Huang Tian is Huang Wu's only son and the successor of the group. He was heartbroken to lose his son in middle age! "Who! Who killed my son?" Huang Wu looked at the whole scene with murderous intent while holding Huang Tian's body in his arms! Only then did he notice Chen Lang and Zhao Jian! "Director Zhao? Why are you here?" He looked at Chen Lang again, and a confused light flashed in his eyes, and then widened his eyes. "Are you Chen Lang?" Huang Tian mentioned Chen Lang's name on the phone, and Huang Wu asked subconsciously. Chen Lang was a little confused, but he responded subconsciously. "Yeah."

The next moment, Huang Wu disappeared after hearing this, and he came to Chen Lang and Zhao Jian like teleporting, and waved his fist emitting light at the same time!

"Huang Wu, you dare!"

At the same time, Zhao Jian also made a move, blocking Huang Wu's fist with his palm!


The fists and palms collided, and a strong wind was raised!

"Zhao Jian! Do you really think that I, Huang Wu, am afraid of you?"

"Get out of the way!"

"I want to avenge my son!"

After missing the first blow, Huang Wu gathered strength to punch again!

Hearing this, Zhao Jian's face was covered with frost, and he said coldly.

"The case is still under investigation, you want to kill people in front of me!?"

"Such contempt for the law!"

"Can I understand that you want to declare war on the Administration!?"

When these words came out, Huang Wu was stunned.

His eyes gradually regained clarity.

Although Huang Tian's death made him very painful, facing such a big hat, he had to hesitate!

The Administration is a state-owned unit!

No matter how arrogant he is, will he dare to declare war on the country? This is naturally impossible!


Looking at Chen Lang's student appearance, Huang Wu also began to wonder, can he kill Lei Ming?

"Okay, I can not do it!"

"But you..."

"You must give me an explanation!"

Seeing Huang Wu calm down, Zhao Jian frowned and thought for a moment, then replied.

"Okay, but the case still needs to be investigated!"

"I will notify you immediately when there is a result!"

After that, Zhao Jian motioned Chen Lang to leave with him, but unexpectedly, just a few steps away, the black-clothed man who followed Huang Wu blocked their way!

Seeing this, Zhao Jian frowned again and said in a deep voice.

"Huang Wu, what do you mean by this!"

Hearing this, Huang Wu glanced at the two with a gloomy face, and then waved to the black-clothed men.

Seeing this, the black-clothed men dispersed.

Zhao Jian and Chen Lang left the villa, but Zhao Jian picked up his phone before he walked far.

"Hello, Villa 8 of the rich man, send someone here immediately!"

After saying that, Zhao Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps he felt that he was a little cowardly, so he explained to Chen Lang.

"Did you notice? Those men in black!"

"If I guessed correctly!"

"The worst one is level 50!"

"Damn it, this is so rich! He actually recruited so many strong people secretly!"

Hearing this, Chen Lang blinked and said.

"Director, thank you for what I said just now."

Hearing this, Zhao Jian grinned.

"Bullshit, you are my soldier, can I not protect you?"


"It's not your fault in the first place!"

After lighting a cigarette, Zhao Jian looked a little worried again.

"But I can protect you for a while, but not for life!"

"Although you fooled me today!"

"But with Huang Wu's power, he will soon find out the truth and come to trouble you. You have to think of a countermeasure!"

Zhao Jian smoked a cigarette and fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Chen Lang actually wanted to say that he could protect himself. Not to mention Huang Wu, even if those black-clothed men were counted, they couldn't withstand his skills!

However, after thinking about it carefully.

Chen Lang felt that people should not be too pretentious. There is a saying that goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it!

What if the other party plays dirty?

And even if he is not afraid, what about his mother Fang Lan?

When the two were silent, several patrol cars drove over and more than a dozen men in uniform jumped out!


The uniformed man who led the way quickly ran to Zhao Jian and saluted.

Nodding at him, Zhao Jian stepped on the cigarette butt.

"Huang Wu's son, Huang Tian, ​​is dead!"

"The scene is in the villa."

"Huang Wu himself is also here. Please be careful when you work later!"

Hearing this, the uniform leader was surprised.

"Huang Tian is dead? Who killed him? So fierce!"

Hearing this,

Zhao Jian frowned and said coldly.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

The uniform leader didn't dare to say anything and led his subordinates to rush into the villa!

Seeing this, Zhao Jian patted Chen Lang on the shoulder.

"Okay, come back to the bureau with me first!"

"I see you these days..."

"Don't go to school for now, it's not safe!"

The two drove a patrol car and left. What they didn't notice was that a phantom was secretly following behind!

The second floor of the villa.

Huang Wu stared at the staff below with a heavy look, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, a translucent human-shaped phantom appeared.

"Master, this is all the information about Chen Lang, and Zhao Jian and Chen Lang just drove to the Administration together!"

"Should I sneak in, or...?"

Hearing this, Huang Wu shook his head and took the information.

"Forget it, that place is too dangerous, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to kill Chen Lang!"

"That's it!"

"You continue to inquire, I want to know everything that happened tonight, and how Tian'er died!"

The shadow nodded, and then disappeared into the darkness!

Huang Wu took a deep breath, first glanced at Huang Tian's body, and then opened the information!

"Chen Lang, age 19, has a mother named Fang Lan, a factory worker!"

"I am currently studying at the No. 1 High Martial Arts College in Nanyang!"

"Professional C-level Heavenly Master!"

"Recently won the first place in the freshman competition, was appreciated by Zhao Jian, and was recruited to the Administration Bureau as an exception..."

The more Huang Wu looked at it, the tighter his brows frowned!

He didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary student had such a great resume!

Faintly, he had a bad premonition...

Nanyang City Administration Bureau

"Okay, you can stay in the staff dormitory of the bureau for the time being!"

"If you need anything, tell me anytime!"

In the dormitory, Zhao Jian found an empty seat for Chen Lang.

Hearing this, Chen Lang said with a helpless expression.

"Director, how long do I have to live here? I can't always be a coward, can I?"

"There is also the issue of my mother's safety!"

"That Huang Wu can't catch me, so he might go crazy and look for my mother!"

After hearing this, Zhao Jian nodded.

"Don't worry, I've considered this. I've arranged for someone to secretly protect your mother!"

"As for you..."

Zhao Jian said, lighting another cigarette.

"The Administration Bureau has actually been secretly investigating Huang Wu for a long time. His Wutian Group has committed many illegal and criminal acts over the years!"

"When the time is right, we will take action against him!"

"Before that, you can stay in the bureau with peace of mind! If you are really bored, you can go to the secret realm of the bureau. There are many good things there!"

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