The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 101: Strong enemy

"Fire spirit, turn light on the top,"

""Water Elf, Wood Elf, Forest Moment Killer"

"Earth elves, golden elves, incarnate as giants of golden earth."

Ji Xiayun's series of methods directly resolved the limitations of the dark area.

Zhang Yue charged with a shield, and Lu Heng followed.

Chu Yunxuan had disappeared to the horizon with the rest of the people.

"Some means, I don't know if your remaining means can keep you from resisting for so long."

At the head of the Dark Snake Race, six sharp knives appeared in the six arms, and a storm of sword light was set off against the three of them.

As he entered the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races, he couldn't bring in equipment higher than D-class. Zhang Yue could only use the earth element to transform the giant shield, and Lu Heng could only hold a D-class Fangtian painting halberd.

"God and Ghost One Slash"

Lu Heng took the lead and slashed at the Dark Snake Race.

With a bang, Fang Tian's painted halberd was cut in half by a sharp knife.

‘Shield Wall! ’

Zhang Yue's shield wall separated Lu Heng from the Dark Snake Human Race. Lu Heng retreated instantly, and then the shield wall was divided into countless pieces, all of which was in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, this **** rule of kneeling," Lu Hengqi shouted down. At that moment, a blade of light almost cut his throat.

‘Crash! ’

Zhang Yue mounted the shield with his shield, and then the giant shield was almost cut into pieces by layers.

Just after Zhang Yue's huge shield was about to be stripped, giants transformed into gold and earth spirits arrived and began to support Zhang Yue and Lu Heng.

"Oh, it's interesting, do two Tier 4 summoned beasts become one Tier 5, but what's the use of having a stronger power."

The dark snake tribe directly greeted the giant.

‘Sword force’

The giant persisted for a while, then dissipated, turning into earth elves and golden elves again, and looking at the languid appearance, formations appeared under their feet, and then fled back to the summoning world.

At this time, a vast forest had grown, countless vines with barbs thinking of the Dark Snake People coming.

Said that during this period, Zhang Yue directly condensed a B-strength Fangtian painting halberd and handed it to Lu Heng.

"Let's make good use of it first, and when Xiaodong finds the minerals, he will be advanced in refining." Zhang Yue said quickly.


"Oh, it's up to the three of you now. What other means are you going to use soon, or you will die of anxiety."

Zhang Yue and Ji Xiayun looked at each other.

"Combination: Gold World"

The fire elite in the sky sprayed a huge fireball directly at the dark snake people, and the golden elves summoned by Ji Xiayun first directly summoned countless metal particles from the earth to gather in the fireball in the sky, gradually changing It formed a huge metal liquid and smashed it at the dark snake human race.

"Interesting, well, the game is over here, otherwise we can't catch up with your clansmen, 10 points are also points." The dark snake human race stretched out its slender tongue and licked its lips.

It turned its head and said to the three tribesmen: "Go after those who fled, I will deal with them first."

"Yes, leader." The three of them quickly moved forward towards the place where Chu Yunxuan escaped.

After a while, the three dark snakes disappeared before Zhang Yueren's eyes.

Zhang Yue felt like he was being looked down upon. He looked at the leader of the Dark Snake Race and said, "Why do you think you can beat the three of us."

Zhang Yue said that a giant shield was reunited in his hand, and the three of them looked at the Dark Snake People with the same enemy.

"I like your expressions of dissatisfaction. To a small race like you, you can keep the race fire obediently. That kind of disobedient, my race doesn't know how many will be destroyed a day."

One day behind the Dark Snake Human Race appeared the shadow of the Dark Dark Snake, which was the highest **** of their family.

The dark snake tribe turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Zhang Yue and the three.

"Can you kill it."

"Three times, if I use my previous Fang Tian to draw a halberd once."

"Seize the opportunity."


‘Shield Potential’, ‘Gravity’, and ‘Sand Attachment’

Suddenly all the sand gathered to the dark snake people.

'dissipate! The sand clinging to the Dark Snake Human Race dissipated immediately, and the influence of gravity on it was minimal.

"Are you capable of this, then you go and die."

A dark blade of light flashed across Zhang Yue's side in an instant, cutting Ji Xiayun in the distance in half.

"Puppet?" The dark snakeman said suspiciously, and then looked at Zhang Yue Lu Heng.

"Then you go to die first!"

Several sword lights attacked Zhang Yue and Lu Heng.

"Bang!" Zhang Yue's shield was cut off again, and Lu Heng's Fang Tian painted halberd was knocked off with a small gap.

Zhang Yue looked at the time and said to Lu Heng: "You can withdraw, I will resist this little snake."

"Can you escape?" Lu Heng looked at Zhang Yue and said seriously, tactical retreat is fine, but he cannot escape without leaving his comrades.

"You still don't believe me." Zhang Yue said.

"Sister Ji, retreat and support the team." Lu Heng shouted loudly as he ran.

There was a wave of fluctuations in the air, and Ji Xiayun gave her birth and ran away with Lu Heng.

"Xiaoyue, be careful!"

With a ‘boom’, Zhang Yue confronted the Dark Snake Human Race again. This time Zhang Yue’s attack was even more violent than before, with countless swords blazing on the shield.

