prisoner of war (4)

As Count Munez, he was an outsider.

The superior was absent.

Roman Dmitry came out to the extreme.

In a situation where his life was in danger because he was caught in the middle, he shouted to bring in the prisoners to survive.

As a result.

" We have brought all the prisoners."

In place of the deceased Baron McHeaton, another eastern noble, Baron Brighton, spoke with terror.

I had no choice but to do so.

The prisoners brought in at the beginning were still in good condition, but the conditions of the prisoners brought in now were very miserable.

The atmosphere was chilly.

Beyond Roman Dmitry, Dmitry's soldiers watching the situation could not hide their angry feelings.


At one time, they were colleagues.

The harsh breathing sound and tight lips were the momentum to pull out the sword and run away if he gave an order.

among them.

Lucas stepped forward and said.

"It does not match the list identified by the Information Guild. Still, there are prisoners who are not here."



The atmosphere became even more brutal.

When the soldiers stared at him like he was going to kill him that he was still lying, he waved his hand in amazement for Baron Brighton.

"Oh, no. I really brought them all. I don't know what criteria the list was made based on... If the prisoners are not here, they must have died before then. They never died because of us. As you know, aren't many prisoners of war ill from the first time they were captured? Those people, soon after suffering a lot of pain, died."

he knew it too

It is a lie that will soon be discovered.

The other prisoners who were present clearly witnessed the prisoners dying while being tortured, but they uttered whatever came to mind in order to overcome the crisis in front of them.

In fact, not many people died as a result of war wounds.

But whatever the truth, it seemed that the tortured murders should not be revealed.

Roman Dmitry looked over the prisoners.

Everyone was a mess.

Despite the difficulties they had in the past, they showed a complicated expression at the fact that Roman Dmitry had come to their rescue.

While I was happy and relieved that I was alive, I felt sad and painful at the thought of my colleagues who had died.

I can't put into words how I feel right now.

eyes stopped.

At the appearance of the man most likely to have been tortured recently, he looked back at Baron Brighton and said:

"It looks like torture in my eyes. If so, many of those who are not here must have died from torture."

I was speechless.

couldn't make excuses

While Baron Brighton rolled his eyes, Roman Dmitry approached the man.

"Carol. What happened to you all this time?"

* * *

When I first said that I would release the prisoners.

Carol and others doubted the reality in front of them.

"Roman Dmitry has crossed the border to rescue you. You can be happy You will return to Dmitry."

My heart sank.

I couldn't believe it.

Even as they boarded the wagon for the convoy, people could not accept that this was a reality.

" Really, after that brief call, you came to rescue us?"

lost my mind

Carol's Magical Communication.

It was only connected for about 3 seconds, and he could not communicate properly due to the unstable communication state.

So the prisoners fell into despair.

Carol risked her life to save her last chance, but she was convinced it was over, thinking it was a total failure.

What kind of future awaits them in the future?

In a quarry forcing you to work hard, you will live without a name and die.

By the way.

Dmitry has come to the rescue.

The fact that they had not been abandoned made me feel sad.

" Thank you, thank you very much."


not wagon.

The cry spread.

People who said that men don't cry when they're healthy started crying out loud like children.

The crying didn't stop. Thank you very much.

If Carol's magical communication had been neglected, it could have been overlooked, but Roman Dmitry showed interest in the possibility.

And when he became convinced that there were prisoners of war, he boldly crossed the border of Kronos and demanded them.

They knew too.

that it is not an easy decision.

The country's leaders, out of political interest, handle everything with care, and usually make a few sacrifices, especially when it comes to issues that could escalate into war.

Think about it.

If you want to save hundreds of people who are not even sure whether they are dead or alive, you can't put a lot of people at risk.

For that reason, commoners were often trampled down helplessly like insignificant ants.

prisoners of war.

It's a sensitive issue.

Knowing that, Roman Dmitry acted out that he was prepared for war from the beginning.

crossed the border

drew his sword

His strong will to get his people back, even at the cost of war, returned the prisoners to their place.

And now.

"Carol. What happened to you all this time?"

the way you look at yourself.

Carol's eyes twinkled.

I am grateful for the fact that I have come to the rescue, but Roman Dmitry remembered his name and asked about what had happened.

I don't remember having a private conversation.

If so, it means that I studied especially for the present, so I covered my face with the rising emotions and burst into tears.

That one.

you are my master

Carol, who was strong even while being tortured, spoke about the past with a face covered in tears for now.

" I was tortured. I was abused. They treated us as beasts, made us work day and night in the quarries, and if they showed any rest, they were harshly whipped. Lord. I still can't forget the look of my colleague who was crushed to death by a stone next to me. The demonic Kronos Empire made fun of him and spit in his face when he heard him cry out and beg for his life. So I risked my life. We wanted our lord to rescue us from the depths of despair, so we grabbed the magic communicator and announced the existence of the prisoners."

