chicken game (4)

above the wall.

An unrealistic situation occurred in the narrow if narrow and wide if wide.

Roman Dmitry was slaughtering the soldiers of Santino, the tribal tribe he encountered, even though he was attacking from all directions from all sides.

It's a one-on-one match.

Also, in a situation where the majority had tens of thousands of boats, not tens of times, on many home grounds, Count Santino felt his hands tremble at the sight of Roman Dmitry walking around as if it were his own home.

'This is Roman Dmitry.'

It was according to the name.

Just by looking at the implementation of such a nonsensical operation, we could see what kind of existence he was.

It's not just a simple object.

He was convinced that he would create a variable with his own power, and Count Santino had no choice but to connect magical communication to the overwhelming force that was proved in front of his eyes.

It was an ominous premonition as a commander.

I prided myself on trying to survive with Santino's own strength, but it seemed like things were going to go wrong.


"Marquis Belfir. This is Count Santino."

[What's going on?]

"Now Roman Dmitry Ahh!


Curl rumble rumble.

There was an explosion.

Roman Dmitry cut down Santino's soldiers at once, and rushed towards the Count of Santino.

The distance between the two was far, so we didn't see each other right away.

However, as the knights who tried to stop Roman Dmitry fell one after the other, Count Santino screamed involuntarily.

My heart was pounding.

Mouth was dry.

Count Santino staggered back and picked up the communicator once more.

"Law, Roman Dmitry has landed on the wall using fly magic. And now, for failing to stop one Roman Dmitry, the soldiers of Santino are being slaughtered. Santino needs reinforcements! It must be absurd, but if we don't stop Roman Dmitry, I think Santino will break through!

screamed like a scream.


It's just the beginning of the battle.

The walls and gates are still intact and many of Santino's soldiers remain, but the Count of Santino, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, instinctively knew that Santino was dangerous.

Haven't all the beings who have overlooked Roman Dmitry have died?

Therefore, even though he knew that this contact felt premature from the point of view of the Marquis of Belfir, he desperately reached out to save his life.

[Count Santino.]


[There is only one opponent, Roman Dmitry. I don't expect much from you. only a few days. Either push Santino's soldiers into his limbs, or use some other method. Persevere by any means and by any means. The imperial reinforcements will arrive after all Hernards are cleared up.]

still !"

[Do not put me to the test by your incompetence any longer.]

It was a firm voice.

Count Santino's face flushed red with embarrassment and anger, but he could not express his anger toward the Marquis of Belfir.

The opponent was the most powerful in Valhalla.

Although he could not cut the connection of magical communication with regret, words to persuade Marquis Belfir did not come to his mind.

That was then.

Roman Dmitry turned towards the gates.

If the gates were open, that would be a big deal.

The knights of Santino rushed at the same time, trying to stop Roman Dmitry, and an aura flashing from all directions stimulated his ears.

It was a great sight.

No matter how great a swordsman, I thought it would be difficult to prevent 30 knights from attacking at the same time.

At least, if the opponent was a being who moved in the line of common sense, Count Santino would have cut off magical communication with Marquis Belfir.




It was a one-sided massacre.

Block attacks, dodge, counterattack.

In a series of intertwined workshops, Roman Dmitry swept the Knights of Santino with an overwhelming presence.

How many times did you blink?

All of them were slaughtered in an instant.

In a moment of panic that took over his reason, Count Santino shouted at the communicator like a madman.

"Raw, Roman Dmitry is a monster! How on earth can you stop such a monster with only Santino's power! This was crazy from the start. Roman Dmitry is wreaking havoc on the territory of Valhalla. Stop such a monster with our lives! Please, please, send reinforcements!"

It was a desperate voice.

I needed help to live.

If he sent reinforcements even now, he had hoped to fight against Roman Dmitry.

By the way.

[Die for Valhalla, Count Santino.]

at the end of that word.


Magical communication was cut off.

* * *

only 3 hours.

It was the time it took for the high walls of Santino to fall.

