Winner Takes All (5)

It was a time of upheaval.

When the world changes day by day, the prisoners of Dmitry's dungeon spend time away from the world.

A space filled with darkness.

Ares looked into the air with a haggard face.

There was no splendid appearance, and the silver hair was clogged with blood and gave off a fishy smell.

As I lowered my gaze, I saw the magical artifacts binding both wrists and ankles.

It gnawed at the mana flowing inside the body, making Ares, the aura swordsman, a mere ordinary person.

Jailbreak was impossible.

No, I had no intention of escaping.

From the time he was first imprisoned, until now, Ares had been engulfed in a single thought.

'Why did I lose?'


he could not accept it

His opponent was just a boy walking through the slums just a few years ago, and when he first met Kevin, there was an overwhelming difference between them.

I never thought of defeat.

Even when he faced Kevin and dealt with him, Ares couldn't understand the situation in his head.



In the situation that came up over and over in his head, his reality was not important.

'I've been working hard to pioneer my own territory. I interpreted Alexander's teachings in my own way, and people called me a pioneer who would create a new generation. But, does it mean that all my efforts are meaningless in front of Roman Dmitry? Just like meeting him and making great progress in a short time, the time I've been working on was so trivial that I couldn't even defeat Kevin.'

It was embarrassing.

Meet Roman Dmitry.

Ares has entered a new realm.

And even with such a leap forward he fell to his knees against Kevin, who had experienced Roman Dmitry before himself.

What a disappointing result this is.

In a situation where he was forced to know that the time he had struggled with was meaningless, Ares ruffled his hair and fell into the abyss of despair.

I was out of breath.

Where the hell did it go wrong?

From the time he accepted Alexander, he might have been heading for the wrong future.

" It's a beggar life."

looked at the ceiling

Looking at the ink-colored ceiling like a dark future where no sunlight is allowed, Ares forgot the concept of time.

Outside, the war will be going on for a long time.

Dmitry was able to block Kronos' plans with a stronger force than expected, but he was not sure of their victory.


he is a monster

While acknowledging Roman Dmitry, Ares believed in the power of Alexander, whom he had been watching.

Not yet.

it's not over yet.

That was then.


In the distance, I heard the door of the underground passage open.* * *


The torch flickered.

As soon as he saw the face of the Knight Commander Jonathan revealed in the light, Ares burst out laughing involuntarily.

" Dmitry has won."


It was the worst outcome.

He spent a lot of time in prison, still believing that Alexander's 9th circle magic could turn things around.

However, the results were different than expected.

From the calm eyes of the commander Jonathan looking down at him, it was not difficult to predict that the result of the fierce war would end in Dmitry's victory.

I shut my eyes tight.

The reason he hoped for Alexander's victory to the end was not simply because of his loyalty to Alexander.

I've made a mistake.

Roman Dmitry.

In obedience to him, Ares felt alive.

The knowledge of the new world developed him quickly, and as time went on, he realized that it would have been better if he had met Roman Dmitry before meeting Alexander.

every night. Ares couldn't sleep.

Conflicts popped up in my head, but I always ended up with Alexander.

9 circles.

transcended human limits.

Knowing that his magic was powerful enough to blow away the capital at once, he couldn't betray Alexander.

It was a complicated matter.

If only I had known that Roman Dmitry was strong enough to defeat Alexander.

When thinking at the crossroads of choice, Ares might have thought of a new future.

I raised my head.

Showing a haggard face, he looked at the Knights Commander Jonathan.

...... Explain it to me. Explain to me how Roman Dmitri defeated Alexander. It's impossible. It had to be impossible. Don't you know it well? Alexander is a monster beyond human limits. How could Roman Dmitri triumph over a being who had reached the realm of the gods in human flesh?

own look.

It didn't matter if i looked sloppy.

I wanted to hear the truth.

I wanted to hear a convincing story about how he defeated an existence he thought was irresistible, even if he couldn't confirm it himself.

He made a decision based on common sense.

Even if we could turn back time, it was right to choose Alexander among Alexander and Roman Dmitry.

at that word.

Captain Jonathan showed a cold expression.

'There is nothing to explain to the sinners. My lord has only won, as he always does, and deservedly so."

The signal was given.

The soldiers approached and opened the prison door, grabbed Ares from both sides and dragged him outside.

He was helpless.

The beast that commanded the continent could not even shake off the touch of a single soldier, and looked at the commander of the Knights Jonathan, looking for an answer.

But the reply he got back exceeded his expectations this time too.

"If you want an answer, ask the master directly. Today is the day of the enthronement ceremony in which the lord ascends to the throne of the emperor. and.

It was chilly.

From the day Ares betrayed us.

For humans like Ares, Commander Jonathan of the Knights Templar did not allow himself to be a good person any more.

"The execution of the prisoners, including you, will proceed."* * *


A large crowd had gathered there.

Those present to celebrate the coronation were utterly overwhelmed when they discovered the gigantic execution platform.

This was not a common occurrence.

It is normal for the coronation ceremony to see only the good and talk about the good for the sake of the new future, but Dmitry showed the execution table to everyone before the coronation ceremony even started.

On it were the prisoners.

The prisoners, whose faces were familiar, could not meet the gazes directed at them with their miserable faces.


A buzz.

People became noisy.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to a single figure that appeared out of the crowd.

"Roman Dmitry."

" Don't tell me you're planning to carry out the execution ceremony by yourself?"

Roman Dmitry's costume.

It was unusual.

Everyone knew that he was going to be crowned emperor, so they thought he would wear glittering clothes suitable for the coronation ceremony.

However, this was not the case at all.

