Golden Hyanghyang (1)

Cairo's Great Victory.

It was a huge war.

The people of the South cheered enthusiastically, but the far-away capital, Kairos, was different.

"Did you hear the news?"


"I heard that the kingdom of Hector crossed the border and attacked the southern front? According to the merchants coming from the south, the situation was very bad. I'm worried that I'll be conscripted by force for nothing. Men who are not yet in their 50s should perform their national defense duties in case of emergency."

a. Even if the Kronos Empire attacks, nothing will happen, so if Hector attacked, would you conscript him?"

Cairo is a war country.

Those who heard the news that the Kronos Empire attacked the West from time to time did not know what Hector's decision meant.

Moreover, due to the central government, Cairo is more important as a capital than any other country.

The people in the capital, who treat other regions as their outskirts, did not feel the crisis in the south very much, to the extent that there is a saying that has been passed down from generation to generation to be successful.

what they care about

It was an indirect aftermath of the war.

"I won't raise taxes for nothing because of the war budget. How can this country have no windy days? If I had been born as a member of the Kronos Empire, I wouldn't have been so anxious. The plight of a small country is truly pitiful."

just that much.

They only murmured over a passing conversation, and they lived a normal life that was no different from any other day.

they didn't know

Hector's kingdom crossed the border with a whopping ten thousand troops, and Cairo's hero was born in a very unfavorable situation when the rear positions were captured.

Had it been known that Roman Dmitry had defeated Butler, a five-star prosecutor, they would have been astonished by the shocking news.

Not yet.

News from the south did not reach the capital.

At that time, when people were spending their normal days, a gust of wind from the south was slowly approaching the capital.

* * *

that time.

On that day, in Cairo's Royal Academy Class D, the last practice match was held before the swordsmanship test.

"Next up, William Castro and Lauren Dmitry."

The professor called the students.

In an instant, joy and happiness were divided.

William Castro and his friends burst into laughter and confidence, while Lauren Dmitry, sitting alone, contemplates.

William Castro. He was a notorious guy in Class D.

With promotion to the C-Class almost confirmed, Lauren Dmitry knew that Dalian had no chance of winning.

But what to do?

The professor harshly called the two students, and if he did not want to be expelled, he had to fulfill his duty as a student.



signal went down.

William Castro rushed forward as if waiting. It was a battle that was won from the attitude towards each other.

Lauren Dmitry shrugged, unable to react properly to his opponent's attacks.


Tata Tak Tak!

It was a one-sided fight.

Lorraine Dmitry was busy defending against a wooden sword that was pierced from all directions, and William Castro showed off the swordsmanship he learned at the academy like a fish in water.

Lauren Dmitry's face was drenched with sweat as it had just begun.

Lauren Dmitry had a dwarf physique of only 165 cm, so there was no way to cope with the situation of being overwhelmed from the physical condition.

William Castro, 188 cm tall.

He looked like a giant.

Knowing that he was deliberately taunted, Lauren Dmitry was swung to and fro as his opponent intended.




A wooden sword pierced his back.

It was the moment when the match was over.

Lauren Dmitry, who had been unilaterally teased for about five minutes, screamed in pain and fell to the floor.

I couldn't raise my head.

Seeing him moaning while holding his back, William Castro murmured in a voice so low that the professor could not hear him.



took a step back

I can't look up at William Castro, but I can hear him and his friends cheering.

The humiliation did not end there.

At the result of Dalian, the professor said in a cold voice.

"Lauren Dmitry. What did I say in last class? Your biggest problem is that you don't have the mindset as a prosecutor. It's like a guy who enters the Cairo Royal Academy to learn swordsmanship and closes his eyes tightly without even looking at the sword he's wielding. It's really pathetic. If the test shows the same performance as today, it would be better to prepare for relegation to the E-Class."

E class.

under the age of 15 and half

If that happened, it was obvious what people would say by looking at 18-year-old Lauren Dmitry.

He clenched his fist tightly.


Lauren Dmitry had neither the courage to scream nor the strength to upset the situation.

* * *

The fight is over.

Lauren Dmitry, who was taking a breath in the break room, held his breath when he saw William and his crew entering the room.


"We had Lauren."

they groaned

William Castro was packing up his belongings and deliberately told Lauren to listen.

"I mean, it's amazing. I had a chance to meet S-Class seniors in the past, and Rodwell Dmitry-senpai was so amazing that just watching it gave me admiration. At that time, I was still not familiar with the world, so I thought that the Dmitry family might be great."

Rodwell Dmitry.

It was a name recognized by the capital.

Due to his rapid advancement to the S-Class, people naturally paid attention to Lauren Dmitry, who was of the same bloodline.

