The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 972: City under the city


read2();   Tens of thousands of years ago, because of the **** battle between Wuxian Mountain and Longbo Kingdom, the Jiuzhongtianque above the North Sea was blasted through a huge gap, making the originally ordered Jiuhetian Together with the overlap, the intersection has formed an indescribable form of chaos, so a large amount of long-lasting gray fog covers the sky, isolating the sun and the moon.

The fragmentation of the sky, not only released the gray mist, but also allowed the entire North Sea's original heyday and abundance of heaven and earth vitality to dissipate at a very fast speed along the cracks in the sky, and now, Beihai County It has almost become a place of desertion.

Because of the above reasons, everyone in the world believes that there is no sun and moon in the North Sea, but in fact it is not. At least at this time, at the center of Wufeng where Wuxianzong's elder brother Ao Bai is, the round moon, like a millstone, is emitting light like water , And it's very close, as if just overhead.

The full moon hung in front of her eyes and was within reach, but at this time Ao Bai did not pay attention to observe this round of the moon that exudes the aura of boundless laws. Instead, she opened her eyes wide and stared at the moonlight ahead. A rift in the ancient Ao armor that looked like a huge mouth of a demon.

   The gap is extremely large, occupying most of the center of the ancient giant Ao Jiao Jia, and Ao Bai and the old woman with silver hair are standing not far from the edge of the gap at this time, and then Ao Bai's unbelievable murmur continued to sound:

"Master, it has been circulating within the sect that the Ao Jia below Shen Xiancheng was sent by the Immortal Palace to defend itself, and even if the ancient big Ao is dead, this Ao Jia relic still stands on the banks of the North Sea. Blessing Shen Xiancheng after tens of thousands of years of North Sea hurricanes, but still intact, it is also enough to show its defenses.

   "Then this strong defense armor, how did such a huge gap appear in the center?"

   After the unbelievable voice fell from Ao Bai's mouth, his side, also watching the old silver-haired woman in front of him, gently responded:

"Bai'er, this world is much more complicated than what you are exposed to now. No one can assert that he is invincible in the world. Think about the immortal palace that unified the entire Taixuan land and commanded the world to dare not follow it. Strong, it didn't fall apart in the end."

   After the old woman finished speaking, she paused for a few breaths, narrowed her eyes, and continued to slowly ask:

   "Bai'er, what do you think the shape of the rift on this ancient giant Aojia looks like?"

  As soon as this question came out, Ao Bai raised his head and stood upright. After looking around with his light blue eyes, his handsome face became more and more solemn. After a long time, he continued to bow and speak:

   "Master, forgive sin, disciple is dull!"

   "You take a closer look, does the shape of this gap look like a fist mark?"

   After the old woman with silver hair mopping the floor finished speaking, she raised her old right hand, made a fist and hammered downward, and then the voice of wise vicissitudes continued to be heard:

   "This ancient giant ao was killed by a punch through the entire Ao Jiao by the North Sea."

   The old woman's voice fell, and the young man Ao Bai suddenly raised his head and continued to look at the gap in front of him. At the same time, the gap exactly coincided with a picture that suddenly appeared in his mind.

That is a fist that almost occupies half of the sky in the North Sea. It descends from the sky and stirs the infinite wind and clouds above the entire North Sea. Under this heavy fist, the entire area of ​​the North Sea below is turned downward due to the extremely powerful pressure. Press a large section hard.

   It may be infinitely long, or in an instant, this world has a heavy fist directly on the back of an ancient giant Ao Ao just off the North Sea.

   In the next moment, the ancient giant Ao raised up to the sky and let out a roar with an extremely unwilling world. The center of the Ao armor shattered directly, and the inner body instantly turned into powder.

   "Bai'er, hold your breath and hold your breath, guard the sea of ​​knowledge."

Just as Ao Bai's mind was flowing and gradually being sucked into the ancient battlefield that was discolored on the day, the silver-haired old woman's loud and bell-like voice blasted directly into the sea of ​​knowledge, and at the same time the former's mind was completely separated from it, and his body was suddenly cold sweat. The densely covered, pale face was gasping.

"Presumably you also saw that picture. This ancient giant's resentment before his death was too great. Even if countless years have passed, there is still qi, so if you are not paying attention, your mind will be completely inhaled, Baier, you You must pay attention in the future."

  The old voice of the silver-haired old woman fell, kneeling beside her, Ao Bai, who was still in shock, took a deep breath, and then some hoarse voice came out:

   "Master, is this the secret hidden by our Five Immortals?"

   "Naturally not, this is just to let you know what the center of our Five Immortals Sect is like at the five peaks."

   After the silver-haired old woman finished speaking, she stepped forward slightly, not knowing if it was an illusion. As the old man's figure moved, the entire Zhoutian stars seemed to begin to flow, and then the entire Aojia center, the old voice resounded around again:

   "Bai'er, you should know the origin of the Five Immortals Sect I am waiting for?"

"Returning to Master, my disciples naturally know that I am a descendant of Wuxian Mountain in the North Sea. After the **** battle in the North Sea that year, none of Daiyu and Yuanqiao's two islands were sunk. None of them escaped, and the rest of the Sanxian Mountain was to avoid the same sinking. Jie, fled to the shore one after another, and then gradually established Shenxian City within Beihai County and the Five Immortal Sect where we were waiting at this time."

After    Ao Bai’s response fell, the silver-haired old woman nodded and continued to speak:

"Bai'er, what you said is correct, but it is not complete. At that time, I waited for the people of Sanxian Island not to flee because of fear of Shenlu’s catastrophe, but had to do it, but the reasons were too complicated and involved His grievances are too much involved, so I waited for the Five Immortals for so many years to settle down in this corner of the North Sea."

After the silver-haired old woman had finished speaking, her figure came directly to the edge of the crack. Under the moonlight, she was like standing on a high volcanic crater, and then an old voice continued to pass into Ao Bai’s ears from above. in:

"Recently, behind the entire Beihai, there seems to be a pair of invisible big hands fiddle, making the Qi machine disorder, the situation changes, I wait for these old guys in the sect to guess that the northern border of this Taixuan land is about to usher in drastic changes, so there is Some things, let you wait for these juniors to know, come here."

After    finished speaking, the old woman beckoned to the white-clothed youth below, then the young man Ao Bai stood up with her lips pressed, and stepped forward step by step.

   After a few breaths, Ao Bai came to the old woman's side, and then looked down at the bottom of the Ao Jia rift below.

   At this moment, the chief disciple of the Five Immortals Sect, who has outstanding talents, directly forgot to breathe.

   Ao Bai's heart, pulse, flowing blood, and the thoughts in his mind stopped beating in an instant.

  Because under the Ao Jia rift, the lights of thousands of families shine like the sea, extending endlessly, with no end in sight. At the same time, between the sea and the light, houses rise from the ground, and streets crisscross.

   It was the evening, and countless curls of cooking smoke formed a strong smoke and fire atmosphere, soaring into the sky.

   This is already a city under the ancient giant Ao Jiao Jia and Shen Xiancheng!


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