The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 964: Tai Xuan Shen Ji


read2();   There are two huge circular squares on the north and south sides of Shenxian City, which are laid out in the shape of eight trigrams. The position is very profound, just like the two points in the Tai Chi circle, which also contains an inexplicable fortune.

Above the sky in the southern square, because there were so many people who came to Shenxian City, the wild birds in the northern border of Tianyun Temple fluttered in the sky, waiting to land, including the young girl from Qingzhi Kingdom. Tian and Ye Yi et al.

   "There are too many people who have landed in Shenxian City, Qinglin, you used to be in the desolate and inaccessible Sobeihai County, but now you are beaten in the face again and again."

Above the basket of the black northern bird, Qing Tian, ​​a petite figure, lay down and looked down, and saw countless people of all ethnicities walking back and forth in the entire square below, almost occupying this huge square. The people who have just landed, in the cities farther away, are full of voices and noises. This is already comparable to the core city of the inland middle school.

   After the girl fell with a ridiculous voice, a bitter expression appeared under the young man's Qinglin hood, and then he explained:

"Miss, because the news of Xianshan's rebirth has been raging in the entire Taixuan Land recently, and the North Sea vision a while ago, the monks gathered in the North Sea are even more reluctant to leave, so they came to this Shenxian City. Waiting for follow-up development, this is an exception, and if this were not the case, there might be fewer than a hundred people who landed on the shore of the North Sea in one day."

Young Qinglin’s explanation was full of determination, self-confidence, and indifferentness, but at the next breath, the complexion under his hood was once again more bitter, and even the iconic gesture of fingertips slowly retracted. Because above a few people, the thick voice from the black giant bird was heard clearly:

"The distinguished guest is not right. Although we have a sparse population on the shore of Beihai County, it is because it is difficult for people to survive in the rest of Beihai County. Therefore, they all gathered in Shenxiancheng. As a result, the population is quite large. If it is really as the distinguished guest said If there are less than a hundred people a day, I would have starved to death long ago when I waited for the Wild Birds in the northern border of Tianyun Temple to have no business to pick up."

   The voice of the middle-aged man from the Northern Wild Bird fell, and the young girl Qing Tian then let out a silver bell-like laugh, and then listened to the voice above with a little melancholy:

"It is true that the shore of the North Sea has become no longer suitable for survival due to various reasons. Most people choose to leave the once prosperous Beihai County and go to the better environment in the south, but there are always people who choose to stay, not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Accumulate, try to reproduce the glory of the past."

As soon as the words of the North Sea wild bird came out, the people above the basket suddenly fell into silence, because as the former said, people move and live. It is true to leave in order to survive, but knowing the danger, If you want to stay, it is more admirable.

Because the entire Shenxian City is still in a steady stream of large numbers of people, Qing Tian and others wandered over the square for a full quarter of an hour to fully arrive, and then the North Sea wild bird did not land, bowed his head and said a wish After speaking, continue to rise up and take on the next business, taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to earn more cents.

   Then a group of people stood on the crowded square and fell into a short pause. Among them, the young girl Qing Tian turned her head and looked around, staring at the surrounding northern city, under the hood of the Wizard of Oz, her eyes fiery.

However, the two priests of the Qingzhi Kingdom who followed from the big ship stepped in the dark, just one after the other, shielding a few people in the middle, slightly releasing their momentum, and letting those who were trying to gather around. The local guide who strikes up is afraid to come forward.

   Then Ye Yi and Xue Dao stopped and watched, when Qing Tian's low-volume voice suddenly came from their ears:

"You and others live in the deep valley. They must have never seen such a huge city, but if this lady tells you, there are cities much larger than Shenxiancheng in the inland country. Don't be surprised. , The area of ​​the Qingzhi State Capital alone where Miss Ben is located is five times larger than this Shenxiancheng."

After Qing Tian finished speaking, she stretched out her white and tender palm, made a five-character gesture, and then shook it triumphantly. Then she raised her hand and patted Ye Yi's side with another clear voice. From under the hood:

   "If you have this opportunity, this lady will take you back to Qingzhi Country to see and see."

As soon as the girl’s words came out, the complexions of the people in the Qingzhi country, including Qinglin, suddenly changed. With the people of Qingzhi country always advocating a peaceful temperament, it is entirely reasonable to rescue several human races when traveling abroad. But if this human race is brought back to China, it is two different things.

   So in front of a few people, the guardian of the Qingzhi Kingdom sacrifice turned around and just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the young Qinglin directly raising his hand, and then the latter faintly asked and said:

   "Miss, I have already arrived at Shenxian City, what are your plans for the next itinerary?"


   The girl murmured a little, then raised her leg to take a step forward, and continued to speak:

   "Qinglin, you can arrange it, but you know my temperament, if it is still very boring, then the lady will go crazy."

   "It is naturally impossible for Miss Qing Tian to be unhappy."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. When the young man Qinglin said this, his peculiar self-confidence was directly enveloped on his body. The treasure of Qingzhi Country's Wizard of Oz robe covered the face and body of the boy. Even concealing its breath and race, but it couldn't stop this confident breath from bursting out.

   Then Qinglin stretched out his palm and slightly clenched his fist. Then a confident voice came out:

"According to the conclusion drawn from reading a full 100,000 books in the country, once you go to a larger city, there is a place you must go to, and that is the center of the information intersection of the entire Taixuan Land. It’s also the easiest place to find interesting things."

After    finished speaking, Qinglin beckoned to a young man in black robes who was watching not far away. The latter's eyes lit up and he trot all the way, then said loudly:

   "What are the orders of the distinguished guests? I am very familiar with Shen Xiancheng. I can take you everywhere."

   After his voice fell, Qing Lin nodded, then threw out a celestial coin and asked directly:

   "Is there a Shenji Pavilion in Shenxian City?"

   "Cheng Xiancheng is the largest city in Beihai County. This Shenji Pavilion is naturally available. Please come with me, everyone!"

The black-robed youth hurriedly stuffed the celestial coin into his arms happily, but what Qinglin and others who were communicating with each other did not notice is that when the three characters of Shenji Pavilion sounded, Ye Yi and Xue Dao on the side The footsteps stopped at the same time, and the soul was shaken.


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