"But what? I forgot That there is a limit to being born in the world. People call it a miracle that someone like Rodwell Dmitry was born from a family with no roots. The truth is, it's quite natural to go back and forth from the bottom like everyone we know. Isn't it really sad? There's nothing I can do because of the limitations of my birth, but it's like trying to do something."

bowed his head.

He reacted as if he couldn't hear William's words, but he couldn't hide his reddening face.

It was like this every time.

Rodwell's younger brother.

The shadows were thick.

Lauren Dmitry, who had an otherwise fragile personality, was speechless after entering the academy.

"It's not fun."


Is it because I lost interest?

turned the topic

"But is it really true that Roman Dmitry defeated Homer?"

"I assure you, it is definitely a rumor that was deliberately spread by Dmitry. Dmitry is a descendant of a wealthy family who suddenly rose to prominence. How should we deal with the eldest son, who is famous for being Dmitry's jerk, but his reputation is so low that he must be trying to reverse the rumors. Two miracles do not happen in one family. Look, you can tell just by looking at Lauren Dmitry."


The arrow of comparison flew.

It's always been like this.

The third son of the Dmitry family.

Lauren Dmitry swallowed his emotions.

Today, depending.

It was Lauren Dmitry who I thought was really hard.

* * *

finish class.

Lauren Dmitry was out on the street.

If I didn't breathe in the fresh air, the emotions I had suppressed would explode and I felt like I was going to die.

' Is Roman's news really true?'

Roman Dmitry.

His shocking actions were even known in the capital.

The defeat of Homer at the age of only mid-twenties was a staggering result, and people said a new miracle had been born for the Dmitry family.

The problem was that even as Lauren Dmitry, Dmitry's bloodline, he couldn't accept that fact.

People have said that Roman Dmitry might be stronger than you think, contrary to popular reputation, but if you know his past, you could never do that.

Dmitry's nerd.

It is not for nothing that such a nickname was created.

At least, what Lauren Dmitry remembered was his brother, who lived without worrying about the world.

'The older Roman I remember wasn't a bad person, at least to me. But, as William said, if someone asks if it's true that Brother Roman defeated Homer, I'm not confident I'd nod my head. Anyone can see it's a lie I don't know why my father spread false rumors about me so quickly, but Roman was drunk on the last day I left home.'


There was a time when Roman was also normal.

At that time, he trained hard in his own way to meet the expectations of the family, but when he realized that he was not as talented as he thought he was, Rodwell's genius was highlighted.

It was the moment when the status of the eldest son fell to the floor.

Roman Dmitry began to deviate, so he called Dmitry's nerd.


Because I know what it feels like to be compared to Rodwell.

So I tried to get along well with Roman, but I had no desire to be like Roman.



That was then.

From afar, people flocked and made a commotion.

murmur murmur.

'What's going on?'

Just for a moment.

I wanted to forget complicated thoughts.

As I stepped forward through the crowd, people lined up on either side waiting for someone.

"Is that really true?"

"Because I am sure! My relatives live in the South, and they miraculously defeated them and reclaimed the Southern Front when it was almost completely overtaken by the Kingdom of Hector. You know what's even more creepy? In the process, Roman Dmitry did a really absurd performance."

"Roman Dmitry? The youngest ranker to defeat Homer?"

okay. This is still unconfirmed, but there is a saying that Roman Dmitry defeated the kingdom of Hector with only two hundred men. Not only that, there are testimonies that he defeated Butler, the 5-star swordsman of the Hector Kingdom in the Battle of Daejeon, but I don't believe this because it's too common sense.

the people around you.

Lauren Dmitry's eyes widened.

War with Hector.

I heard about him.

Because the Academy had many children from the central government, it overheard the motives of those who were discussing the situation in the kingdom.

By the way.

Even though he defeated the kingdom of Hector, the content mixed in the middle was so shocking.

'Is it true that I'm talking about the Roman hyung I know now? Roman hyung defeated the Hector Kingdom with two hundred troops, and that was not enough to defeat Butler, who is famous as a ranker of the Hector Kingdom? This is too bad.'

Rumors were exaggerated.

He couldn't believe he had defeated Homer.

Meanwhile, hearing the news from the South, Lauren Dmitry did not know how to react.

Shock for a while.

"Get out of the way."

"They are the heroes of the South! Open the way!"

why people flocked

It was to welcome General Triumph.

At the sight of the guards raising their voices while walking in front of them, the people first sent out cheers like fever.

among those people.

Lauren Dmitry was mesmerized.

My mind was not organized.

That moment.

Lauren Dmitry's eyes widened at the sight of a man moving in the front on a stylish horse.

" Lo, Roman hyung?!"

Roman Dmitry.

He appeared in front of his eyes with cheers from the people, who looked very different from his own memories.

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