Second Continental War (8)


Shadows spread across the city.

As soon as the shadows rushed through the alleyway as if seeped in by the wind, a red light flashed in their eyes as soon as they found someone.


Quad Duck.

"Ugh, ahhh!"

It bit human flesh from all sides.

Arms and legs were torn off without any rebellion, and the walls of the alleyway were drenched in blood with painful screams.

They were like bloodthirsty anglers.

Strategic movements were completely ruled out, and whenever they found movement of a living creature, they rushed in and ripped people to pieces.

this operation.

Shadows close to the beast were mainly put in.

Considering the possibility of a magical bomb, the people inside the building were not targeted, but those exposed outside such as carrying supplies were surely killed.

It was an instant when Dmitry was bathed in chaos.

Most of the fully-armed troops were fighting for their lives in the outer fortress, so powerless civilians had no choice but to keep their mouths shut and watch the situation.

That was then.



The shadow and the woman inside the building met their eyes.

As he tried to sneak out the window, what happened, the shadow's face was contorted wildly like a demon.


Kill any humans you find.

It was a command given to the shadows.

The humans in the building were not touched as much as possible, but the circumstances were not complicated enough to allow them to exist even if they were discovered.

The shadow inflated its huge body.

The moment he was about to swing his huge nails towards the window, the sunlight shining over his head was obscured by a mysterious shadow.



He cut his head with a sword and twisted his neck.

The shadow died with a scream of death.

It started.

Location exposed.

McBurney drew his sword wildly from the shadow's head, looked at the shadows that found him, and shouted.

"There are not many enemies. Perhaps the intention was to create chaos in the city and create a rift in the defenses of the outer castle. We protect civilians from now on. By killing all the shadows running wild in front of us, we unconditionally block our line so that the troubles here do not affect the exterior."

All right.


Starship moved.

Their movements were all unique.

Some were limp, some had no arms like McBurney, and some walked a little slower as if something was uncomfortable.

It was a characteristic of the detachment.

People who had been evaluated that they could no longer hold weapons due to the aftermath of the war took up arms with intense aspirations.

For them, McBurney was hope.

As he proved that even a single-armed person can show tremendous strength, people visit McBurney every day and succeed in making the current detached unit.


Behind them was Roman Dmitry.

To those who were intensely eager, he had the ability to offer any solution, as he had taught the left-handed sword.



A scream rang out.

The other crew members, who had been limping, slashed the ground and cut off the opponent's chest, and the others rushed to deal with the shadows.

The resistance of the shadows was not easy.

The form of the beast swelled up to reveal its ferocious teeth, and there was also a shadow that used a sword and emitted an aura.

Quiet rumble.

Over the head of the bye-bye member.

The sword fell.

Like McBurney, with only one arm, he had no way of defending because he had already attempted an attack.



"Strike back!"

Another platoon member blocked it instead.

They trained how to compensate for each other's physical flaws, and a detached crew member with a weak leg struck off the shadow's attack.

The shift in karate was very natural.

As if expected, the one-armed detachment member immediately raised an aura, and when he cut off his chest at once, the shadow trembled and dispersed in smoke.

this place.

It is the land of Dmitry.

A space that is very familiar to the members of the detachments.

There was little hope in the face of the civilians watching the situation as they quickly deal with the shadows using the terrain of the alleyway.

In particular, McBurney's performance was outstanding.

Dozens of shadows scattered like dust in his lightning-attempted attack, so much that he didn't even realize he had no arms.


It is still too early to discuss victory.

McBurney, who was about to deal with the fallen shadow, raised his sword to block the dangerous energy that penetrated his senses in an instant.


Quiet rumble rumble.


pushed back all the way

Crying, blood spurted from the inside.

"You guys are just trying to stop us. I will cut off your throat to prove how futile it is."

Quiet rumble rumble.

Aura that oscillates everywhere.

It was certain.

The shadow in front of him was a six-star swordsman, and was the leader of the shadows.

* * *

one breath.

At the moment of inhaling and exhaling, McBurney found the shadows striking right in front of him.


Curl rumble rumble.

barely blocked it

He raised one arm to prevent his neck from flying off, but McBurney was forced to be frantically pushed back with a single blow.

The opponent is a whopping 6 star aura swordsman.

Although the aura system was newly established by Roman Dmitry, it was impossible to block the six-star aura with McBurney's skill.


spit blood

a fleeting moment.

