In Zhang Chen and Earl Chirac,

In the communication between the donkey's lips and the horse's mouth,

Zhang Chen got into Earl Chirac's car,

The finishing touches are left to the "Night Watchmen".

Earl Chirac brought Zhang Chen to his private hospital,

The medical equipment here is the world's top,

Doctor Lian is also a famous doctor in the world,

Although Zhang Chen said that it is not necessary, there is a famous saying "everyone comes".

Examination by Western doctors always takes a lot of time,

By the end of the day, Zhang Chen hadn't received the inspection results either.

It is said that it will take six hours for the results to come out.

Count Chirac said:

"Don't worry, aren't you confident in your body?"

Sunset on the west mountain, 28 nights come

Earl Chirac came to Zhang Chen,

Come to the table at the Earl's Manor,

Zhang Chen looked at this familiar everything,

It was the place where he had dinner with Earl Chirac on the first night when he first arrived in France.

Chirac uncorks the wine bottle,

The housekeeper cuts the barbecue ham for Zhang Chen and the earl,

Zhang Chen brought a translator, although it was not very comfortable,

But you can get used to it quickly and ignore it.

"Where is the beautiful Miss Karina?"

Zhang Chen said calmly

"She's dead."

Earl Chirac paused when he opened the cork,

Then he said regretfully:

"So sad, so beautiful as lavender,

A lady as lively as a flame in a hearth,

She is still so young, just the most beautiful age!

Zhang, don't be sad!

Believe in Miss Karina in Heaven,

I don't want you to be depressed either.

Zhang Chen was calm in his heart and didn't have too many mood swings.

But death is indeed respected, just like new life.

When a person is just born, everyone will offer their blessings "Congratulations"

People don't know that he will contribute to the world in the future,

Still endangering the world, but they all showed joy.

When a person dies, everyone will say "It's a pity",

But neither did they witness,

The one lying behind the tombstone,

Wonderful or ordinary life,

They didn't know the man was a murderer,

Ordinary people who saved lives.

Zhang Chen didn't say anything, Earl Chirac took the cup,

Poured half a glass of wine, handed it to Zhang Chen, raised his glass and said:

"Forever years Ms. Karina. May heaven not have a damn thing."

Zhang Chen clinked glasses with Earl Chirac,

Then came another drink,

Count Chirac believed that when one is drunk,

If you don't know anything, then the pain will leave him

Before, he often relieved his grief in this way, and he thought Zhang Chen needed it too.

Soon, Zhang Chen's face turned red, his eyes were blurred, and the corners of his mouth were raised,

Earl Chirac on the opposite side opened his eyes slightly,

The words in my mouth are not sober anymore,

Even the translator can't translate it accurately.

237 Zhang Chen listened to Earl Chirac,

Telling about the experience with Margaret,

The butler behind him had already gone to hide somewhere,

Zhang Chen thought about Zhou Xiaoyi, and drank the wine in his glass.

When Count Chirac laughed,

Zhang Chen raised his glass with a smile, and soon Earl Chirac,

Then he lost all sobriety, and he dragged Zhang Chen to the small river outside the manor.

There is no mud beside the river, only green lawn,

It was obviously man-made,

The turf is soft and tough, unlike ordinary weeds, which are hard and gripping.

The two of them just lay beside the slowly flowing river,

In the sky, the stars were shining brightly, Zhang Chen also slowly closed his eyes. .

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