The post was like a depth charge, which instantly blew up the peaceful night. Soon, someone commented below!

Sow on the tree: What 1 million? Whose kid is not sleeping at night and posting here to show off? Show off your wealth and get struck by lightning!

Prince Egg: The guy above, how many years have you been offline?

Prince Egg: Haven’t you heard? The chairman of Wutian Group offered a reward of 1 million for this kid’s life!

Sow on the tree: Oh my god? Is it true? 1 million? Then I’ll try it too!

Killer Alliance: Through technical detection, the poster is indeed Chen Lang himself, and the coordinates and IP are consistent!

Yue: Got it

Jian: Got it


Because of the huge topic, this post was quickly pushed to the top of the Nanyang local forum. Although most people didn't know the reason, they all remembered the name 'Chen Lang'!

Office of the Director of the Administration Bureau.

"Old Gao, what are you going to do! Chen Lang ran away, did you know!?"

"He is now in the wild!"

"And he posted a post to expose his location!"

Zhao Jian was really mad. He didn't expect Chen Lang to choose to fight many killers alone. Even if he was very strong, which killer was a vegetarian?

Isn't this courting death! ?

Too lazy to talk nonsense with Gao Zhan, Zhao Jian thought about it and picked up the walkie-talkie!

"Attention, all combat departments, gather quickly, there is an urgent task!"

After that, he rubbed his swollen temples.

Issued instructions again.

"A comprehensive investigation will be launched immediately into the crimes of Wutian Group that harmed the lives of its employees, reselling organs, and Huang Wu's murder, kidnapping, and pornography!"

"The evidence must be closed tonight!"

"Now I declare that all staff involved in the investigation will take action immediately!"

Nanyang No. 1 High Martial Arts College.

Although it was night, the playground was brightly lit with lights. Gao Zhan stood on the podium, scanning the teachers below with a serious face!

"I believe everyone knows about the matter, so I won't explain it any more!"

"Someone paid to buy the lives of our students!"

"This behavior is tantamount to declaring war on our entire college and shitting on our heads! Can you bear it?!"

The teachers shouted immediately after hearing this.


Gao Zhan nodded and asked again.

"As teachers who teach and educate people, what should we do if our students are bullied?"

"Swallow your anger and pretend you didn't see it?"

"Will the students trust us in the future?"

The teachers shouted again!


Seeing this, Gao Zhan nodded again, and then shouted.

"So what should we do now!?"

There was a brief silence at the scene, and suddenly someone shouted.

"Beat him!"

Then all the teachers, including the principal Gao Zhan, repeated loudly.

"Yes! Beat him!"


"Bring your stuff and follow me, coordinates 173..."

Villa No. 8, Rich Villa.

"Hahaha, God really helps me! This Chen Lang must have been scared crazy, and actually exposed his position!"

"Okay, okay!"

"This way, I can save a lot of effort!"

Huang Wu stared at the top post of the forum on his mobile phone, with a ferocious smile on his face!

Hearing this, the man in black took the opportunity to echo.

"Chairman, the assassins have nothing to worry about. Chen Lang is dead!"

"The young master's soul can rest in peace."


"Not enough!"

Unexpectedly, Huang Wu suddenly waved his hand to interrupt him, his eyes were sinister and vicious!

"I said that I would cut him into pieces and destroy his soul!"

"Notify them!"

"All elites above level 40 in the group, gather out of the city immediately. I want to see with my own eyes how this little beast dies!"

After hearing this, the man in black hesitated for a moment and said.

"Chairman, if we do this, what if the Administration suddenly attacks the group?"

Huang Wu sneered when he heard this.

"Administration? Zhao Jian's good days are numbered!"

"Let's talk about it later."

"I, Huang Wu, have been in Nanyang for so many years. I have so many elite soldiers and generals under my command. I may not be worse than his Administration!"

As he said this, Huang Wu's eyes were filled with cruelty and madness!


On the other hand, Chen Lang, wearing a platinum suit and holding a dragon-tiger peach wood sword, was standing alone on the roof of the ruins!

And below were countless assassins!

"Hey, kid, this is making it very difficult for us!"

"You are just one

Head, how do you divide it?"

"Yeah, what should we do now? There are too many people here! Hey, stop squeezing!"


The crowd was noisy and kept shouting at Chen Lang, but no one was the first to take action!

Because no one has ever encountered this situation before.

Originally, assassination is a very secretive thing, and the prey generally tries their best to hide, so it is basically 1v1, at most 3v1, like now it is almost 1000v1, how to do it?

Hearing this, Chen Lang curled his lips and rolled his eyes.

"It's none of my business."

"Stop dithering, come up if you want to fight! ”

In fact, he had thought about killing all the people in front of him, which would be considered as eliminating harm for the people!

But what made Chen Lang a little upset was.

There were actually many old and young women and children among these people, who seemed to have been kidnapped or trafficked!

Although it was outside the city now, it would not be illegal for him to kill those innocent people, but as a good young man, his conscience was still a little bit hard to get through, so the situation was deadlocked until now!

"No one is going up, right? Then I'll do it!"

Finally, the first person to come forward stood up, and it was a fat man holding a machete!

Don't look at his fatness, but his body is very agile.

With a light jump, he jumped to the roof and stood opposite Chen Lang!

"Chen Lang, right? Grandpa Zhang Kuang, come to take your life!"

As he said, he waved the machete and rushed towards Chen Lang aggressively!

But the next moment.

"Bang! "

Zhang Kuang fell directly downstairs, and then there was no movement!


The noise of the crowd was immediately shocked by this scene.

What happened? What just happened?

Because Chen Lang moved too fast.

They didn't see clearly how Zhang Kuang died!

"Who else?"

Ignoring the surprise of the crowd, Chen Lang asked lightly, and at the same time complained in his heart, how can any kind of stuff be a killer? The Zhang Kuang just now was probably only about level 20!

Listening to Chen Lang's questioning, everyone was silent for a while, they realized that the young man in front of them seemed to be not simple!

"Hehe, no wonder it is worth 1 million gold coins, this little brother is really capable!"

"And he is also quite handsome!"

"Very good, I want this order! "

A clear and pleasant voice suddenly rang out in the crowd, and everyone looked over and saw that the person who spoke was a beautiful and graceful cheongsam woman!

Hearing this, a nearby big man looked at the woman obscenely, and then laughed obscenely.

"Slut, what are you?"

"Do you want it back?"

"What do you want? Do you want my big..."

Unfortunately, the big man couldn't say anything more before he was halfway through his words, because his mouth, head, and the whole person were only half left!

Not only that, the killers behind him were not spared, and all became half-people!

Starting from the woman, a bloody road appeared in the crowd, scaring everyone to retreat. The woman walked lightly on the blood and walked to the ruins, then jumped to Chen Lang not far away and smiled charmingly.

"I'm sorry to meet you in this way, handsome boy, to express my love for you!"

"I want to tell you my name!"

"My name is Cangyue, Can of cruelty, Yue of the moon! ”

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