The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 127: To be both superior and decisive

After the battlefield was completely closed, both sides had a tacit understanding of the lighting technique. More than 10 small suns rose on the battlefield, the darkness was driven out, and the entire battlefield was like daylight.

"Brother Yue's trick is amazing, how much energy it consumes." Lin Dong said, looking at the sky covered by the shield wall at the top.

"Work hard, don't think about it so much." After Xu Wenyou finished speaking, he directly cast 5 colorful **** on the battlefield, looking beautiful.

"Brother Yue should be the cosmic law of comprehension of energy. Unfortunately, I have tried my best and have not realized the power of the bathing method." Xu Lingxuan said regretfully. Regarding the power of the bathing method, she knows that only one person in the human race understands it, that is, just promoted. The demigod Li Daoyi.

"If I have so much energy, I can directly open the portal of Summoning the World and summon my cute little ones." Ji Xiayun said enviously. In Summoning the World, she signed a contract with the five-element elves. It's a pity now Energy, summon up to five at a time.

At this time, the battle had begun. As soon as Yuanshe wanted to stop Zhang Yue, he was stopped by the dwarf leader Jigme Furash with a hammer.

"Gorilla, your opponent is me. I wasn't ready last time. Let's have a good time this time." Jigme Furash said. This time he prepared ten pairs of giant hammers, which is not enough to ask for brother Zhang Yue.

"Little dwarf, look at the punch!"

Yuanshe knew that Zhang Yue could only be dealt with by the leader, and he was restrained by Zhang Yue, plus the leader of the dwarf clan, he really couldn't stop him.

At this time, Lu Heng and Chu Feng were present.

'Broken Front'

"Thunder Sword"

The strongest attack of the two was directed at the ape.

Yuanshe cursed secretly, dodged backwards, and couldn't resist, even with the blessing of the war song. This is his current thinking and must be broken one by one.

Ape summoned his two strongest clansmen to fight together.

At this time, the large-scale magic arts of the magician of the King Kong ape clan have been prepared.

"Divine Art: Magma Dragon"

In the magma that originally covered the earth, a huge dragon head emerged, and then the whole body jumped out of the magma. The body was more than 50 meters long, waving a pair of wings that covered the sky, and roared towards the rear of the human race. Flew over.

"Close to Tier 7 combat power, prepare for the big move, Master Zhan Rui, you are ready." Chu Yunxuan said solemnly, the strength of this magma dragon has reached the limit they can bear.

"Understood!" said the dwarf runeman, taking out the sand of time and starting to depict the spatial rune formation.

At this time, Xu Lingxuan looked at the five Arcanists and quickly said: "Fire attribute, I am the master, constructing large arcane arts, extremely cold."


The five quickly built an energy channel and transmitted it to Xu Lingxuan. An extremely icy dark blue arcane array appeared at the feet of the six. With the support of huge energy, Xu Lingxuan worked hard to build the arcane array, and the arcane wand in her hand was struggling to face her. The flying magma dragon clicked out.

"Large Arcane: Extremely Cold"

‘Space: Transfer’

A huge ice ball was sent out from Xu Lingxuan's staff, and then disappeared in midair.

When the magma dragon was preparing to spit out the remote person with a breath of magma, it suddenly stopped attacking, and planted from the sky in a daze.

A big hole was smashed into the ground. The original magma-colored dragon had been frozen into a giant ice block, and the freezing force was still spreading outward.

"One won't work, then two." Yuan Fa looked at the frozen magma dragon, and then the two bathing **** surrounding him plunged into the magma like meteors.

Then two giant magma dragons rushed out of the magma and rushed towards the rear of the human race. They promised not to give up unless the ape law killed them.

Chu Yunxuan's expression changed drastically, this had exceeded the limit that he could bear.

"When I am away?"

At this time, Zhang Yue said loudly that he had been busy building the dungeon cage just now and had no time to manage. Now that the dungeon cage has been constructed, he is finally free.

"Hand of the Earth"

Two giant arms stretched out from the ground quickly, directly grabbing the two giant magma dragons in the sky, like a chicken, no matter how hard they struggle, they can't break away from the hands of the earth.

Zhang Yue has the support of the power of the earth. Before, there were only imaginary skills, and now they can finally be displayed.

"I see how many more you have, keep coming." Zhang Yue said mockingly. He didn't believe that the magician on the opposite side could always release the giant magma dragon.

‘Shield Wall! ’

The huge space composed of 32 shield walls encircled the ape law and capped it and sank into the earth.

"I see how many clones you still have." Zhang Yue said. When the entire dungeon cage was completely sealed, Zhang Yue's perception spread to the entire battlefield. All circumstances could not escape his perception, except for the magician on the opposite side. He couldn't find his real body after scanning it several times.

"Thunder and Fire Spear"

It shot out in the magma, and went straight to Zhang Yue's vitals.

But it was blocked by several shield walls by Zhang Yue.

When Zhang Yue saw the flames and magma around him, he suddenly understood.

"Haha, do you think your real body elementalization can be invincible?" Zhang Yue said, stomping directly.

