
read2();   The violent storm that swept through the entire Shenxian City, in the latter half of the night, the very strange moment dissipated, and then the entire North Sea became calm and calm, just like the previous earth-shocking phenomenon. It never happened in general.

Although the huge Aojia standing on the banks of the North Sea no longer trembles constantly due to the impact of the huge waves, the large swaths of buildings outside Shenxian City and the corpses lying all around indicate that they are in the Taixuan land. How fragile the creatures at the bottom are.

The next day, the rays of the scorching sun passed through the thick gray fog above the sky dome of the North Sea, and shone on the still wet Aojia ground of Shen Xiancheng. At the same time, because the North Sea water poured down yesterday instead of normal rain, so In the air of the entire big city, there is a salty feeling of sea water.

  The lobby of the Shenji Pavilion was already full of voices early in the morning. Everyone was talking about the vision of last night. After all, the hurricane last night was too violent, and at the same time it carried a rich and vast atmosphere of law.

In the lobby, there are already some people who have achieved it. They learned that in the depths of the North Sea last night, there were two land gods and fairyland monks fighting each other. At this time, they were frowning and thinking carefully, while the others were beside the monks. Under the instigation of him, he swaggered and walked nonchalantly into the small black room used to sell information in the Shenji Pavilion.

   But then, these people walked back to the lobby again and their faces were ugly, and after sitting back to their original positions, their faces were ashen.

   Seeing this, the surrounding monks rushed up, and at the same time curiously asked questions:

   "How, what do you say about this Shenji Pavilion information?"

   Before the sound of inquiries fell, the monks who walked out of the rooms outside the Shenji Pavilion shook their heads helplessly, and responded with a wry smile:

   "Don't mention it, you can guess what the price of the Shenji Pavilion is?"

After    finished speaking, the person stretched out a hand and opened it, making a five-character gesture.

   "Five hundred cents? So expensive!"


   The person continued to shake his head, then a gasp sounded directly from the surroundings, and then someone murmured and asked:

   "The fairy is on top, is it five thousand sen coins?"

   Five thousand sen coins is already an extremely appalling amount, but unexpectedly this person still shook his head and spoke word by word:

   "It's fifty thousand!"

As soon as this statement came out, the entire lobby suddenly exploded, and after this conversation spread, everyone's eyes flowed in the entire Shenji Pavilion lobby, and the eyes were thoughtful. Then I didn't know who spoke and said aloud. :

   "This information is so expensive, is it related to the birth of the two sunken mountains?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the sounds in the originally noisy Shenji Pavilion lobby suddenly stopped and became audible. After a few breaths, a large number of monks got up directly and walked towards the surrounding hut selling information. .

   "A bunch of guys who see the wind, they have a lot of money in their pockets!"

   In the corner of the Shenjing Pavilion lobby, the faint ridicule of Qinglin, a young man belonging to the Qingzhi Kingdom, sounded. After pouring a sip of tea into his mouth, he turned his gaze to the extremely embarrassed figure beside him, and continued to speak:

   "I heard people say that you, You Tianya, were found unconscious at the gate of Shenji Pavilion early in the morning, but there was an accident last night?"

After    Qinglin's words fell, his body was covered with bloodstains, and You Tianya, with a languid breath, recovered, and then sounded a hoarse response:

   "The storm was too strong last night and my home was blown down. When I woke up, I was already at the gate of Shenji Pavilion."

   After traveling Tianya, he slowly closed his eyes, with a very painful expression on his face, and then began to recall what happened last night, and his whole body began to tremble slightly.

   While You Tianya's face was pale and painful, the yawning petite figure of Miss Qing Tian approached from a short distance, and at the same time said with a lazy voice:

   "What happened to Shen Xiancheng last night? The lady who made me didn't sleep well all night, but this lady was too sleepy, so she didn't get up to check."

After    Qingtian's pleasant voice fell, he sat down on the seat, and then looked at the extremely embarrassed You Tianya, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he asked coldly:

   "You Tianya, have the black lizards come to trouble you again?"

   Then You Tianya shook his head, and a low response came out:

   "I'm useless. I can't save the old man who raised me since I was a child. I don't even know where his body is."

After You Tianya's painful voice fell, a few people in the corner of the lobby fell into silence. Then Qinglin gently said the information he had obtained in Qing Tian's ear, and Miss Qing Tian's eyes suddenly opened. Da, I looked around for a week, watching the renewed lively Shenji Pavilion lobby, after thinking for a long time, then gently spoke:

   "Today, this lady suddenly wanted to look up in the sky. Later, I will take the Tianyun Temple flying race to stroll around in the nearby waters, and take a trip back to the big boat. By the way, you can follow me when you travel around the world."

   As soon as he said this, You Tianya directly stood up from his seat, knelt down and slammed his head against Qing Tian.

   As the saying goes, the meaning of drunkard is not to drink. Everyone knows that this kind-hearted eldest lady suddenly proposed to go to the sky to look for the dead bird of the North Sea for You Tianya.

  Ms. Qing Tian has always been a hot and upbeat character, so she has decided on today's arrangements, so she no longer procrastinates. After a brief breakfast, the group walked directly out of the gate of Shenji Pavilion.

   Then in a corner of the Shenji Pavilion, two extremely veiled gazes retracted from the doorway, and then an unusually charming female voice came from under the white hood:

"The identities of the two little dolls of Qingzhi Kingdom are not ordinary. In the lobby of the Shenji Pavilion, I have felt that no less than five extremely obscure gods are intertwined and condensed on these people, and they also carry The strong aura of the law of life should be the secret sacrifice in the Qingzhi Country Sacrifice Courtyard."

   After this extremely enchanting voice fell, a figure in a white robe stood respectfully holding his hand next to him, and then gently responded:

"Qingzhi Country has never asked about world affairs, and now two small dolls who are young but with extraordinary status suddenly appeared in Shenxian City. I don't know what it means, and the subordinates feel that this is not like Qingzhi Country wants. The performance of personally intervening in Beihai affairs."

   As soon as this person’s voice fell, that charming female voice followed:

   "You go and pass the news about the two little guys from Qingzhi Kingdom here to the forces of Yan Jueguo. I think these disgusting underground races have come to Shenxiancheng in the past few days."

   When the woman said this, the face of the middle-aged Xuemei Country next to her changed slightly, and he hesitated and said:

   "Lord, although the Xuemei Nation and Qingzhi Nation did not directly conclude an offensive and defensive alliance, but at the point of fighting against Yan Jueguo, they are undoubtedly allies. Are you a bit swayed by this?"


   Before the middle-aged man's voice could be heard, a dignified and stern shout immediately rang in his ears. The latter immediately knelt down, his head drooped, and said:

   "The Lord forgive me, but the subordinates dare not!"

"You have to know that the reason why Qingzhi Kingdom rarely intervenes in mainland disputes, but still sits firmly in the ranks of the country, is based on its strong strength. If Shen Xiancheng and Yan Jueguo are able to command those two extraordinary identities The life of the little baby stays here, what is the name of Qingzhi Kingdom?

   "This princess wants to make Shen Xiancheng mess up, because the more chaos, the better for us!"


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