
read2();   Shenji Pavilion’s sound transmission lamp is also one of the businesses that belong to Shenji Pavilion. It collects remuneration to convey messages to the outside world on behalf of monks or forces.

   These messages can be divided into the city, the county, and the whole Taixuan land according to different needs, and they are also distinguished by color according to the importance of the message.

   This is also one of the reasons why the Shenji Pavilion is so lively in the Supreme Profound Land, because here you can often directly understand the real-time changes that are taking place across the entire vast continent.

"Regardless of whether the level above the sound transmission lamp is high or low, one thing is certain, that is, every time this lamp is turned on, the price is high, and it also represents the continuous wealth of Shenji Pavilion. The strength of the entire Shenji Pavilion in the Supreme Profound Land is enough to show."

Shenji Pavilion in Shenxiancheng, surrounded by blue light, the voice belonging to Qinglin faintly sounded in the corner, and then this young man from Qingzhi Kingdom who was holding a book everywhere, there was a mysterious and confident color on his body It burst out again, stretched out his right hand, pointed to the sky, and continued with a smiling voice:

"If it is going to be late today, I might as well stay at the upper floor of the Shenji Pavilion for one night temporarily. Later that night, I will confirm some news with the sacrificial courtyard. simple."

After    Qinglin finished speaking, the whole body leaned forward slightly, and then came out again with some cold voice:

   "Forcing people to pass through the Shenji Pavilion sound-transmitting lights and beg for mercy in front of the monks in the world, this is the consistent domineering style of Yan Jueguo and its affiliated forces!"

The word Yan Jue came out in Qinglin's mouth, and the people of Qingzhi Kingdom beside Ye Yi, including the optimistic young girl Qing Tian, ​​uttered a cold snort, and the cool killing intent came out. Miss Qingtian's cold voice then came out:

   "The monsters living underground in Yan Jue's country have also come to the shore of the North Sea. I am not afraid that the cold water will ice them into rocks!"

In the land of Taixuan, almost all forces know that there is no peace between the three upper kingdoms located in the southern inland areas. Among them, the relationship between Qingzhi and Xuemei is not bad, and they are barely counted as allies. A feud is Yan Jueguo.

Xuemei, Qingzhi and Yan Jueguo's fight never stopped for a moment. The footprints of the war even burned to the entire Taixuan Land. If Qingtian and others met Yan Jueguo in this Shenxian City, it would be bound to It's a tragic fight of life and death.

   Under the blood feud, either life or death!

   This is the cruelty of the Taixuan Land, even more naked and **** world than the vast land of Shenzhou.

   In the middle of Shen Xiancheng, five huge mountain peaks are directly above the sky, and most of them are directly above the gray clouds. They are looming. If you look closer, these five peaks are like Optimus Pillars, more magnificent.

At this time, outside the Wuxianzong mountain gate, after the news of the sound transmission lamp of the Shenji Pavilion, they originally gathered at the mountain gate, the imposing, large number of monks, looking arrogant, flung their robes, and faced the inside of the mountain gate. The disciple of the Five Immortals Sect, after uttering a faint utterance, coldly hummed and turned away:

   "If you wait for these Beihai County barbarians to know the current affairs, if they really irritate these inland sects, under the pressure of the sects, a Shenxian city in the districts of Er and others will definitely not be able to eat!"

The cynicism of these monks was undoubtedly like a slap on the faces of the disciples of the Five Immortals in the mountain gate, making the faces of these large numbers of disciples suddenly green and white, and there were several grumpy disciples. He drew out the sharp blade in his hand, and when he stepped forward to fight back, he was stopped by a figure standing in the front.

This figure is wearing a very heroic white robe, plus his slender figure, standing in front of the mountain gate, like a sacred tree of the Supreme Profound Land, and its outward momentum faintly covers the entire mountain gate. At the same time, this person is also one of the reasons why these monks of various sects dared not to force their way away.

Because the monks who had forcibly entered the Five Immortal Sect sect were interrupted by the figure in white and threw them directly out of the gate, and on the forehead of this figure, there were two short dark green dragon horns. .

   There are countless races in the Taixuan Land, but anyone with dragon veins must not be underestimated in strength. This is recognized common sense.

   "Big brother, these people are simply deceiving people too much. I waited for the Five Immortals to fight against the world by the North Sea, but I was bullied by these clowns blocking the mountain gate, but I couldn't do it. It was really hot."

After the monks outside the mountain gate almost left, in the five immortal sect mountain gate, those disciples who could not restrain their inner anger spoke angrily, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring in their voices. If it weren't for this figure to stop them, I am afraid these disciples would have Draw your sword out of the mountain and kill it.

After the sound of anger fell, the figure that was focused by the eyes of all eyes then slowly turned around, revealing a very handsome face, under the two dragon horns, the sword eyebrows are up to the sky, the bridge of the nose is high, and the deep blue eyes, It seems that there is this vast ocean, and within the vast ocean, there is a dragon-shaped road roaring and swimming, and it exudes waves of shocking aura.

All the disciples of the Five Immortals sect watching this figure felt that there was a roar of the tsunami like a North Sea hurricane in their ears, and then these disciples lowered their heads unconsciously, gradually becoming hostile. Pressed down and waited quietly for the big brother to speak.

   Then the young man in white looked around for a week, watching the disciples in front of him for a few breaths, and then slowly spoke. The voice was not loud, but it was clear to everyone's ears:

"Now, Shenxiancheng in our Beihai County has attracted the attention of countless people in the entire Taixuan Land. There is a mixture of fish and dragons. Therefore, the clan has issued an order that all disciples will not come to the mountain gate. The lord and elders must have deep meaning in such decisions, so I will wait It's good, but you can rest assured, when the sharp blade is always out of the sheath, stay calm!"

The white-clothed young man spoke with confidence and determination. Then he stepped forward, and the entire surrounding space rippled like a lake. After the figure was blurred for a while, when he appeared again, the disciples who had already crossed the mountain gate, Appeared in the Five Immortals Sect.

Under the giant peak of the Five Immortal Sect, the white robe of the chief disciple of the Five Immortal Sect flew violently, and although his complexion was still stable, his eyes were not calm, as if there was a roar of anger, enough to show his talent The same anger was difficult to calm, and then the person closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, everything went as usual, and he turned to smile.

   I saw not far away, a woman who also dressed in white came up pretty, and at the same time a sweet voice sounded:

   "Big Brother, Master calls you."

   After finishing speaking, the woman in white did not stop, but turned around, the fragrant wind blew, and the sweet voice continued:

   "Not on the main peak of Penglai, please come with me."


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