Spectacular Upgrade Ceremony (4)


Someone got up.

For a moment, the eyes of the nobles were focused, but the man approached the Dmitry family with a dignified step.

"Duke Dmitry. Congratulations on your son's promotion!"

Thank you. By the way ."


I saw Roman Dmitry.

As if he didn't know his name, the man first revealed his identity.

"I am Count Christine of the Kingdom of Umberto."

"Christine! I remember hearing the name. Umberto's nobleman, why did you come to Kairos?"

"What's going on? When I heard the news that Dmitry's third son is having a promotion ceremony, I came here only for celebration."

"Heh heh, is that so?"

It was a friendly atmosphere.

Count Christine's intentions were too blatant, but since Duke Dmitry was also human, he had to be sympathetic to those celebrating his son's achievement.

It was a win-win game.

Count Christine, who had been talking for quite a while because he spoke to him first, changed the subject of the conversation as if he had suddenly remembered.

"Ah, I have prepared a special gift for Master Lauren Dmitry."

"A gift?"

Yes. We are giving this as a celebration of the promotion, so there is no need to feel burdened."

He paid attention to the servant.

The servant commanded something as if he had been waiting, and it showed a state of admiration just by looking at it.

"It is a sword made by the craftsmen of the Umberto Kingdom. It's a sword used for 'events' like today, rather than actual combat, and a great deal of effort was put into Dmitry's reputation. The exterior is decorated with pure gold, and a point is added in the middle with precious stones such as diamonds. And above all else. To prove that this sword is for the Dmitry family, the emblem of Dmitry and Master Lauren Dmitry's initials are engraved. Wow, isn't it really beautiful?

As he said.

It was such a gorgeous sword.

At first glance, it seemed that hundreds of gold had been invested, and Count Christine showed a confident expression at the thought that he had prepared the perfect gift.

No matter how rich Dmitry is.

If he was given a gift of this size at the same age as Lauren Dmitry, it was obvious that he would show behavior such as kicking it around his waist with excitement.

By the way.

Lauren Dmitry's reaction was strange.

Rather than showing interest in the sword, he accepted the sword with a slightly burdened expression.

" Thank you.

I was perplexed.

What kind of reaction is this?

Count Christine pondered for a long time to prepare a gift for Lauren Dmitry, and was convinced that the finished product of the craftsman would surely work.

However, the reaction was completely different from expectations.

He didn't say he didn't like it, but he couldn't help but notice that Lauren Dmitry didn't like her gift.

'Maybe you don't like luxury items.'

It was a big deal.

If you don't get a lot of favor after spending a lot of money, your efforts are meaningless.

That was then.

"Hahaha, that's a really good sword. If I had attended today's event with that sword, it would have been really cool."

Count Samir.

He naturally intervened in the conversation.

* * *

A gift from Count Christine.

As soon as he saw the expression on Lauren Dmitry's look of embarrassment, Count Samir knew that now was his chance.

"Congratulations on your promotion to Master Lauren Dmitry. Like Count Christine, I couldn't come empty-handed, so I prepared a present for you. But, I don't know if you'll like it because it's a different gift from the famous sword that Count Christine prepared.

shivered in humility.

He carefully pulled out something, and prepared four round bracelets.

"A magical artifact recently created specifically for aura swordsmen. The name has not been decided yet, but I bought it at a higher price thinking that it might be needed by Master Lauren Dmitry. To briefly describe the effect, it is worn on the wrist and ankle respectively, and the size automatically adjusts according to the user's body. And if you set the weight, you can adjust the weight from 10kg to 100kg."

" Are there such artifacts?"

It was different from just now.

At the reaction of Lauren Dmitry, who showed a slight interest, Count Samir called for joy.


It was as expected.

As Henry Albert said, Lauren Dmitry was interested in development, and magical artifacts for training were, of course, coveted.

Count Samir would not have chosen this if there was simply a weight control function.

The real point that fascinated him was his mana circulation ability.

"The greatest strength of this artifact is that it is equipped with a mana cycle ability. Usually, aura swordsmen use magic circles to train the mana cycle to remove impurities from the body, but wearing this magic artifact periodically circulates mana and filters impurities, although not as much as using the magic circle. It is truly a groundbreaking item. Although it may not be a brilliant treasure sword, I thought that such an artifact would be necessary for Master Lauren Dmitry's 'development'."

" !"

eyes changed.

From the moment the mana cycle was mentioned, Lauren Dmitry looked like a puppy waiting for a snack.


He was convinced and smiled brightly as soon as he handed the gift.

Thank you very much!

The difference in reaction was stark.

Count Christine's gift was nothing but a thank you, but no soul, but Count Samir's gift seemed exciting enough to make a child smile.

It was a perfect development. I thought that the effort I had made in my visit to Kairos a few days ago was paying off.

"Actually, this gift was specially prepared by His Majesty the King of Franks. I couldn't attend the promotion ceremony in person, but he asked me to convey congratulations on the promotion of Master Lauren Dmitry. They seem to like the gift, so I feel good."

"Of course it has to be good. Thank you for finding me like this, and for preparing such a gift for my son. I will treat you greatly!"

Duke Dmitry laughed wildly.

If it ended like this

Count Samir would have thought that even the finish was perfect.

The problem started then.

"Duke Dmitry. We also prepared a present for you."

nobles who followed.

The upgrade ceremony wasn't over until it was over.

* * *

It was truly a gift.

Baron Berg from the Kingdom of Hector said in a confident voice despite seeing the preceding situation.

"Prince Edwin Hector has sent you a special gift. Everyone knows it's a terkan, right?

