Chen Lang was not in a hurry to take action. He wanted to give the Japanese a taste of their own medicine. He wanted to let them experience the same tricks they had done to his parents!

Keeping a distance, Chen Lang followed the Japanese to explore the castle!

The decoration style here is very strange, and it is weird everywhere!

The Japanese stood in a triangle shape. The one in the front was relatively strong, and should be responsible for taking the damage and attracting monsters. The rest of them should be mages, priests, and warriors from their weapons and equipment!

"Baga, what the hell is this? Why does it look like ancient Europe! Is this really a secret place?"

"I don't know, this is the first time I've seen it!"

"Who cares? Anyway, we have to beat it down before dawn, so that we can take advantage of the Daxia people again!"

The Japanese talked about it, with sinister and treacherous smiles on their faces!

"That room seems to be weird, Kameda-kun, go check it out!"

The captain-looking Japanese gave instructions.

The Japanese in the front nodded and said 'Hi', then stepped forward to open the door, and then something unexpected happened. The Japanese was suddenly sucked in, and the door closed again with a 'bang'!

"What's wrong with this room!? Smash it for me!"

The captain Japanese exclaimed, and the other two looked surprised, and then gave orders!

Hearing this, the Japanese released skills towards the door!


The door was blown apart, and the three rushed in, only to see that the man named Kameda was dead for some reason, and his expression was very painful!

"Who!? Who is it! Come out!"

Captain Japanese seemed to have encountered this strange secret realm for the first time, and he yelled immediately!

Chen Lang was secretly glad in his heart.

This secret realm is really weirder than the other. In this situation, it is estimated that it is difficult for them not to be hit!

"Ha ha ha, stupid human, so fragile!"

"I died before I even tried hard!"

Captain Japanese's shout was responded to, and a sexy woman in revealing clothes appeared on the top floor of the castle!

It's just that this woman's skin is a little too white, and the color of her lips is also creepy red!

"Baga, what are you!"

"The work of the Daxia people?"

The captain of the Japanese cursed immediately, and at the same time took a defensive posture!

Hearing this, the sexy woman's eyes flashed with disdain, and she sneered.

"Human? Don't compare me with lowly creatures like you!"

"Since you dare to break into my house!"

"Then don't even think about leaving!"

"It just so happens that I haven't had a good meal for a while!"

As she said that, the enchanting woman took action. She was like a ghost, and she came to the three Japanese in a few flashes!


The purple-red light shone and hit the Japanese!

"Be careful, it's an illusion attack!"

The captain of the Japanese reminded, and the Japanese dressed as a priest responded immediately!

"Onmyoji·Shield of the Gods!"

The fluorescent shield unfolded and isolated it before the red light covered it!

"Kuro-kun, you did a great job!"

The captain of the Japanese praised, but before he could be happy, he saw the enchanting woman attack again, and she held a dagger with barbs in her hand!

"A trifling trick!"


The dagger pierced the shield, and the fluorescent shield shattered instantly!

"Captain, I have identified this woman as a level 90 lord monster. We can't deal with her!"

The mage holding the staff exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, the captain's face changed drastically. He thought the woman was not strong because she looked ordinary, but he didn't expect her to be a level 90 lord monster!

"What! Run!"

The little Japanese were very smart. They knew they were no match, so their first reaction was to run!

Pulling out the giant sword to block the dagger, the three began to retreat!

But the enchanting woman didn't intend to let them go. She chased after them with a sneer and said grimly.

"No one has escaped from the hands of my Charming Demon!"


Release the skill again. This time there was no strange light, but the three Japanese were instantly hit. They were stunned at first, and then they staggered like they were drunk!

Even the weapons in their hands fell!

Seeing this, the enchanting woman was no longer in a hurry to chase, and walked slowly with a dagger in hand, ready to deliver the final blow to the three people!

At this moment.


These Japanese are really a bunch of trash!"

Chen Lang's voice sounded, and then his figure appeared. He was seen standing beside the enchanting woman, with the palm thunder in his hand ready!

"Palm thunder!"


Hundreds of thousands of damage were dealt, and the enchanting woman had no time to react. She was directly electrocuted into charcoal. Obviously, her defense was not good enough!

In fact, it was a level 90 lord monster, and it should not be so fragile!

But Chen Lang's attack was too unexpected!

With the death of the enchanting woman, the three Japanese also regained consciousness. They were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Lang blankly!


Hearing this, Chen Lang didn't understand what they were saying, and said coldly.

"Speak human language!"

The Japanese captain's face froze, and he changed his words.

"Are you from Daxia? "

The Japanese are bad, but their brains are still normal. The only people who can enter this secret realm are Daxia, besides Japan!

Chen Lang nodded after hearing this.


The Japanese breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at the equipment and props scattered on the ground!

"Did you kill this monster?"

Chen Lang nodded again.

The three Japanese changed their faces slightly. They knew that Chen Lang in front of them was not someone they could provoke!

"Thank you for saving my life. We will issue a statement to thank you when we go back!"

After saying that, several people did not dare to stay any longer and wanted to leave!

Seeing this, Chen Lang said coldly.

"Stop, did I let you go?"

The Japanese captain paused, and a bad premonition arose in his heart, but he still forced himself to turn back and said.

"What else do you want to do? It's a peaceful time now, you can't hurt us!"

After hearing this, Chen Lang smiled.

"It's okay, I just want to ask you a few questions! ”

The Japanese were relieved immediately.

“Okay, ask!”

Chen Lang thought for a while, then asked them if they knew someone with the name “鬼井”. According to his guess, the guy who could become the captain of the special team back then should be doing well now!

“Sorry, we don’t know this person!”

After careful consideration, the Japanese captain exchanged glances with the other two and answered.

Hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed across Chen Lang’s eyes. Sure enough, it took too long. It seemed that it would be much more difficult than expected to find the enemy!

“That...can we go now?”

“By the way!”

“If you don’t mind, we hope to bring back the bodies of our companions!”

Seeing that Chen Lang didn’t speak for a long time, the Japanese captain spoke.

He saw that Chen Lang looked young, and after communication, he felt that the other party should not take action!

After hearing this, Chen Lang nodded.

“Don’t bother so much. Aren’t you teammates? ”

“I will take you back to your family right now!”

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