The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 111: Meet the Tauren

"Little rabbit, promise your benefits. You are indispensable. I also want to reward you. I have made friends like Zhang Yue, as a reward!" Jie Haijiadi happily patted the shoulder of the sword soul and said.

"Haha, that's good." Sword Soul said happily, returning from his previous loss, not easy.

"Brother Zhang Yue, come to my dragon race to play something, my sword dragon family grandly welcome you."

"No problem, I will definitely go to the Dragon Race to take a look."

"Then see you later."


Zhang Yue kept watching them on the spacecraft.

After the spacecraft took off and disappeared into the sky, Zhang Yue retracted his gaze, opened the mall, and directly put the dragon people's tokens in.

"Identify all the effects of this thing." Zhang Yue demanded to the virtual mall. Zhang Yue is not a single-celled steel straight man. He would not treat him as a best friend just because of a few words. Believe it as it is, in case this is a locator, and the dragon race finds it along the location, then the human race is not over.

A red light began to scan the dragon people's token. After a while, a virtual screen appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"Only one of the Dragon Terran tokens will be possessed by the Dragon Terran's top Tianjiao. If you show it, you can receive the highest treatment from the Dragon Terrans. You can smash the tokens and seek help from nearby Dragon Terrans.

"It's because I am so worried, there is no positioning function."

Only then did Zhang Yue safely put away the tokens of the Dragon Clan, and then felt distressed about the 100 points.

Zhang Yue returned to the base and saw that everyone was still cultivating their spirits. Zhang Yue alone gave a pound of amethyst and queen honey to help them respond quickly.

"Thank you Brother Yue!" This is a way of thanking ordinary people.

"Brother Yue, I will be my younger brother from now on, I will look forward to you." This is Lin Dong's way of thanking him.

Zhang Yue was bored. He was in the training ground alone, started the rock armor, began to feel the changes in the rock armor, and developed new skills. Zhang Yue first discovered his strength and energy, which greatly increased after starting the rock armor.

Moreover, the upper limit of the force-returning attack has been greatly increased. In short, after opening the rock armor mode, Zhang Yue became the 2.0 enhanced version of Zhang Yue, and even the shield potential and gravity have been correspondingly strengthened.

Then Zhang Yue began to test the hardness of the shield wall and the speed at which it came out, and got the answer that Zhang Yue was satisfied with. Now Zhang Yue's shield wall can't be beaten by general Tier 5 strength.

In the spiritual consciousness space, the symbolic crystallization of the law of rock armor is also integrated into the earth shield.

"It shouldn't be a problem to resist the dark snake tribe now, and this hatred must be reported in the future." Zhang Yue thought of the six-armed dark snake tribe hated by the tickling teeth, bullied himself for lack of equipment, and made himself embarrassed.

Then Zhang Yue began to slowly and systematically sort out the skills and momentum he knew, and he became more and more clear about his battle direction in the future.

Zhang Yue opened the book he had bought and began to study the earth veins.

"The energy flow of the earth can absorb the energy of the earth to strengthen oneself. Standing on the earth is inexhaustible energy."

"This is a bit exaggerated, the energy is inexhaustible, it's too exaggerated." Zhang Yue said, and then Zhang Yue found a 1,000-point soul experience in the virtual mall on the battlefield of ten thousand points.

Zhang Yue looked at the purchase button of the virtual mall and waited for a long time before resisting the desire to buy.

"Business matters, business matters!"

"Completing any of the three things will likely reverse the situation of the human race. You can't be willful at this time."

Zhang Yue finally persuaded himself.

In the evening, everyone gathered in the restaurant for dinner.

"Brother Yue, thank you for the honey, I feel my spirit has been restored." Xu Lingxuan thanked.

"It's all trivial. It's good that everyone's spirit can be restored today." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

At this time, Chu Yunxuan came over and asked, "Xiaoyue, how is that Dragon Clan today?"

"I won, that dragon race is gone." Zhang Yue briefly explained the process.

"That's good, we will move our position tomorrow, and save the effort of hiding the base."

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Yue and his group watched Lin Dong put away the base robot again, and the crowd began to go on the road and merged with the Tauren.

"Leader Chu, we meet again." Niu Dazhi once again hugged Chu Yunxuan fiercely.

"Captain Niu, my ribs seem to be broken, can you loosen me." Chu Yunxuan was squeezed and flushed.

"Haha, the body of your human race is really fragile. Go, and follow me to the base of our race." Niu Dazhi said, leading Zhang Yue and others into the underground base of the tauren clan.

The base is full of silly, big, black layouts and instruments, especially in line with the overall style of the tauren.

Walk to the meeting room, a large virtual three-dimensional map in the middle, marked the position of oneself and the enemy.

"The leader of Chu, the opposite is a team of 200 people and horses, all of them are at the perfect level, and the leader is at the legendary level." Niu Dazhi pointed to the location of the horse and horse base in a desert area.

"There are 142 members of our clan, one is Legendary, and the rest are perfect. The combat power is all one to one. There is nothing to say. The only thing worth noting is that they run, we can’t catch up. ."

Niu Dazhi talked aside all the current situation, and Chu Yunxuan frowned at the side.

"The current situation is like this. The lack of combat power can only be made up by your intelligence. Chu leads, come on, half of the points will go to you this time." Niu Dazhi patted Chu Yunxuan on the shoulder and said.

Chu Yunxuan frowned and looked at the map in the conference room and said: "Desert terrain, taking the initiative to attack is not good for you. The frontal hard steel is a bit bad for combat power. The key is that you are slower than them. ."

"There are deserts within 1,000 kilometers of the centaur's base. If you move a little bit, you will be discovered by others."

"This half of your points is not easy to earn." Chu Yunxuan said with a headache.

"A good profit is not half of the points." Niu Dazhi said.

"Let me discuss with our team members, you will survive, and I have to tactically sum them up." Chu Yunxuan said.

"Well, we just built a small base for you in the style of the human race, where you can go at night."

"Then thank Captain Niu." Everyone thanked.

"Haha, my brother, it's all trivial."

After Niu Dazhi finished speaking, arranged a semi-intelligent robot and led Zhang Yue to the Terran Base.

Right next to the Tauren base, there are ten multifunctional rooms plus a conference room.

In the meeting room, Chu Yunxuan opened the map.

"In fact, with the addition of us in combat power, it can already be regarded as equal. The following is about the speed of the centaur race." Chu Yunxuan said.

"Can't they be introduced into a closed terrain?" Lin Dong said.

"A stupid mistake that no commander can make."

"Actually, there is no other escape route in the centaur base. We can directly block the gate of their base to fight." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said.

"No, even the Tauren base has a spare escape route, you think they will not."

For a while everyone was lost in thought.

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