"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Abyss of the Earth"

A super-large earth vortex, with endless gravity, **** the magma and flames on the battlefield into the earth.

At this time, a flame flew in the direction of the thundercloud in the sky.

"Break through the air!"


An incomparably dazzling spiritual arrow shot at the flame, directly shooting the true body of Yuan Fa in midair.

"The whole game played an arrow, and he didn't **** kill him yet!"

Xu Pokong consumed the strongest arrow shot all his mind, and then fainted when he tried to finish the last sentence.

At this time, Yuan Fa's face was gloomy and took out a bottle of potion to drink. Looking at Zhang Yue, his biggest trump card was seen through, and he had to fight hard.

"Charge!" Zhang Yue continued to rush towards Yuan Fa with Sauron Mina, killing him while he was ill.

‘Shield Wall! ’

He surrounded the ape law again, but at the moment when the shield wall rose, the ape law had already transformed into an element, and fled the shield wall like lightning.

‘Divine Art: Thunder Fall’

"Divine Art: Blazing Fireball"

"Divine Art: Spear of Thunder and Fire"

"Divine Art: Magma Tsunami"

"Divine Art: Flame Bird"

Countless magic arts smashed against Zhang Yue, but they were all blocked. No matter how powerful the magic arts were, they couldn't penetrate Zhang Yue's massive shield wall and huge shield.


'gravity! ’

‘Power of Sand: Adhesion’


Zhang Yue directly sealed himself, Sauron Mina and Yuanfa in the arena to prevent him from escaping.

"The magician, you are dead." Zhang Yue said sternly, this kind of character will surely be a big concern for the human race in the future.

At this time, Yuanfa stopped the bombardment of the magical technique and said to Zhang Yue: "The shield bearer, report your name. You are qualified to let me remember your name."

"Zhang Yue."

"My name is Sarufa, I am glad to have an opponent like you." Sarufa said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, the hatred of our two races destined us to not be friends."

"Since I was young, I have always been an invincible existence of the same rank in the clan, and even the top genius of the second-rate race has persisted in my hands for less than half an hour.

"I have been eager to have a comparable opponent, but now I finally met."

"It is estimated that the people outside will be killed by you in a while, but I don't care. As long as you die, those people outside are not a concern. I will give you another 50 years, I am afraid you are my King Kong ape clan. Big trouble."

"You let the person next to you go out. I really want to kill him in an instant. Leave this place free, just the two of us, and have a good fight."

"It's both superior and inferior, but also life and death!"

"Look at whether your defense is tough, or my magic is powerful."

"it is good!"

Zhang Yue didn't refuse the request for heads-up. In his view, refusing to do so would indicate that the first mission on the battlefield of 10,000 races was completed.

Zhang Yue directly sent Sauron Mina out.

After seeing Sauron Mina go out, Yuanfa floated an energy ball on his body.

"The Power of Bathing Method"

"Thor Armor"

"Fire Spirit Cloak"

"The Forest of Life"

A shadow of will appeared behind Ape Law, and a tree of life grew in flames and thunder.

‘The Power of Earth Vein’

‘The Power of Rock Armor’



A phantom starlight shield appeared behind Zhang Yue.

"It's the ultimate defense, with almost no weaknesses. At our level, your gravity and mental suppression are useless at all." Yuan Fa said calmly.

"Next, let's start to die endlessly." Yuan Fa directly began to bomb Zhang Yue.

"Divine Art: Serial Blasting Art"

"Divine Art: Fire Spirit Flying Bird"

"Divine Art: Thunderbird"

"Divine Art: Red Fire Ball"

"Divine Art: Thunder Realm"

Zhang Yue was resisted by layers of shield walls. Several flying birds exploded behind him, all of which were blocked by the rock armor without any damage.

"Hand of the Earth"

A small hand of the earth stretched out directly from the earth and grabbed it at the monkey law.

"Divine Art: Wings of Fire"

The flame cloak behind Yuanfa grows a pair of 10-meter-long flame wings, flying to the sky, while flexibly avoiding the hands of the earth, it also bombards Zhang Yue with magical techniques.

"Divine Art: Temperature Field"

The surrounding temperature rose rapidly, reaching more than 300 degrees Celsius, slowly baking Zhang Yue.

‘Armor of Ice’

Zhang Yue directly added a layer of ice armor to the outer layer of the rock armor and turned all the area under his feet into an ice wall.

"You're not warm enough!" Zhang Yue raised his head and said, looking up at the ape who is avoiding the hands of the earth in the Seeing you are having fun, I'm adding something to you. "

Two more hands of the earth stretched out from the earth and grabbed them toward the ape law in the sky.

At this time, a little thunderbird flew quietly behind Zhang Yue

'boom! ! With a loud noise, the entire enclosed arena began to tremble.

At the moment of the explosion, the ape technique was directly elementalized and escaped the terrifying thunderstorm.

"Yes, you almost broke my defense. In the same rank, you are the alien with the strongest attack power I have ever seen."

At this time, Zhang Yue's rock armor had been broken and almost saw the body, and with the power of the earth, he began to slowly recover.

"Do you think this is over."

‘Divine Art: Earth Dragon Thunder Devour! ’

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