"Multiply ten, it's an exaggeration." Zhang Yue was shocked. In two years, Zhang Yue was confident that he could make up 100 million, but if he wanted 1 billion, Zhang Yue was also a bit blinded.

"It's not an exaggeration. The Academy of Truth is in the Capital Star. There are the best arcanists in the entire Xia Kingdom. There are high-ranking bosses everywhere, and there are many demigods. Various skills, experimental materials and theories It’s the latest one, where you want to learn well, the training and apprenticeship fees are not worth 100 million, just like.” Zhao Yujue said to a grassy nest in the distance, and put an arcane bomb. , The power is as powerful as a grenade.

"For example, my arcane bomb, my second-tier release is as powerful as a grenade. But if the second-tier release of a student of the truth is ten times more powerful than this. Of course, the tuition fee is also ten times more, where the money is definitely spent. It won't be a loss. It's also a holy land for arcanists." Zhao Yujue said, looking forward to her eyes.

   Zhang Yue only feels that his task is more difficult, once the master told himself. After I reached the third level, it was no problem to earn two or three billion. One billion was a bit too much, but I wouldn't give up. My family must have the best treatment. Zhang Yue is also a strong person deep in his heart.

   At this time, Zhao Yujue looked at the sky as if, with a vigilant look, and said to everyone

   "The trail behind, be careful. There is an arcanist in the air to detect it to prevent evil intentions."

   "Received!" everyone replied.

   Then everyone hurried silently, and no one spoke. Zhang Yue maximized his perception.

   20 kilometers away from the four people, a hunting team is waiting for the arcanists to complete the investigation.

The arcanist opened his eyes for a moment, and said excitedly: "There is a big deal. There is a small team 20 kilometers west of capturing a pregnant wolf, which is worth 2 million, if it is a wolf, it is worth 3 million. , Do it or not. It's an academic team."

   "Do it, why not do it, that team must be of Tier 2 strength."

   "Our boss is a Tier 3 archer, who can be shot to death directly from a distance, even if we fight head-on, we have an advantage."

   "Just threaten, those academic * must be scared away."

  The people in the team rushed.

   The arcanist looked at the middle-aged man who was maintaining the bow.

   "Boss, do you not do it. Two million, this is not a good thing often."

   The middle-aged man stood up and put the bow in the storage space and said faintly: "Then go quickly and try to sell the stolen goods before dark."

   The team of 5 people mounted the Wind Chaser and rushed towards Zhang Yue's four. In order to speed up, the arcanist also added a light body technique to the five Wind Chaser.

   The four Zhang Yue were rushing fast, but Zhang Yue’s sense of danger became stronger and stronger, and the perception was like a needle prick. Zhang Yue took the mysterious gold shield behind him to prevent accidents.

   Right here, four heavy arrows shot at four people one after another, very fast. But Zhang Yue's speed was faster. Fortunately, the direction of the heavy arrows was shot from the back, and the arrows were not very far apart.

   Zhang Yue immediately jumped up from the wind chaser, and held the heavy arrow in the air with a shield to block the heavy arrow.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Four consecutive loud noises came out very quickly. Zhang Yue was in the air as if being hit by a cannonball, and flew 20 meters away. After a while, he stood up quickly as if there was nothing wrong, and kept holding. Shield forward.

   "The enemy attack!!!" Zheng Yang shouted

  1000 meters, a middle-aged man holding a bow and arrow, watching the eagle eye technique, watching the scene just happened

   "Damn, excellent shield bearer! Retreat."

   As the middle-aged man retreated, he said as he walked: "Damn, it's really unlucky. How could I meet an excellent shield bearer? I can't show up, and I can't afford it."

   A teammate of the middle-aged men’s team said: “Boss, we still have hope, why did we give up?”

   "What do you know, even if we can win, we can't kill them. Only I am Tier 3, you are Tier 2 and there is no hope of winning."

"The most important thing is, don't provoke a potential shield bearer. Just now, my heavy arrow shooting was blocked by the heavy-armed boy in all four consecutive shots, and then stood up like a okay person. This reaction, this defense is already It’s the standard for a good shield holder."

   "Fortunately, he didn't show up, or he would be finished." The middle-aged man touched the cold sweat on his head

   At this moment, the birds have been flying over them, sprinkling unknown powder, and everyone did not notice.

   The four of them hid behind the wind-chase beast, and Zhang Yue placed a shield in the direction of the heavy arrow, like a mountain.

   Zhang Yue didn't relax until the middle-aged man left. Turn around and say to everyone

   "It's okay, the enemy is gone."

   "The more I am afraid, the more I will come. If it weren't for Brother Yue, all of us have to explain this." Zheng Yang squeezed a sweat.

   "That's a Tier 3 archer. Just now it was a four-shot heavy arrow. Each one can kill a Tier 3 low-level monster. Brother Yue is okay." Ren Feipeng recalled the four heavy arrows that he shot over.

   "It's okay, but Zhen's hands are a little numb." Zhang Yue moved his body and said that he was okay.

   At this time, Zhao Yujue, who was hiding behind the chasing wind beast, opened his eyes and said angrily: "I want to leave after the sneak attack. How can it be so easy. I've got thousands of miles on them. They can't run away."

   "Yes, Sister Zhao is smart enough." Everyone praised.

