ago, the North Sea has lost its vitality and vitality, and the entire Beihai County has become a tasteless existence.

Its former prosperity and splendor have all turned into a vast, fertile, fertile spiritual soil, and now it has become a black waste soil as rough as gravel, without resources, luck, and vitality, countless The forces and monks that once survived have migrated to the south, making Beihai County a wasteland inaccessible. Except for the Shenxian City along the coast, there is no visible city.

If it hadn’t been for the news that the two immortals that had sunk in the North Sea would be reborn, the entire Beihai County had almost been completely forgotten by the entire Taixuan Land, and the world would not spend a long time crossing this vast distance to arrive. This cold wind is raging and there is no grass in the northern wasteland.

"In Beihai County, Beihai has two meanings. In a broad sense, Beihai refers to all the oceans in the northern part of the Taixuan Land. The area cannot be calculated, that is, only in the age of Wuxianshan, the most prosperous tens of thousands of years ago, In order to get a complete view of the entire North Sea monks flying in the sky, and now what we call the North Sea is actually the North Sea in a narrow sense. It specifically refers to the large area of ​​sea surrounding Shenxian City from the front, which is also the activity of the monks in Shenxian City going out to sea. The scope actually only occupies a small part of the northern ocean."

On the big blue ship from Qingzhi Country, the voice belonging to the young Qinglin lingered softly, and then the former, holding a book, stood on the deck, looking at Shenxiancheng, which was gradually growing in sight. , The young and confident voice continued to spread out:

"According to legend, in ancient times, during the heyday of the North Sea, Wuxianshan specially asked Xiangong for fifteen big AOs to set their bodies, and these big AOs are about the size of a small continent. The city can be established in all places, and the ancients sincerely don't deceive me."

After Qinglin's words fell, everyone on the big blue boat looked up, and even Ye Yi and Xue Dao both stood up and looked into the distance, only to see the entire coastline in sight, a huge and incomparable sculptor. The armour stands between the heaven and the earth, high and protruding like a giant mountain on the armour back, a city made up of countless buildings stands on it, and just below this Shenxian city is the turbulent North Sea with huge waves.

   Waves of waves came roaring and impacting, and then slammed on the Ao Jia, rolled back, and made a deafening roar.

It is precisely because of this mountain-like Aojia that the Shenxian City built on it seems to be located directly in the air, so that this city can be completely preserved under the North Sea hurricane that rages on the world from time to time, and becomes the best of the North Sea. The only heavy city on the bank.

"The power of the North Sea hurricane must be familiar to everyone. Waves of wind and waves have wiped off the entire North Sea coast, one layer after another, but they have built a big city on the back. There is no alternative, we can see its solidity."

The crisp voice of the young girl Qingtian passed from above, and this extremely curious young girl from Qingzhi Country, in order to make her see more real, she climbed directly to the top of the big ship, shaking her white feet, her voice Continue to preach:

   "In fact, this young lady feels very puzzled, since this big ao is so big and strong, how did it die?"

   "Naturally is a stronger and larger existence, kill it."

In the response of the young Qinglin, he still carried his unique self-confidence. Then he waved his hand to the side of the deck, and immediately there was a plant sticking out from the cabin under the deck. Green robe, and two of them were sent to Ye Yi and Xue Dao.

   "Shen Xiancheng will arrive soon. In order to avoid trouble, you and the others will put on this big robe. This robe represents the Qingzhishangguo in the land of the supreme mystery, so most people will avoid it."

Qinglin's words fell, Ye Yi nodded, and after a word of thanks, he took the green robe in his hand. This robe was not made of silk as Ye Yi thought it was, but made of a whole body. It is made from the tender buds of an unknown plant. If you look closely, every pattern on it is extremely delicate and exudes a faint breath of life. For Ye Yi, on the clothes in his hands, he Can feel more.

It was a faint call that had been separated by countless distances, but still rang in his ears. He just wanted to listen intently, but saw a figure falling straight from above, just beside him, and then the young girl Qing Tian did the same. With a green robe covering himself, an excited voice came out:

"This Wizard of Oz robe is an incomparably precious treasure in my country on Qingzhi. It can not only absorb the breath of life to heal wounds, but also isolate the breath and explore. Most people have no chance to get involved, but this lady sees you two people. Pleasing to the eye, let’s wait and wear it first."

After speaking, Qing Tian showed a smile on her face, even sticking out her tongue to lick her rosy lips, wanting to come and look forward to the next trip to Shenxian City, while the few people talked, the blue ship slowly sailed into the statue. Under Ao Jia.

  In this way, this huge and incomparably large Ao Jia is more shocking to the soul. The already huge ship of Qingzhi Country is like a small fish beside a deep sea giant whale.

   Then Ye Yi on the deck suppressed the slight throbbing in his heart, put on his clothes, and at the same time, a faint questioning sound came out:

"Ms. Qingtian, I know that the land of Taixuan is vast and vast, and even though I am under this Shenxian city, it is not easy to get there. Therefore, the way of transportation in the land of Taixuan will be better. common?"

   Yaichi’s questioning made the young girl Qingtian's face show a weird look again, and then she, who was already familiar with it, responded softly:

   "I didn't expect Er and the others to be blocked to such a degree that they didn't even know the Heavenly Cloud Palace. The land of the Supreme Profound Realm is so large, it is naturally impossible to walk through it."

After    finished speaking, Qing Tian lifted the hood of the green robe, covering his entire face, and then the natural voice came out directly:

"Naturally, it depends on flying, and the Tianyun Temple, which is composed entirely of flying races, specializes in this kind of business. Although Beihai County is extremely desolate, but this place is on the edge of Shenxian City. There should be a lot of talents in Tianyun Temple. Wait and see."

   After the girl finished speaking, she directly took out a small bone whistle, put it in her mouth and blew it hard, and then a sharp and piercing bird chirping instantly resounded across the sky, and it sent out invisible waves.

   After about ten breaths, a huge shadow, waving its wings, swooped down directly from the Shen Xiancheng above, and at the same time a middle-aged voice sounded directly in everyone's ears:

   "Is you waiting to blow the sky cloud whistle?"

Before the sound fell, a giant bird as large as a house appeared directly on the large ship of Qingzhi Nation where everyone was located. The giant bird’s wings spread out and hovered in the air, with a large enough to stand under its claws. After several people's sack, Qing Tian's crisp response sounded on the deck:

   "Yes, uncle, we are going to Shenxian City, there are six people in total."

   "If there are less than ten people, half a cent will be unified, and no two prices will be returned."

   "Half a celestial coin, you are so wicked, uncle."

   Although the young girl Qing Tian spoke like this, she still took out half of the coin emitting a pale white light and threw it away, and then a group of people walked directly into the basket from the deck.

   "You are so refreshing, distinguished guest. Let's tell you that, we have a poor tinkling sound in Shenxiancheng, Beihai County, and now we finally have the opportunity to make a fortune."

   "Uncle, you are really honest."

   "That is, stand firm, everyone!"

   With the shout of the giant bird, the wings vibrated suddenly, and the whole figure rose straight into the sky. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a black spot and completely disappeared into the sky.


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