"It's really a tortoise shell." The Dark Snake Human Race said, holding six sharp knives in its hands, all of which are Grade A weapons, which are exchanged for battlefield points.

When the huge shield in Zhang Yue's hand was about to be shaved off again, Zhang Yue surrounded the two of them with a shield wall, and the whole fell down. As a result, the Dark Snake Race broke out of the wall in an instant and got rid of the restraints.

"Being my slave and keeping your race alive, how about it. According to the speed of the clan and my clan, now it is estimated that I have already played against your clan." The dark snake clan slowly said, as a legendary talent in the clan, there is The right to take in some minor races.

"You think too much."

As Zhang Yue said, countless earth elements condensed towards Zhang Yue. After a while, Zhang Yue transformed into a 30-meter-high figure element giant with the earth element spiritual body as an aid. This was a giant condensed according to Lin Dong's drawings.

"In fact, the structure is stronger than what I thought." Zhang Yue thought.

Condensed a giant sword in his hand, looked at the Dark Snake Human Race and cut it over.

"It's another one who thinks the bigger the stronger." The dark snake human race showed mockery, and turned into a knife light, and attacked Zhang Yue.

'boom! ! With a loud noise, Zhang Yue's giant separated from the Dark Snake Race.

"Yes, it's a bit interesting, the attack power is all up to the 6th intermediate level, I think you can persist for a long time."

Half an hour later, when Zhang Yue was about to reach his limit, he received news that he had escaped completely and even killed the opposite person.

"Little snake, goodbye, you are the most powerful Tier 3 I have seen so far. I can't beat you, so I'm going to run." Zhang Yue said while looking at the Dark Snake Terran.

"Want to run, you asked me if I didn't." The Dark Snake Human Race sneered. He had already cherished Zhang Yue's love for talents, and planned to defeat Zhang Yue. After a meeting, the gods would ask the gods to make a contract to let Zhang Yue and his Future generations will serve it all generations,

"Haha, I don't need to ask you." After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he disappeared from the sight of the Dark Snake Race.

"Is the situation of the earth? Interesting. We will meet again sooner or later." The Dark Snake Race returned to the base after speaking. As for the few subordinates, they will naturally return after the matter is finished.

Zhang Yue proceeded quickly according to the place where the signal was sent. Today's battle refreshed his understanding. He didn't expect that Tianjiao, a Tier 3 first-class race, would be so powerful. To be honest, the three of them really wanted to fight the dark snake human race at first. Hard steel, they must be the last to die.

Although Jie Ji's ult can kill it in one shot, she has no chance to make a move.

In a mountain range, the 7 people of Chu Yunxuan and Ji Xiayun’s lover had gathered, and they were taken in a hidden cave. Everyone looked a little depressed. They did not expect that they would be turned into burial dogs by the aliens as soon as they entered the battlefield of ten thousand races.

"I don't know what's going on with Brother Yue now." Lin Dong said.

"Your brother Yue is okay. There was news just now that he was daring to go here." Chu Yunxuan said, better than expected, and finally joined forces and killed an alien.

Chu Yunxuan looked around for a week and saw that everyone's emotions were not very high. So he said to everyone: "Don't be depressed, think about what we are facing."

"The Dark Snake Race, a first-class low-level race, the aliens sent in are at least legendary."

"You guys are thinking about whether we can still live very well."

Chu Yunxuan laughed after speaking.

"Although we all know it, this is too big a blow. The three dark snake races pressed us to fight with seven of us. If Sister Ji hadn't come over in the end, it would be hard to say anything in the end." Xu Pofeng said.

"If the crisis is over, don't think about these things. The main problem now is the weapon and equipment. Brother Yue is now using his own earth element-condensed shield, and he can't play a few layers of strength." Lu Heng said, now he is completely different from the previous one. Arrogant, when he saw the shining knife light of the Dark Snake Human Race, he found that he was sitting in a well and watching the sky.

"Yes, the hundreds of points we got from killing the Dark Snake Clan are given priority to accompany Zhang Yue with a good shield."

"I agree."


"stand by"

Everyone responded one after another.

While everyone was continuing the discussion, Zhang Yue walked in.

"Brother are you injured!" Lin Dong hurried over and handed a bottle of holy water.

"Thank you Xiaodong." Zhang Yue thanked him.

"Yes, it should." Lin Dong said.

Zhang Yue looked around for a week and saw that everyone was looking at Zhang Yue with caring eyes. He suddenly felt a fake.

"I'm okay, don't worry everyone." Zhang Yue said with a smile, he was not injured at all, but the energy in his body was almost lacking.

"It's okay, come over and sit down, discuss the plan below." Chu Yunxuan said, by the way, he called up a virtual platform with A-level shields on top.

"We plan to accompany you with a shield first. This will help improve the overall defense, Xiao Yue, come over and adjust it," Chu Yun said.

"Really, without a strong shield, it's particularly uncomfortable for the enemy, and I can't use it for counter-shock." When Zhang Yue defended the dark snakeman's sharp knife, he directly cut off his condensed shield. It makes him uncomfortable.

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