His voice trembled.

He became more and more exasperated and cried and cried as if vomiting up the pain he had been experiencing.

"Do you know what was the most painful part of having my nails plucked, toenails plucked and skin cut out? Kronos' lies turned my heart upside down. Dmitry is not a country to forsake its people, and he could not tolerate the fact that the wretched Kronos had been hiding the truth and negotiating an armistice."

that was a complaint.

It's not an organized word.

It was meant to listen to the past.

Like a child running to his father and telling him, to Carol, Roman Dmitry seemed like that.

how much did you vomit

The crying was dry.

I cried so much that I couldn't even hear my voice anymore.

Roman Dmitry listened to the complaint until the end.

Except for the two of them, in the quiet space, the soldiers of Kronos did not dare to open their mouths at all.

It seemed like it had to be.

Just looking at it took my breath away.


When Carol let out all her emotions, Roman Dmitry asked.

"Who made you like that?"

at that word.

Carol turned her head and pointed to a man.

That guy is right there.

It was Jason.

* * *

Jason's face flushed with embarrassment.

He was hastily trying to explain the situation he had faced, but he screamed at the terrifying pain that occurred in an instant.



The hand that was waving it flew away.

As he tried to run away with a terrified look on his face, blood spattered from his Achilles tendon, and he lost his balance.


fell on the floor

He could not support the ground because he lost his hand, and his Achilles tendon was cut, so even when he tried to get up, he threw his face to the ground several times like a newborn calf.

My body trembled.

Even when he tortured Carol, he did not expect that he, who had an absolute advantage, would be reduced to this form.

Roman Dmitry.

He walked towards Jason.

Baron Brighton dropped a step between the two of them, and said in an earnest voice.

"I, please. Stop it now. Didn't you do all the requests to bring the prisoners back?!


He grabbed Jason's hair.

After several slaps on the ground, Jason, with blood dripping from his forehead, showed tears and a runny nose with a look of terror on his face.

"This garbage tortured my people. if so the same. No, I have to give you more than that."

There was no compromise.

Roman Dmitry raised a dagger.

It was from then.

A terrible situation was created.

While still alive, he cut out Jason's flesh, and pressed his face to the face as he struggled and begged for his life.

Resistance meant nothing. Slowly, very slowly.

Roman Dmitry chose the most painful method of torture while preserving Jason's life.

Methods like Bungeunchaekol (分筋錯骨) were a luxury for this guy.

Only a visible, bloody, torture method could destroy both the body and the mind at the same time.

above the wall.

The soldiers of the Kronos Empire shut their mouths.

screams are ringing out

blood splashed

turned his gaze.

I couldn't wait to see them torture the living.

By the way.

None of Dmitry's soldiers looked away.

Roman Dmitry's cruel side was accepted as it was.

they knew

that that cruelty does not threaten them.

That is why they did not turn away from the appearance of the people they followed, and the appearance of Carol's revenge, they watched until the end.


Jason's body was limp.

Roman Dmitry got up and brushed his blood-stained hair.

And then.

"Count Munez. Call the superior right now."

Looking up at the top of the castle wall, he showed a blood-stained smile.

* * *

Magical communication is connected.

The Marquis of Memphis, who was informed of the situation, let out a hard voice over the communicator.

[Roman Dmitry. Invading the border without notice is not enough, I think killing people in the Kronos Empire is an act that crosses the line quite a bit. If you stop even now. Acknowledge some of our responsibility for not properly managing our subordinates, and let us finish the work.]

series of processes.

crossed the line

If only Baron McHeaton had been held accountable in a reasonable way, the Marquis of Memphis would not have been so angry.

The problem was the process.

He unilaterally invaded the border and killed Baron McHeaton and Jason in front of everyone.

It's also very painful.

The figure of Baron McHeaton, who was swelled from being beaten in the face, and Jason, who was struggling with pain, touched the pride of the Kronos Empire.

how long will you endure

It was like testing your patience.

To the voice of the Marquis of Memphis, brimming with anger, said Roman Dmitry.

"It is not up to you to decide whether or not to stop. this case. Those excuses don't matter to me, no matter who you are responsible for from within. Now give me a chance to prove the truth. I intend to kill everyone on the front lines of defense in exchange for the lives of my people who died in torture. Even then, if you will admit your mistakes and wish to maintain the truce, then you will end up burning this place and get back out."

[Why are you doing this? All of Dmitry's prisoners were recovered, and those involved were brutally murdered. Is this not enough?]


Talking, he conveyed his sincerity to the Marquis of Memphis beyond the communications.

"So you know. If there is a precedent for me or anything that doesn't end well, I don't think I can end the situation with a nonsensical excuse from now on.

[What a crazy bird .]


communication was cut off.


"Kill all your enemies."

At the calm command, Dmitry's soldiers rushed in all at once.

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