Zhang Yue looked at Sauron Mina seriously and said, "Are you sure I have this ability to protect your Austrian race?"

"You will be a great professional in the future, and you will be able to protect our race in the future. When you become a god, our race will become your god-protected race forever." Solon Mina said firmly. I have seen this kind of guardian race in the book, a race dedicated to the gods.

"Brother Yue, accept it, you have the potential to become a god. It is no big deal to accept the allegiance of a race leader in advance. You will be able to protect their race in the future." Lu Heng said. His grandfather sheltered a few small races. A large fragmented world serves their family.

Zhang Yue thought for a while and said to Sauron Mina: "I accept your allegiance and formally protect your race when you become a **** in the future."

"Honorable!" Sauron Mina stood up and bowed deeply to Zhang Yue, and immediately assumed the role of housekeeper. From a little servant of the noble family to the commander-in-chief of the entire clan for foreign warfare, he has a deep understanding of his position at any time.

"Sauron, you don't need to be by my side before I become a god." Zhang Yue looked at the face of Sauron Mina's perseverance and said. He doesn't need anyone's allegiance now, and promised Sauron Mina just to himself A compensation for this result.

"Okay." Sauron Mina said respectfully.

Then everyone chatted for a while, when Lin Dong received the news and rushed to the cafeteria, seeing Zhang Yue's eyes lit up.

"Brother Yue, what you did this time is really great. The technicians of the Austrian race and I have developed a new intelligent armored robot that can reach Tier 5 combat power on the battlefield of the ten thousand races." Lin Dong said excitedly. Since the Austrian people came to the human base, it seems to have opened the door to a new world for Lin Dong.

"Brother Yue, did you know that after instructor Sauron brought in the tribe, this little fat man benefited the most." Chu Feng said with a smile. During this time, he saw him and the Austrian tribe technicians being particularly excited every day. Study together.

"Xiaodong, remember to invite me to dinner when you return to the world of heavens." Zhang Yue said. It has been a month and a half since entering the world of heavens. He really missed the dishes of the Emperor Star Hotel a little.

"Haha, no problem, I will take Brother Yue to eat every day when that happens." Lin Dong promised by patting his chest. This time he promised to suppress his opponent for the first time when he returned. This was his biggest wish.

The four became five, and a new set of drinking utensils was added. The five drank until late at night. From the human situation to the ancient secrets, from the advantages of the third-rate races, to the horrors of the top races, from the barren corners of the entire world. , Talking until the legend is everywhere is the core area of ​​god-level resources.

Finally, everyone returned to their room with the help of the robot.

At noon the next day, Zhang Yue woke up from bed, feeling comfortable to the depths of his soul.

Get up, wash, start a day of training and enlightenment, and use the communicator to chat with the leader of the dwarf in your spare time.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Xu Wenyou came to the base with ten newly-aided humans.

Chu Yunxuan gathered everyone in the training room and started to introduce each other.

At this time, the strong young man who was more than 2 meters tall stood up and said to Chu Yunxuan: "Leader Chu, no introduction is needed, I have something to say." With the young man's wild expression, let everyone first. What I thought for a while was that this person was not here to look for things.

At this time, Lu Heng and Chu Feng were holding their foreheads with helpless expressions. The fool looked for trouble as soon as he came.

At this time, the tall and strong youth released a fierce tiger-like coercion, making everyone feel that they were being stared at by a giant tiger like ordinary people, and they were in danger of death at any time.

"My name is Ning Xiu, an ancient martial arts fighter, I like to be the boss, and I prefer others to call me boss."

"If no one in the room can beat me, then I will be the boss here today, don't you have any comments."

After speaking, he looked at everyone like a giant tiger, as if to pick out an unlucky ghost.

Zhang Yue looked at Ning Xiu's arrogant expression. He didn't know why he just wanted to beat him, but Lu Heng and Chu Feng thought silently in their hearts and didn't care about fools.

At this time, Ning Xiu suddenly pointed to Lin Dong and said loudly: "Little fat man, I think you are not convinced. Come out and beat me with your fists. You are the boss."

At this moment, Lin Dong suddenly heard someone call his name, and woke up from the mechanical world, looking in the direction of the sound, he saw a giant 2-meter-high man who asked him to single out.

At this time, Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue and said, "Brother Yue, there is a fool here."

Although Zhang Yue agreed with this statement, he still said to Lin Dong: "This brother is joking, you can do it yourself."

"Okay." Lin Dong started to construct the mechanical world again.

At this time, Lu Heng quietly said to Zhang Yue: "Brother Yue, this man has a bad brain. Only someone stronger than him can convince him. We can only draw a tie. For the convenience of future battles, you have to Come on, Brother Yue, come on!"

Chu Yunxuan cast a look of approval. He had led this Ning Xiu, knowing that to make him obey orders, someone must be able to overcome him with force.

Zhang Yue watched as everyone in the team was watching him, knowing that he couldn't hide away, so he could only move forward slowly, ready to challenge.

"Big tall, now our boss is Brother Yue, if you can make a scum, you're done."

At this time, Lin Dong said to Ning Xiu arrogantly, making you scare me just now.

"Little fat guy, I'll be packing you up soon." Ning Xiu said to Lin Dong viciously, and then said to Zhang Yue: "You can beat me, I will always be your little brother."

"If you lose, don't blame me for being fat when I beat you up."

After Ning Xiu finished speaking, his hands began to make fists, and the whole body began to be full of energy vortexes.

"Golden Armor Power"

‘Power of Force’

"Tiger Power"

Seeing Ning Xiu who was vacating the center of the training ground, Lu Heng quietly said to Chu Feng, "This fool has improved again."

"Traveling to the mainland~www.ltnovel.com~ can come back alive, and fools can also make progress." Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, isn't this nonsense.

At this time, under the blessing of the golden armor, Ning Xiu has become a golden giant more than three meters high, especially the giant fist that is larger than the normal ratio, which is daunting.

"Well, be scared, the yelling boss will let you go, my pair of iron fists, but I have killed a Tier 6 monster." Ning Xiu said triumphantly.

"Are you usually so arrogant?" Zhang Yue asked curiously. He has never seen such a person.

"I don't know if arrogance is not arrogant, I only know that you have to be the boss wherever you go, so that you can enjoy the best resources." Ning Xiu said while looking at Zhang Zhangyue.

"If I can't fight yet, I'm in a good position."

‘The Power of Rock Armor’

Zhang Yue started the rock armor and turned into a three-meter-tall giant. He hooked Ning Xiu and said, "Small, come on!"

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