When the gates were opened by Roman Dmitry, from then on, a unilateral massacre took place by the influx of Allied forces.

In a situation where power is inferior.

Even the momentum was broken.

In the face of the quickly spreading defeat, Santino's soldiers admitted defeat without even being able to resist.


" Whoops."

Count Santino was thrown to the floor.

After rolling a few laps and swallowing a moan, he hurriedly adjusted his posture as he looked down at him.

"Hey, save me just once. If you spare me, I will do everything for Roman Dmitry."

knelt down

Raising his voice, he glanced up at his opponent.

It was Roman Dmitry.

Dmitry's demon.

As a result, all common-sense strategies were useless, and Santino was in his grasp.

Even Count Santino had no intention of committing a tyranny from the beginning.

Although he considered himself a patriot in his own way, he had no time to worry about such things as his life was at stake.


In the first place, the Marquis of Belfir did not abandon himself first.

The words to die for Valhalla caused a backlash in his heart.

"What can you do for me?"

It was a cold voice.


Count Santino felt it was an opportunity.

Still, thinking that he was given the right to speak, he looked up at Roman Dmitry and raised his voice.

"No, you can do anything. First Ah! I'll give you some information about the warp gate. Now, Roman Dmitry's strategy would be to occupy the Warp Gate and press the Valhalla Imperial Family, but 'Javier', called Warp Point, is not a good place. I will tell you the status of the troops there and the security system."

The response back was mild.

In haste, he continued to speak.

"It's not just that. I will also tell you about the special forces of Emperor Valhalla, and the Marquis of Belfir, who is currently leading the power of Valhalla. I understand what I don't like. But if you accept an insider like me, I am confident that you will be a great help in the process of bringing down the Valhalla Empire."

"Please explain in detail."

"Go, thank you!"

expression brightened.

I thought the other party had accepted the deal.

information was blown away.

He collected the information he knew in order to live, and emphasized that he was a helpful existence as much as possible.

finished the explanation.

Count Santino looked at Roman Dmitry with a little hopeful face.

" Are you saving me now?"

As he said.

Count Santino was helpful.

But that's it.


There was no intention of saving him from the beginning.

* * *

that time.

The capital of Valhalla, Marin.

It was there that something strange happened.


"Let's go to the Valhalla Imperial Palace."

"I can't watch Valhalla go astray anymore!"

"For Valhalla!"

common people.

They finally got up.

Ares' remarks ignited Valhalla's soul, and the patriotism that had risen in a matter of days brought people together.

At first there were hundreds.

As soon as they raised their voices, the numbers grew into thousands and tens of thousands, and on the way to the Valhalla imperial palace, the crowd overflowed to an uncountable number.

Duke of Vieto.

It was as he intended.

In this rebellion, public sentiment was important, and the actions of the rebels gave the people confidence.

Let's get up!

Raise your voice!

Like the rebels of the Duke of Vieto fighting for their lives, let's do our part as the people of Valhalla!

public sentiment spread.

People flocked to the front of the palace.

Among them, the person who seemed to be the representative stepped forward and raised his voice.

"On behalf of the people of Valhalla, to His Majesty the Emperor Valhalla! Valhalla is a land of warriors. From generation to generation, there was no shame in the fact that we were warriors, and we were brave beings who lived by the rules of the warriors. But in recent years. Valhalla has lost its roots. I lost my romance. After inviting him to a sacred feast, he showed a filthy intention to attempt an assassination, and now the era has come when he seizes power through wicked conspiracies rather than his warrior prowess. His Majesty the Emperor Valhalla! This is wrong. Please correct the reality and become a wise monarch supported by the people!"

"Be a wise monarch!"

"Please bring back the roots of Valhalla!"

Everyone raised their voices.

this is really

It was a huge event.

In a country where the emperor is dictatorship, the common people are against it head-on!

But it couldn't be overpowered.

A situation where tens of thousands of people were speaking with one voice could cause problems if touched incorrectly.

That was then.


