
read2();  In the realm of Taixuan, once the cultivation base enters the realm of the Great Master of Birth and Death of Palm Fate, he will be respected by the world as the Master, and further up, if you enter that The land fairyland in the legend is the noble one.

   After tens of thousands of years of development, the vast land of China and the land of Taixuan have different names for great power.

On the shore of the North Sea, the cold wind was bitter. Several monks who had just rushed from the inland to the Shenxian City by boat, curled up and wrapped their robes, stepped out from the dock, appearing to be extremely dusty and at the same time carrying A little complaining voice came out:

"We sold almost all of our property on this trip, and we came to the shore of the North Sea to look for opportunities. Not to mention that this big ship cost most of our expenses. Just the cost of berthing at the dock, one per day. Fairy coins, if the sunken island of the two immortals is not born in a year or a half, then the parking fee alone can drag me to death."

   As soon as the voice fell, another voice of approval followed:

"I have always felt that it was too early to rush to Beihai in a hurry at this time. Now that the news of the birth of this illusory fairy mountain has not yet been written, there are only some gossips circulating in the world. Brother, you will be ruined. When Lu Jundi came to Beihai, it was too much Menglang."

   "I ask for wealth and danger, what do you guys know!"

Just as a few people were chattering, the elder brother among the few people in front turned around and let out a rant, and the few people who had been complaining immediately shut up. Then the former spit out a cold snort from his nose and took out a sky cloud whistle. At the same time, the voice continued to spread:

   "We know how many catties you and me are, and we know for ourselves, with our shallow cultivation base, if we really wait for the news to be confirmed before we come, do you think this opportunity will have me waiting?

   "This time we are going to give it a try. If we get the chance, we will turn over completely. If we can't do it, then we will belch completely, so I will cheer up!"

After finishing the sentence, the person directly blows the Sky Cloud Whistle in his mouth vigorously, and then a sharp sound wave spreads outwards, resounding through the void, but strangely, after the Sky Cloud Whistle sounded for a while, there was no end. The flying race of Tianyun Temple came to take business.

   "Strange, even though the North Sea is desolate, it shouldn't be because there are no sky races in the Tianyun Temple. When I was on the boat, I saw a lot of North Sea wild birds flying in the sky."

A faint sound of doubt came from the young man's mouth, and then he raised his head very suspiciously to the sky, preparing to blow the sky cloud whistle in his mouth again, but in the next moment, his pupils shrank severely and his complexion suddenly changed wildly. .

   Because within his sight, one after another reddish-brown meteorites, wrapped in violent heat, red and black lava flames, smashed from the sky above to the place where several people were with the power of destroying everything.

   "Jump! Jump into the sea, or we will all have to die, fast, fast!"

   The reaction of the young man was not unpleasant, he roared and directly stretched out his hands and grabbed the few people beside him, and threw it away towards the North Sea not far away. At the same time, he exhausted all his strength and rushed towards the North Sea that was constantly undulating.

   After blinking, these meteorites that dragged the lava tail flames and left long traces in the void appeared directly above a dock. At the same time, an old and angry female voice directly resounded through the void:

   "It is presumptuous to dare to attack the Qingzhi Shangguo ship!"

   As the icy and angry old woman's voice was lingering in the void, in the dock of the green branch country below, countless green lights spread from the inside and out of the big ship in an instant, trying to cover the entire huge dock.

But above the dock, the lava meteorite that was extremely fast, emitting a sharp whistling, fell at a speed that was violent again at this moment, and immediately after the green light had not completely enveloped the entire dock, it slammed behind without fancy. Above.

   The meteorite fell, the lava burst between the green awns, swallowed outwards, and the world changed color!

At this moment, the entire area of ​​the Wuxianzong dock on the side of Ao Jia was like a heavy hammer of heaven and earth that was ruthlessly smashed from the sky, so that everything on the ground violently jumped upwards, including not far away. The sea water of the North Sea at the place blasted directly into the sky, and there were still a few struggling figures who had just jumped into the water.

  The gods fight, mortals are destined to not even have the qualifications to wait and see!

The black-red lava burst out from more than fifty meteorites led by the Master of Tianchi after the fall, not only with unimaginable impact, but also with extremely sinister heat, it instantly released the sacrifices of the Qingzhi Kingdom , The incompletely formed green awn defense was torn directly, and then bombarded on the outer wall of the dock again.

After a breath, the entire outer wall of the dock, which was strengthened by the monks of the Wuxianzong to withstand the North Sea hurricane, was broken and melted away, not just the dock where the ships of Qingzhi Kingdom were located. The magical power was completely released outward, and the surrounding large area of ​​the dock, along with the ships in the dock, was completely torn to pieces without mercy.

   At the same time, outside of the Qingzhi Country ship, the North Sea laborers who were carrying clear water and other supplies were evaporated into blood mist without even a cry of mourning under the strong lava wind that was high enough to boil the void.

   Under the extremely harsh whistling sound, the green awns were smashed into pieces one after another, and after the outer wall of the dock was smashed, the unabated Tianchi Zong meteorite array continued to smash down crazily toward the large blue ship that was constantly up and down in the dock.

   On the deck of the big blue ship, the old woman in green robes, who is not too tall, looked up at the sky, the emerald green eyes were full of anger to the extreme, and then he raised his right hand and let out a loud shout:

   "For the protection of the jungle, everything will not invade, the whip of thorns, the monsters will punish!"

   Accompanied by the voice of the old woman, the priests who have quickly assembled on the deck directly fell to the ground, holding the deck under the body with both hands at the same time, and the rich vitality instantly rose to the peak.

In the next second, very strong green thorns and vines protruded from the ship, and then traversed a green track in the void that was hard to catch with the naked eye, and directly slapped them on the falling meteorite. .

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With one violent roar, one after another meteorites were swept away from the top of the ship by the whip of thorns, and fell on the dark brown ground of the dock, leaving a lot of potholes, but the next breath, countless black and red The lava fire started burning in the pit and spread rapidly in all directions.

   Then, among the burning lava fire, a figure in a red robe slowly walked out of the pit, and at the same time on the deck of the big ship, the cold voice of the old woman in green robe sounded again:

   "You and other traitors Tianchi Sect, dare to come to the land of Beihai!"


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