Seeing that the shadow was about to rush back, he tore the magic scroll that McBurney had prepared for him.

"Haste, strength."


It was a blessing-type magic.

This alone would not be able to close the gap between the 6 castles, but it was not possible to run away from the shadows in front of them.

'With the skills of a regular detached member, you can never face a 6-star swordsman. I have to make the most of my time. The only way to defeat this guy is to clean up the rest of the shadows and attack at the same time.'

It wasn't really hopeful.

will die

Knowing that, it was something that McBurney had to do.


Kaka Kaka Kaka!

It was a fierce clash.

At the appearance of the strong shadow, McBurney frantically blocked it, while aiming for the key point with a strange movement.

It was an anomaly peculiar to a left-handed sword.

Attacks that deviated from the normal trajectory attacked the loopholes of the shadows, but the presence of the six-star aura showed a reaction speed that overwhelms McBurney.


The attack was blocked.

At the same time.


Blood spattered from his face.

It's a pity that he turned his head in such a short time, McBurney almost blew his head off in the last blow.

out of breath

While in Southern Training Camp.

I couldn't even imagine a confrontation with a six-star prosecutor.

No matter how much he was an instructor in charge of a training camp, he was nothing more than an ordinary person by birth.

Even now, I wasn't confident I could do something as great as Chris and Kevin.

But I can only afford it. With no one to take his place in the city's slaughter, McBurney swallowed the disgusting gurgling blood from his throat.


Aimed at the vital point.

The shadow flickered and laughed.

"You cheeky bastard."

series of situations.

The reason they were able to exchange workshops in their own way was that the subject McBurney was training with was Roman Dmitry, not a normal being.

The destructive power that overwhelms even the 6-star aura.

The hours of intense training against him made McBurney who he is today, and the appearance was very annoying as a shadow.

Dmitry without Roman Dmitry.

Only such beings.

He didn't like the idea of trying to stop Alexander's ambitions.

In the human world, the realm of six stars is not often found, but the Kronos Empire mobilized a new six-star swordsman that others did not know about, even after Sven died in the last operation.

That was the class difference.

Being radically different, the shadows expressed their anger and pushed McBurney hard.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

My body shook.

Each time there was a lot of excitement, McBurney's eyes fluttered.

It felt like life was on fire.

That moment.



The leg was cut shallowly.

As McBurney staggered back, the shadow grinned as if he had won.

"Go and call the others. Please help me. Dmitry's people are all about to die, so I ask you to help me here, no matter what the situation outside the castle is. If you don't ask for help to the end, I'll kill everyone in Dmitry. I will make this place a hell, and I will advance into my inner city and cut off King Dmitry's head.


It was an impossible match from the start.

Not Chris, not Kevin.

However, they are not the same kind as Fernando, who was recognized by the people.

one instructor.

It was McBurney's limit.

As he doesn't have one arm, the premise of blocking the 6-Star Aura Swordsman itself is wrong.


My heart raced.

'Are you going to die here?'


That would be an unavoidable reality.

But even so, the detachment believed that it would complete its mission to the end.

That was then.


Quiet rumble rumble.

a little distance away.

A huge explosion was heard there.

At that sound, McBurney recalled the conversation he had with the other members of the detachment an hour ago.

* * *

1 hour before.

Byeoldong University expressed its willingness to help the outer castle.

However, the captain of the Knights Jonathan reminded them of their respective roles and asked them to block any unknown variables.

beyond the exterior.

A noise was heard.

As the magic explodes, the people scream, and the sergeant hears the loud tangle of snares, McBurney spoke to his companions.

" the day i first met you I thought you guys were crazy enough. Losing an arm, a leg, losing an eye, having nightmares every night and can't sleep, it was sad and funny to see them begging for a weapon again for Dmitry. At that time, I did not ask you why. I also went through the same thing, so I accepted the position of the commander of the detached corps in the hope that you could find even a hope in the future."

at that time.

McBurney didn't like it.

It was obvious that it wouldn't look so good on the outside to see guys who lacked some sort of thing and gathered around.


Still, I couldn't refuse.

Like himself, who fell into despair the day he lost his right arm that uses a sword, he could not turn away from the gaze of those who were desperate to try to live.

Thus, the Byeoldongdae was founded.

Although he was given a mission in his own way, he went into training with doubts as to whether he could actually perform his role in actual combat.

And today.

Dmitry was in trouble.

