When Zhang Yue heard this, he looked back at Lin Dong and made the appearance of the all-terrain vehicle look like a tourist car. It seemed that the entire fleet was just like a good baby.

"I went to change the car to **** mode, it's too bullying."

After Lin Dong finished speaking, he ran towards the convoy, took out the maintenance mecha and began to transform.

"You are quite acquainted. Leave your points and things, and you can leave." Chu Yunxuan waved his hand and said, not many people were killed.

"Thank you Human Leader."

People from the Liuyun clan transferred their points to Chu Yunxuan, put everything in order, and then evacuated collectively.

"Brother Yue, next time you encounter something like this, let's take away the supernatural power first and give us a chance to practice." Lu Heng said next to Zhang Yue.

"I want to practice hands, okay, we can have a game now, I will let you have a hand, how about it." Zhang Yue looked at Lu Heng and said with a smile. Recently, I always feel awkward to see Lu Heng and want to give him Orthopedics.

"Brother Yue joked, I don't want to be abused yet." Lu Heng found that he looked dangerous in his eyes since he used the leaves of the World Tree. He looked like he was holding back his energy to teach himself, letting one hand and hitting him. I don't need it at all.

One hour later, Lin Dong succeeded in modifying the appearance of the vehicle, and now the entire fleet is like a ghost who just came out of hell.

"How does it look like this."

"Vicious enough."

After the modification, the convoy continued on the road.

Four days later, the second-rate low-level race, the troll family.


Zhang Yue didn't make a big move this time, but honestly performed his duties as a shield bearer, protecting his teammates and resisting powerful enemies.

More than two hundred trolls surrounded the human race and the Austrian race.

"Lovely little snacks, I will turn you into the most delicious food in the world." The troll clan leader said grimly. After waiting for such a long time, finally there is a suitable delicious food.

Lin Dong directly received the entire convoy into his own mechanical space and released 40 armors operated by intelligent robots.

"It looks like there are more cards now."

At this time, Chu Yunxuan picked up the tactical board and began to quickly assess the combat strength of both sides, and said: "Can fight."

"How to fight." Lu Heng said excitedly, because there is a chance to do it.

"General battle formation is fine, and adjustments are needed if necessary." Chu Yunxuan said, with Zhang Yue underpinning, everything is easy to say.

At this time, more than one hundred Austrian Qi Qi were wearing Tier 4 armor newly developed by Lin Dong, and 40 were driven by intelligent robots.

At this time, the human race and the proud fighters have formed a circle, and the core output is inside.

"Offensive, I can't wait to have a barbecue feast." The troll leader, who is more than four meters high and has dark green skin all over his body, said, as a drop of mucus dripped from his mouth.

"Brother Yue, give me the leader of the troll clan, and I will cut him into eight segments."

The disgusting words of the Troll Race have completely angered Lu Heng, and he wants to let the Troll Race know that the Human Race makes them unattractive.



A phantom flashed behind Lu Heng. A peerless **** who was holding a Fang Tian painted halberd and sitting on a maroon horse stood quietly behind him. Even if he looked down on his face, he could feel the kind of battlefield. The breath of a peerless general.

At this time, the Troll Clan leader looked at Lu Heng's eyes seriously.

"Food is food, even if it is stronger, it is also food."

A huge demonic face came out like **** and appeared behind the leader of the troll clan, and a 4 meter long crimson mace was held by the leader of the troll clan.

"Delicious food, we have a good fight."

"You races who are only worthy of being garbage, waiting for the uncle to kill you."

Lu Heng directly killed the leader of the troll clan, and all the trolls who resisted Lu Heng were cut in half with a halberd.

‘Duanjiang! ’

‘Chop the sea! ’

‘Split the ground! ’

‘Heng Kong! ’

‘Broken the sun! ’

Lu Heng killed a guard next to the leader of the troll tribe.

"This fool won't use that trick again."

Zhang Yue's voice just fell.

‘Broken Star! ’

In the face of Lu Heng's last move with invincibility, the leader of the troll clan also launched the strongest blow.

‘Open the mountain! ’

'boom! The whole body was full of anger, and when everyone looked at the battlefield again, the leader of the troll clan was already in a different place.

"Can someone support the bottom to be so arrogant?" Ning Xiu said, looking at Lu Heng in the center of the battlefield, feeling very envious.

The magician of the troll clan looked at his commander did not last even a round, and directly applied the group buffing technique to the clan.

"Devil's Wind"

‘Potential Explosion’

"Cloud Demon Possessed"

"Afraid, I saved it when I returned to the base, the commander is still inside the base."

Zhang Yue looked at this group of trolls with no fighting spirit, and said with a smile: "I want to run, it's too late."

‘Earth Vein Power: Dungeon Cage’ directly trapped all the trolls.

"The points are all circled for you. How much you can get depends on your ability." Zhang Yue said to his teammates.

After everyone thanked them, they began to kill the most troll clan.

"You don't want the points this time." Chu Yunxuan asked, in his opinion, it was enough to give up so many points last time.

"No, you can ask me to take a few days off when the time comes." Zhang Yue said, looking for an opportunity to go to the God Summoning Clan to see if there is any Summoning Heart. Useful semi-artifact.

"I didn't mean to inquire about your privacy. Could you please tell me what you are going to do, so I have two preparations in my heart." Chu Yunxuan asked curiously. He thought Zhang Yue wanted to go out and collect points for a while.

"No, my girlfriend is also a summoner. I just want to go to the Shenhuan clan to see if there is another heart for summoning." Zhang Yue said with a smile, thinking that the most important people should bring gifts~ www.ltnovel.com~ Oh, I see, you boyfriend is really competent. "Chu Yunxuan said, he had read Zhang Yue's information, and his girlfriend should be his junior sister.

At this time, Lu Heng limped over.

"This trick is still a bit uncontrollable, now we have to cultivate for two or three days." Lu Heng walked over and said, although he had suffered a little damage, it was still as expected. There will be another killer move in the future.

"As a dead little expert, when there is a big melee in the future, if I don't have time to protect you, let's see what you do." Zhang Yue said coldly. The big move that can damage the body is only suitable for the final duel. It was released at the very beginning of the battle, and it would be dumbfounded to be surrounded by enemies.

"Brother Yue, I was wrong, I was really wrong. I will never make this kind of low-level mistake again." Lu Heng said in a surrender form. The most unprovoked bazaar shield holder in the team, in case you don't help you block the big ones. What to do with the trick.

"Just understand." Zhang Yue said, thinking that he must find a chance to loosen his bones for this kid.

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