He looked like he was going to the battlefield, and he was armed, and the blacks hung around his waist gave him a creepy feeling.

iron-clad, iron-clad.

He quietly accepted his gaze.

Roman Dmitry, who stood on the execution table, looked down at the crowd and raised his voice.

"From now on, I will proceed with the execution."

For a moment.

The people's eyes widened.

It was as expected.

Roman Dmitry made broke the rules, and a soldier, who had been informed of the situation in advance, brought a prisoner forward.

"The sinner's name is Karman. has been rioting since the fall of the kingdom of Odelia, when the exiled people were restless. If their intention had been to rebuild Odelia, Dmitri would have actively supported that intention. But Karman's reality was nothing more than a servant of Alexander, and he deliberately started the riot to coincide with the outbreak of the Continental War .


picked up a sword

When the sword was pointed at Karman's neck, Karman trembled and begged for his life.


"Therefore, I sentence you to death."



blood splashed

In an instant, I blew his head off and his curly hair floated up into the sky and the blood splashed like a fountain.

The onlookers widened their eyes.

What they expected was an emperor's coronation ceremony full of laughter and happiness, but Roman Dmitry delivered a powerful message from the very beginning with death and blood.

The soldiers dragged the headless corpse.

A new sinner went up on the executioner's table and, before the blood that had spurted on the floor had dried, the next execution took place.

"The sinner's name is Hoffman. As the head of the Golden Bank, Hoffman fully supported the Kronos Empire even after learning the truth about Alexander. Yet ."

"Please, please, save me!"

I condemn you to death.

Flash. Hoffman.

The chairman of the Golden Bank, who for a time ruled the continent, had his head blown off so easily.

on the execution table.

Most of the people who were executed in front of the public were big names, and every time they were executed with their crimes intoned, people felt their mouths go dry.

we heard of Dmitry's ways.

I knew what Roman Dmitry was like, but I didn't expect him to start the coronation ceremony like this.

The executions continued.

blood flowed

The floor was not stained with excitement, and blood dripped under the execution table.

I wondered how many people they had killed.

Suddenly the crowd reacted noisily to the situation, with the last prisoner left standing.

"It's Ares."


"Are you really planning to execute Ares too?"


A face familiar to everyone was finally on the execution table.

* * *


It was a very complex one.

he is a traitor

He betrayed Dmitry at an important moment, and his betrayal puts Dmitry in a fatal crisis.

In fact, the reason for his execution was clearer than anyone else who went to the execution table.

The reason why people's eyes must be complicated knowing this is because of Ares' previous devotion to Dmitry.

prisoner of war incident.

Ares was at the forefront.

Swinging his aura towards the Kronos Empire, he took an active role in recovering prisoners.

Not only that.

Ares was in the vanguard when solving the problems of the Arcadia continent, especially in the conflict with the Valhalla Empire, where Ares went to his death alone to fulfill Roman Dmitry's orders.

Everyone remembered that time.

Thanks to Ares's efforts, Dmitry was able to win the war overwhelmingly.

My mind was complicated.

While the people watched, Ares, pulled by the rough hands of the soldiers, knelt on the executioner's table.

It was a terrible sight.

It looked miserable.

The hero of Dmitri's glittering career, his powerless eyes appeared through his exhausted hair.

Ares, whom people remember, was full of confidence in everything he did.

It was the first time he had appeared in front of people in such a weak state, and some people turned away with mixed emotions.

That was then.

Before Roman Dmitry could speak of his charges, Ares suddenly raised his voice.

'My lord. Give me a chance to repent. I don't want to die like this."

was exhausted

Without accepting the reality, he grabbed the straw of life.

I am well aware of the fact that I have made an irreparable mistake. I have betrayed Dmitry. But there were days before that when I was devoted to Dmitry. The conflict with the Kronos Empire, the disaster in Arcadia, and now the war with Valhalla. I have always given my life for Dmitry.

All eyes were focused on him.

Seeing people listening to his voice, Ares looked up at Roman Dmitry and appealed to his emotions.

"I had a lot of trouble at the crossroads of choice. Betraying Dmitry was a difficult matter for me as well, and I still regret it countless times. Lord. It's not that I won't admit my mistakes. In the future, there will be numerous problems along the way Dmitry progresses as an empire, and it is impossible to kill so many people each time. Please give me a precedent. If you don't push people to the brink and allow the precedent that there is an opportunity to make up for mistakes, the future of the Empire will surely be bright."

It was a sensitive issue.

A precedent.

A decisive and determined attitude established discipline, but there were clearly those who were uneasy about the boundaries.

Ares mentioned that part.

At this time of change for Dmitry, the chance to be forgiven was only possible in front of a crowd.

"If you spare me, I will become what Dmitry needs, as I have always been."

People held their breath.

It made sense.

Aside from the other prisoners, Ares was what Dmitry needed.

At that moment of suffocating tension, Roman Dmitry let out a cold voice.

"Ares. Even if Dmitry becomes an emperor, there is no reason to change the way he has pursued it."

he was unmoved.

With his unshakable eyes, he looked down at Ares.

"You certainly had a chance to turn things around. At the crossroads of choice, if you hadn't chosen Alexander, it wouldn't matter what your intentions were. in the past and in the future. The way Dmitry pursues will not change. For people to imprint deep in their bones that their words and deeds must come at a cost, we cannot allow even a single precedent."

Eup yam genus.

The relationship between them was unimportant.

I used Ares heavily and taught him many things, but a leader should have clear criteria for all his choices.

Roman Dmitry said.

"There are no exceptions. This is what the Dmitry Empire will follow in the future."

There were no dramatic results.

as if to everyone.

Roman Dmitry blew Ares' head off.



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