In a situation that may require the power of a separate troupe, McBurney revealed a question he had struggled to suppress.

"Why? Why did you want to become a separate wing?"

" That's natural."

It was a familiar voice.

A man who had been quietly listening to McBurney's story looked down on the ground and remembered the past.

Leader. We still can't forget what happened when we were taken prisoner. In a dark space, I trembled, not knowing when I would be tortured, and my colleagues who were dragged away screaming were thrown on the floor, holding their breath. It is clear that the war is over, but I felt like I was going crazy for resenting Dmitry for not saving us prisoners of war. Actually, it wasn't a matter of blaming Dmitry. Dmitry was unaware of the existence of prisoners of war in the first place, and even if he did, it was a very sensitive matter to abolish the truce negotiations to save us."

his name.

It was Carol.

A person who was a prisoner of war and belonged to the 3rd unit after liberation from captivity.

He gathered other colleagues and persuaded McBurney, and formed a new group called Byeoldongdae.

"But Roman Dmitry saved us. It's absurd, but he's prepared to go to war with Kronos to save a few prisoners. Leader. Why do you want to be a separate troupe? As the people around us say, we can make a living out of our newly-assigned, secure roles, with war rewards alone. But even more so, I can't just watch. I will never allow Dmitry, who has not abandoned us to the end, to fall to a horde of evil like Kronos."

one sincerity.

It colored the surroundings.

Both of you revealed their sincerity, and even though they were physically uncomfortable, they went out to find work for Dmitry themselves.

"Maybe we will die as separate wards. Some might say that if you just escaped prisoner of war and die like that, your life is truly fleeting. But if I and we die for Dmitry. If that sacrifice protects Dmitry's existence to the end. I am confident that Dmitry will take care of my family. my wife, my children. Dmitry never gives up. So, even if I die, Dmitry must be alive."

His voice grew louder and louder.

eyes were dyed red.

He is also human.

Dying was terrifying, but Carol experienced a lot and learned that life was more important than life.

Others agreed in silence.

Everyone had the same idea, and although the detachment was not physically as healthy as other units, it was fully armed in spirit.

Those who will do everything for Dmitry. That was the identity of Byeoldongdae.

McBurney was silent for a while.


"I have prepared something for a day like today. I asked my superiors to get this formal permission, but my request was rejected by my superiors. Only Commander Jonathan of the Knights Templar knew this, and he was against it until the end, but I emphasized the fact that I had to prepare for the worst, and I barely got permission."

It was a cautious voice.


With Dmitry pushed to the brink, McBurney was ready to do anything.

"What I will tell you from now on is our own secret, and I hope that this secret will not be known to other people."

* * *


blood splashed

Carol staggered with a face out of focus at the red drop of blood that lit up the sky.

' I am going to die like this.'

last few years.

It was a truly passionate life.

As Dmitry's soldier, he watched the baron family leap into the realm, and even though it wasn't that great, he made a contribution to various battlefields in his own way.

Then he was taken prisoner in the war against the Kronos Empire.

Tortured every day, at the moment when he thought his life was really over, Roman Dmitry came to rescue the prisoners of war by grabbing the easily passable correspondence.

Thank you.

this world.

It's a world where the emergency is common.

Class societies divided the same human beings according to their ranks, and there were too many instances of nobles treating commoners as insignificant expendables.

Therefore, his feelings for Roman Dmitry had to be unique.

Everyone devotes himself to him, but Roman Dmitry did not take his devotion lightly.

whether financially rewarded.

Show it with your attitude.

He didn't take everything for granted.

Because I was grateful for that heart, and I was so grateful that I cried for taking care of my family's well-being.

Carol took Dmitry seriously.

I was proud to be within Dmitry's fence, so I set up a detached unit to try and do more.


The shadow ran.

his back.

The screams of civilians were heard.

The shadow will tear itself apart, not satisfied with it, and will kill all civilians.

Carol chuckled.

"Dmitry is not a land you can covet."

What he regrets now.

There was only one fact that I would not see my family in the future.

However, if Dmitry were to perish, they knew that they too would not be safe, so they had no regrets about this choice.


body was bitten

As she was about to tear it apart, Carol embraced the shadow.

"Come with me."

That moment.

The magic bomb connected to the heart reacted.


Kwareung, Kwarreung.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

huge explosion!

A light that seemed to be blinding arose, and as it was, it swept away Carol and the surrounding shadows at once.

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