   "Of course, you are responsible for protecting me, and you will leave the rest to me. You can't suffer." Zhao Yujue said proudly

"I still have to thank Brother Yue for his protection." The three said to Zhang Yue again. If Zhang Yue hadn't blocked the four heavy arrows, they would be immortal and disabled, they would be the attacking skills of Tier 3 archers, not ordinary Tier 2 Blocked by professionals.

   "We are all teammates, we should. We are all mutually beneficial, and it is hard to say who is missing."

   "Then let's go back to the city and deal with the spoils. Tonight, hold a serious welcome ceremony for Zhang Yue." Zheng Yang said.

   The next section of the road was calm and calm, but there was an accident when it was approaching Shuilancheng.

   "Dear young masters and eldest ladies, how about my Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce giving you 2 million yuan to collect your she-wolf."

"I gave out 2.2 million, and your Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce knew that it was a pitfall. The second-order alien beast of the last pregnancy was only 2 million. You guys and beauties don’t listen to him. My Kirin Chamber of Commerce gave out 2.2 million. You can’t come back to the Chamber of Commerce to verify it. The quality is not good. We are increasing the price."

   "2.4 million, the Bihai Chamber of Commerce paid 2.4 million, an absolute conscience price."

A group of frontline salesmen of the Chamber of Commerce gathered around the same wealth team and started bidding. They wanted to buy the pregnant she-wolf. Who are the salesmen of the Chamber of Commerce? Except for the regional shopkeepers of the Chamber of Commerce, this group of people has the sharpest eyesight. . Looking at this pregnant she-wolf, she knew that there was a wolf in her belly, because at this time it was only a wolf who had the right to conceive. This is a sought-after item, and the chambers of commerce know it well, but no one will expose it.

   "Don't bother, we only sell the Boulder Chamber of Commerce." Zhao Yujue seemed to be used to this scene.

   The salesman of the Chamber of Commerce, when I heard about the Jushi Chamber of Commerce. They all walked away boringly, saying that the Boulder Chamber of Commerce was playing a rogue.

   The four continued to drag the she-wolf towards Shuilan City.

   Zhang Yue asked curiously; "Sister Zhao, why only sell the Boulder Chamber of Commerce."

"It's a long story. The boss of the Jushi Chamber of Commerce is a very visionary person. He started his own talent plan more than 10 years ago. Anyone who has no money in the university can get an interest-free loan from the Jushi Chamber of Commerce. The quota is determined based on your college entrance examination results plus the results after entering the world of heaven and awakening. More geniuses, directly sponsored by the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, there is no compulsory measures, only verbal agreement, whether it is the spoils of the city or the heavens in the future For the spoils on the battlefield, priority should be given to the Jushi Chamber of Commerce. The key is that the purchase price of the Jushi Chamber of Commerce is the highest in the industry."

"Since then, the Boulder Chamber of Commerce has won the love of a large number of civilian professionals. With the interest-free loan from the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, our Aquastar has produced a large number of civilian geniuses. They obtained loot in areas outside the city and on the battlefield of the ten thousand races, and sold them to Boulder. Chamber of Commerce. For a time, the scale of the Jushi Chamber of Commerce ranked tenth among the scale of the Aquastar Chamber of Commerce."

   "Awesome, the boss of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce is really a courageous person." Zhang Yue thought of the 20 million energy points that Boss Shen would give him a year for nothing, plus two bottles of spiritual water essence.

   The time to speak has reached the acquisition point of the Megalithic Chamber of Commerce outside the city~www.ltnovel.com~ As soon as he arrived at the acquisition point, he was greeted enthusiastically by a kind-faced old man.

   "It seems that Miss Zhao has a good harvest this time." The kind old man said, pointing to the pregnant she wolf and said

   "The only ones who can get pregnant at this time are the wolf species. I will give 3.5 million energy points."

   "Okay," Zhao Yujue took out the skin, internal organs, bones, and meat of the big horned cow, and the skin, bones and internal organs of the giant wolf.

   "It seems that Ms. Zhao's team will be greatly enhanced with the addition of Zhang Yue and Master Zhang." The old man praised him, and then he sent people to buy valuable supplies, and the old man invited them to drink tea in the reception room.

After a while, the old man of Kung Fu came back and took the bill and said: "24 cowhides, relatively complete, each worth 1500, 24 whole beef bones, 800 each, 29 tons of beef and offal, 3000 per ton, totaling 142,200. This is a great effort. Horny."

  "Giant wolves, 32 skins per sheet, 6000 each, 2000 internal organs, 4000 skeletons per frame. A total of 384000"

   "Plus the 3.5 million pregnant she-wolves, the total is 4,032,200. I will round up 4.03 million for you. No problem, please sign on it."

   The old man handed Zhao Yujue a virtual light curtain.

   "Grandpa Wang is the atmosphere. I will come to you in the future. I was almost hacked by the purchaser from outside." Zhao Yujue happily signed the virtual light curtain in his hand, and then the light curtain disappeared.

   "Haha, just take care of my old man's business." Old man Wang said with a smile.

   "Then we will leave Grandpa Wang." Zhao Yujie said sweetly.

   Zhao Yujue led the three people out of the acquisition point outside the city of the Giant Stone Chamber of Commerce, and returned the four wind chasing beasts. He walked to Shuilan City with ease.


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