Armed forces have arrived.

the emperor's soldiers.

They surrounded people.

In an instant, the representatives of the people did not retreat.

"You'd better kill him! Shut our mouths with death! If you want to stop us with your death, who came for Valhalla, the whole of Valhalla will rise up. Those who remember the soul of Valhalla will be angry at our death, and then they will know that the people are the foundation of a nation!"

tens of thousands of people.

Dealing with them was not an easy matter.

As the representative said.

The problem could have escalated.

I don't know if I didn't do it, but since I went on a scale of tens of thousands, it was beyond the level of being silenced by death.

By the way.



One of the emperor's soldiers, without hesitation, stabbed the common people with a spear.

* * *

Blood splattered on his stomach.

As soon as the people looked at the opponent with wide open eyes, the commander leading the soldiers shouted Barak.

"Put down all the heinous rebels!"


It was different than expected.

There was no compromise.

The emperor's soldiers rushed in and cut down the people as they were, and the people who did not show up with a single weapon had no choice but to suffer unilaterally.

massacre took place

The throats of those who had just raised their voices were blown off, their stomachs pierced and they fell to the floor, and terrible screams erupted from all sides.

representatives of the people.

He looked at the scene in front of him with a puzzled face.

I didn't know it would be like this.

No matter how cruel Emperor Valhalla was, he did not think he would slaughter tens of thousands of people like this.

"Emperor of Valhalla! You're crazy with power! How long do you think the power of Valhalla will last, even if it is an empire, if it treats its people less than cattle! Our death, our suffering, the people of Valhalla will watch with their eyes wide open! so Great!"


A strong impact occurred in the leg.

He forcibly knelt down and spewed blood from the attack that slapped him in the face.

My mind has faded.

Someone grabbed his hair and pulled him up, and he saw his opponent in a blurry vision.

" Come on, captain of the guard."

Marine's captain.

He was looking at him with a fierce face.

" this is not this You know very well that Valhalla is heading in the wrong direction."

He spoke hard.


The guardsman laughed.

"We are only following the orders of His Majesty the Emperor."


He thrust the sword into his heart.

A representative who shakes his body.

Eventually, his body drooped, and the captain of the guard looked around and raised his sword.

"Kill them all! Don't let any of those who overstep your Majesty's authority live!

* * *

series of situations.

The expression on the face of Marquis Belfir reporting about it was not good.

" All the people involved in the rebellion were dealt with. And as ordered, we will proceed with the search for those related to him."

slaughter order.

As the Marquis of Belfir, I felt guilty.

Public sentiment is important.

A nation is ultimately formed by a group of people, and no matter how much you look back on the history of the continent, there has never been a leader who responded to such extremes.

Rather, he would have understood if he had dealt with it secretly with a suitable cause.

However, when the massacre was overtly, the Marquis of Belfir was also speechless.

Emperor Valhalla laughed.

"You bastards. You don't even know the subject, so it's like that."

no one.

I couldn't give him any advice.

Royal Night too.

Marine's guard.

All other special powers were those of the emperor.

No matter how maddened the Emperor Valhalla was, no real power withdrew his support for him.

"Roman Dmitry, Duke of Vieto. They are making a very big mistake. If you stimulate the people of Valhalla, what can you do about Valhalla? Even though we are clearly behind in terms of actual power, wouldn't there be a chance of winning if we instigate people? What a stupid idea. My brothers who tried to stop me also believed in that kind of public sentiment, but they all died in one day."

it died

The madness intensified.

Upon hearing the news of Roman Dmitry, Emperor Valhalla felt an unbearable desire.

"Marquis Belfir."


from now on.

It was his turn to come to the fore.

Emperor Valhalla had no intention of withdrawing from the chicken game with Roman Dmitry.

"Call Roman Dmitry right now."


connected by video communication.



[What a beautiful sight, Marquis Belfir.]

beyond the screen.

Roman Dmitry, with a blood-stained face, received a magical communication with a mountain of corpses in the background.

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