At this time, Chu Ying's figure appeared to the side of the Dark Snake Human Race, and two cold lights flashed.

Cut off the arm that was slashing towards the arcanist with a single knife, and cut off the snake head of the dark serpent tribe.

"I have been staring at you for a long time, my sneaking skills are so bad, and I just came out to show my ugliness. I can smell the dark aura in you 800 meters away."

After Chu Ying finished speaking, she hid in the dark night.

Yue Xiaomeng, who was watching the battle in the sky, watched this scene with interest.

"This young lady is really handsome, she has a fatal move, and then she escapes into the void."

"But Brother Zhang Yue, it seems that he didn't try his best. Is he trying to earn points?"

Yue Xiaomeng looked at the serpent of the earth that had been pinched by the hand of the earth, and assessed in his heart that in the battlefield of the ten thousand clan, the moon elves had come out of sister Yuexi, and it was estimated that no one could beat Zhang Yue.

At this time, Sauron Mina replaced a new set of armor, re-entered the battlefield, and began to play the role of a firefighter, thinking of saving a few tribes or teammates with insufficient combat capabilities and earning more points.

"Large Arcane: Falling Flame"

Suddenly, the collective will of the 4 Dark Snake Human Arcanists was locked, and a small flame began to appear above their heads, slowly falling towards them, unable to hide.


The voice of the Dark Snake Human Race Mage reached everyone's ears.

"Darkness: Drive Optical"

Suddenly the Human Race and the Austrian Race were plunged into darkness.

At this time Zhang Yue discovered that even his teammates who were enveloped by his own shield had fallen into darkness. His consciousness also seemed to be hindered.

‘The Power of Rock Armor’

‘The Power of Sand’


Zhang Yue used the sand to distinguish the enemy from ourselves, and dragged all his teammates into the ground to prevent being killed by the dark snakes.

Put all your teammates in one place.

"I wanted you to live longer, but I almost miscalculated." Zhang Yue said to the Dark Snake People who attacked his group.

"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Vortex of the Earth"

"Earth Vein Power: Arena"

The earth vortex directly sucked all the dark snake human races into the earth, and did not send them into the arms of the earth goddess, but firmly controlled them with the shield wall.

Zhang Yue released all the teammates who had dragged into the ground, and controlled all the dark snakes to the edge of the arena.

"In this way, one-on-one fair games can be played." Zhang Yue said to his teammates who hadn't recovered.

"Brother Yue, Niu X!" Lin Dong said as he looked at this mighty arena.

"I have divided the arena into 29 small arenas. Each room has dark snakes who live under control. I still look for my own enemies, and choose whatever you want."

Although Zhang Yue wanted to kill all these dark snake people, eating alone in this way would easily be bad for the team's atmosphere in the future. Although the points are precious, Zhang Yue prefers to complete tasks together in such a harmonious team.

Chu Yunxuan looked at Zhang Yue with admiration, thinking that this matter would be written into the mission file.

"Thank you Brother Yue." Everyone exclaimed. When they wanted to fight fiercely, the opponent zoomed in and almost wiped out. Zhang Yue rescued him, but he didn't expect to continue fighting.

"When you get to the arena, be ready to talk about it, I can feel it." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and it hurts to see everyone's happy expressions. The points that were not as bad as 10,000 were gone.

Seeing all his teammates entering the arena, Zhang Yue sighed. He didn't think he still had the quality of self-sacrificing, what a noble personality.

"Wow, Brother Zhang Yue, I didn't expect you to be a legendary top evildoer, very powerful." Yue Xiaomeng said.

She saw that the battle below was almost finished, so she let the Elf Speed ​​land and ran to Zhang Yue's side.

"How is the legendary top level divided?" Zhang Yue asked emotionally.

"It's easy to distinguish. It depends on whether you have realized the full-time infinite power, such as the bathing power of the professional profession, the endless fighting spirit of the combat position, and the specializations of each department, such as the elder brother's earth power. , And our star power, and the endless space of my sister Yuexi."

"The most abnormal are those god-level geniuses, who are almost like gods to the same level."

Zhang Yue thought of the ape technique. He should have understood the power of the bathing technique. This is too abnormal. If he did not understand the power of the earth, the dead purchaser was himself.

"Awesome, I didn't expect that there will be more abnormal god-level geniuses." Zhang Yue said.

At this time, Yue Xiaomeng seemed to have received some news, and said to Zhang Yue in a depressed mood: "Brother Zhang Yue, Yue Xi informed me to go back, otherwise it will get me out of the battlefield of ten thousand races, I must go back. "

"When Brother Zhang Yue travels to the mainland in the future, he can come to our Moon Elf clan to play. I will show you to Lord Mother Goddess. Others are very nice."

"Goodbye, Brother Zhang Yue, I will miss you."


Speaking of Yue Xiaomeng, she got on the Elf Speed ​​and flew towards the core.

"It's like a fire on your ass, coming and going like wind." Zhang Yue said.

"Brother Yue, did you like that little beauty?" Lin Dong said jokingly. Since the appearance of this little elf girl, Lin Dong fell instantly.

"Haha, I have someone I like, your sister-in-law is prettier than her."

Zhao Yunshu appeared in Zhang Yue's mind, and I wonder how she is now.

"I think you are the spring heart." Chu Yunxuan said to Lin Dong. As soon as the little elf girl came out, he found that Lin Dong's eyes were fixed on Yue Xiaomeng.

"Change one, you have no chance. It's not that we don't support it, but the strength does not allow it." Zhang Yue said, patting Lin Dong's shoulder.

"You guys are all kidding me!" Lin Dong returned to the car angrily.

Zhang Yue and Chu Yunxuan were left outside the arena.

After a moment of silence, Chu Yunxuan said to Zhang Yue, "Xiao Yue, thank you for making such a big concession for the team."

"You can't eat alone, so everyone will have opinions. The atmosphere of our team is so good, I don't want to spoil it."

"There are so many opportunities in the future, so that a few people will not delay their development." Zhang Yue said.

"Take down these Back to the world of heavens, our human race will not treat you badly." Chu Yunxuan said to Zhang Yue.

"I'm not just talking the vernacular, I will record these in the file, go back to report, give you the corresponding contribution points, then you can directly redeem good things from the human treasure house."

"What good things are there in our Terran Treasury?" Zhang Yue asked curiously, he had never heard of Terran Treasure.

"Say a few things you are interested in. The high-level professional training system can be cultivated to the ninth level in a short time by an ordinary person, but the price is that you will not be able to advance to a demigod in this life. It is useless for you geniuses. This thing even requires a lot of points in the battlefield of ten thousand races."

Zhang Yue's eyes lit up after listening, and he thought of his parents for the first time.

"After that, can I use the Godhead?"

"Not sure, but theoretically it should be fine."


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