The truth is, the truth is that you can't be a good person.

At this point, Chen Lang understood that this guy wanted to win him over and make him a traitor to Daxia!

This is ridiculous!

Not to mention that Chen Lang's parents are both soldiers, even if he is just an ordinary person, he would not agree, but he hates traitors the most!


"So that's the case, it seems that I am quite likable!"

"But, is this your sincerity?"

"First you lured me here, and then you drugged me to restrict my skills!"

When Ryan heard Chen Lang's words, his expression changed slightly. He felt that there was a chance, so he quickly explained.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. The skills are not restricted because of the coffee!"

"It's because the entire base is enchanted!"

"Anyone who steps into it will be affected to some extent, no matter how powerful the awakener is. I am doing this so that both sides can negotiate calmly!"

Is that so? However, Chen Lang felt even more fucked up. Just now he was thinking about spitting out the coffee!

Now it seems that it's better to be drugged!

At the same time, he became more alert to Ryan or Amei as a whole. These people are more difficult to deal with than imagined!

"Okay, but why are those 'God's Favored' not affected?"

When passing by just now, Chen Lang noticed that the guys with wings in the training ground had released skills!

Ryan's expression suddenly tightened, and then he showed a fascinated look!

"Of course it's because they are favored by God, so they are not restricted!"

"By the way, you have seen the strongest of these "God-favored ones"!"

"Lady Bohemia!"

"When she was in Japan, she almost fought with you!"

The arrogant beautiful woman flashed through his mind. It turned out that her name was Bohemia. Chen Lang secretly remembered it!

At the same time, he began to think about how to escape!

According to what Ryan said just now, as long as he left this base, he should not be restricted!

Glancing at Ryan, who looked like a businessman with a big belly, Chen Lang felt that he had a 90% chance of taking him down based on his attributes alone, and then threatening him to let him go. I wonder if it is feasible?

Seeing Chen Lang not speaking, Ryan continued to seduce.

"There is one more important thing I forgot to mention. As long as you agree to join us, America!"

"Then we will allow you to receive the 'God Baptism'!"

"That is to say, you can become a 'God-loved One'. I believe you have experienced the benefits of it in yesterday's battle, right?"

This situation surprised Chen Lang. He didn't expect that he, as a Daxia person, could also grow wings?

"Oh? How to baptize?"

While speaking, Chen Lang slowly stood up, pretending to drink coffee, but actually approached Ryan!

Ryan thought Chen Lang was moved, and explained with a fanatical expression.

"'God Baptism' is a more powerful ritual than awakening, which can truly transform you!"

"After accepting 'God Baptism', you will become a follower of God!"

"Become a forerunner before God descends to the world, and contribute to the great 'Day of God's Descent'!"

This guy kept saying the word 'God', and with the strange enthusiasm on his face, Chen Lang felt that this so-called 'God Baptism' was getting more and more wrong, as if he was possessed by a demon!

There were about three or two steps left, and Chen Lang no longer concealed it!

"You are talking nonsense, I think you Amei people are all possessed by demons!"

With a leap, Chen Lang came to Ryan's side, holding the sword in his right hand directly against the opponent's throat!

Seeing this, Ryan was stunned at first, and then his face turned cold!

"Chen Lang, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Chen Lang sneered.

"The knife is on your neck, what else can it mean? Let me go now!"

"Otherwise, I'll make you lose your head!"

I thought such a threat would make Ryan compromise, but I didn't expect him to sigh!

"Alas, the ignorant Daxia people, it's just as the gods said!"

"You are a group of unteachable idiots!"

"What's wrong with being a follower of God? You are so stupid!"

At the end of the words, Ryan's tone became cold, and his body was instantly filled with "glimmer", which was obviously much stronger than the Fasi Road last night!

The next moment, the white wings also spread behind him!

"It seems that I can only use tough measures!"

Chen Lang's eyes widened suddenly, damn it, he didn't expect this guy to actually

He is also a 'God-favored', so his wings can be hidden?

There is no time to think about it, so he can only fight!

Chen Lang stabbed Ryan with the sword, but the opponent's figure disappeared instantly!

"You are just an awakener, your strength is not worth a single blow!"

The voice came from behind, and Ryan looked arrogant, his eyes full of contempt, and raised his right hand!

"God·Claw of Annihilation!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge right hand phantom rushed towards Chen Lang!

The office area is not large, and there are walls made of steel all around. Chen Lang has no way to avoid it, so he can only wave the sword to resist!

But what surprised him was!

The sword could not cause any damage to the phantom, and it grabbed his body directly!

"Humph, you can't imagine the power of God!"

Ryan sneered and grabbed Chen Lang, but he did not continue to put pressure on him. Instead, he took him outside and said to the soldiers standing guard at the gate.

"Inform President Gordon that the negotiations have failed, and now implement Plan B!"

"We will force Chen Lang to undergo a divine cleansing!"

After that, he carried Chen Lang to the deeper part of the base!

Along the way, Chen Lang struggled hard!

But this force was very strange, as if it had clamped into every cell of his body, and he just couldn't use any strength!

"Old bastard, what the hell do you want to do?"

Chen Lang couldn't help but curse, feeling more and more uneasy!

He suspected that the so-called 'divine cleansing' had a brainwashing effect. If that was the case, then it would be useless. There was no other way. Chen Lang called out a signal transmitter from a random warehouse and crushed it!

"Old Zheng, it's up to you!"

This was given to him by Zheng Guangming before he left, and it was used in critical moments!

Although Chen Lang didn't know whether the signal could be transmitted in this ghost place, he could only go all out!

Soon, Ryan brought Chen Lang to an iron gate!

After opening it, Chen Lang was stunned by the scene inside. He saw that the space was very wide, the mountain had been hollowed out, and in the center stood a statue of an angel several dozen meters high!

"Well, whether you are willing or not, after the "God Baptism" is over, you will become one of us!"

"Be grateful, Chen Lang!"

"You will be honored to become the first Daxia person under the command of God!"

"From now on, you will be a servant of God forever and ever, and dedicate everything to God!"

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