" Are you Terkan? Are you referring to the first sword of Hector, who was once called Hector's Swordmaster?"

Count Samir asked with a surprised face.

Then, Baron Berg grinned.

Yes. Hector's First Sword. There is a training log that records how he trained while he was alive. It was kept as the property of the Hector family from generation to generation, and Prince Edwin Hector said that he owed a great debt to the Dmitry family and wanted to give it as a gift. Of course, due to the recent swordsmanship revolution, I cannot say that the old method is the correct answer, but I am sure that Terkan-sama's training log will be helpful for Lauren Dmitry-sama."

" this.

A crack appeared in Count Samir's expression.

Terkan's training log!

It was a treasure.

I didn't expect that the priceless royal treasure would just be brought to me for Lauren Dmitry.

the problem is.

It was another nobleman who came out as if competing.

It was Viscount Janssen from Redford.

He, too, prepared a formidable gift.

"Everyone has prepared a great gift for you. We had a lot of trouble deciding what kind of gift to prepare, but His Majesty King Redford said that we must pay back the favor to the Dmitry family and told Lauren Dmitry to prepare everything necessary."


gave attention

Like Count Christine, who first went out, the servant brought something, and it was the size of a wagon.


"Twelve types of magic artifacts and 30 magic scrolls required for training. One year is enough to use, so if you use it to your heart's content, we will replace it with new ones when we run out. It is to repay the kindness received from Dmitry, so there is no need to feel burdened at all."

Mouth was wide open.

A cart full of magical items.

It was incomparable to the gifts of Count Samir, and the total price of them exceeded a thousand gold.

heard rumors

After the Earl of London ascended to the throne, the Redford Kingdom quickly regained stability and the financial situation is improving.

Still, I didn't know that I would prepare a gift like this.

Count Samir, who at first thought he had completely seized the initiative, felt that his presence diminished as the gifts were revealed one after the other.

I am ."

"As a special gift ."

furious nobles.

Count Samir took a step back.

While preparing a magical artifact, he ranted to King Frank to believe only in himself, but it turned out to be ridiculous.

There was something he overlooked.

other nobles.

They also heard advice from Henry Albert.


A sigh came out.

in vain.

It was Count Samir who did not want to return to Frank.

* * *

a fortnight after that.

Dmitry declared that it had become the Dmitry Kingdom, from the Duchy.

that day.

Duke Dmitry ascended to the 'King's seat' and said to Roman Dmitry, who was looking at him:

"This place is yours. When Dmitry proclaims the title of the Empire, I will hand it over to you that day."

At first, he planned to inherit the throne.

However, as Roman Dmitry still has a lot of work to do in the field, he decided that it was premature and refused the throne.

No one thought it strange about him.

Although it was said that Duke Dmitry had ascended to the throne, everyone knew that the person who actually led Dmitry was Roman Dmitry.

The festival has begun.

Kings and key figures from all over the world came to visit, forming a meeting place that was even better than at the promotion ceremony.

on that day's meeting.

people were sure

The future continent will be the Kingdom of Dmitry.

No, Roman Dmitry will lead.

* * *

Time has passed.

The continent has regained stability.

After the Dmitry Captivity Incident, the Kronos Empire was too quiet, and Dmitry and the Kingdom Federation quickly established a new system.

The problem was the Valhalla Empire. The Valhalla Empire has been in trouble lately.

After the death of Morales, the Duke of Vieto, who was living a hermit life, moved in earnest, and was divided into the Imperial Valhalla faction and the Vieto Duke faction, fighting fiercely.

those who have lost their romance.

They spent a turbulent period in search of romance.

After the proclamation of the kingdom.

half a year later.

In Dmitry's endless mountain range, the soldiers conversed with each other while looking out into the lush mountains.

"Did you hear the news?"


"I heard that Emperor Valhalla is gathering forces to subdue the rebels of the Duke of Vieto. So the atmosphere in Fort Valhalla is very ugly. The common people support the Duke of Vieto, but the power of the Emperor Valhalla is so great. If a civil war breaks out in Valhalla like this, even Dmitry will be affected."

"Damn Empire bastards. Valhalla or Kronos. I wish that even a thunderbolt would fall from the sky and wipe it all away."

Valhalla Empire.

It was a big concern for people.

As the Duke of Vieto ended her reclusive life, a relationship that had been causing problems for a long time was finally beginning to show signs of war.

The civil war in Valhalla is not a simple matter.

Unlike the Cairo Kingdom, thousands or tens of thousands of troops collided, not on a scale, but an unimaginable number of people would die.

It was bittersweet.

I thought I had found some stability now, but war.

After exchanging a few more words, the soldiers seemed to concentrate on guard duty.

That was then.


"Who are you?"

"Say the passphrase!"

beyond the bushes.

A strange sound was heard.

The soldiers reacted like lightning and aimed their weapons, and the soldier in the rear was ready to send a magic communication right away.

Endless mountains.

In fact, there was no particular reason to be wary.

But Dmitry was not vigilant in any case.

how long did you wait

A man appeared through the bushes, staggered and fell to the floor.


" ?!"

It was a frustrating situation.

After the soldiers reported the situation, some were vigilant, while others approached the man and checked the condition.

It was a worryingly thin face.

The man looked up at the faces of the soldiers and opened his mouth with difficulty.

" to please give it to me.

"Tell me again."

The voice was small.

As I listened, I heard what the man was trying to say.

" Luna Please help."


What that meant was clear.

The country of Saint Isabel.

Beyond the endless mountain range, the only place where humans have formed a home.

The name of that place was Luna.

That is to say.

The man's true identity was a person from the Luna Kingdom.

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