The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 147: Party of top races

Sword Soul took the lead into the Ten Thousand Race Hotel, and a beautiful fox race greeted them.

"One person a standard package."

"Okay, your room number is private room 35."

After the fox people finished speaking, they took Jianhun, Zhang Yue and others into the No. 35 room.

The private room is a hall of hundreds of square meters, with countless rare treasures.

After everyone took their seats, Zhang Yue looked at the top floor that was more than 20 meters high and said with a smile: "This height is prepared by that clan, which is a bit exaggerated."

"This was prepared by the Stone People. Their height is generally more than 4 meters, which is the limit that this room can hold. The huge dragons and the Titans above and below have their own special Shenlong Temple and Titan Temple." He explained that he also accompanied his friends here, and he could see the dragons and the Titans almost every time.

"Never mind the dragons and the Titans, what do the Stone People eat here?" Lin Dong asked curiously. He looked at it as data, didn't the Stone People eat minerals.

"Haha, you don't know about it. The stone people are the main consumer group here, and those who eat food can make metal dishes that make stone people crazy."

Zhang Yue opened his eyes when he heard Sword Soul's explanation, but he didn't expect that metal could be delicious.

At this time, no one of the fox people is carrying a large plate with dishes on top. This is a divided meal system, and each person has a few special dishes.

Sword Soul’s dishes are all greens and radishes, Lin Dong’s main meat and sweets are mainly meat, and both Chu Feng and Lu Heng are meat. , Zhang Yue's five dishes, three meat and two vegetarian dishes.

At this time, there was still a plate of things that attracted Zhang Yue's attention.

"Who owns these soft metals? We still have others here." Zhang Yue said, looking at the large plate of soft metals.

At this time, a message came from the Divine Iron Giant Shield. Someone, these were prepared for me. Put it next to me soon. The taste is incredibly fragrant.

The giant iron shield that Zhang Yue placed next to him began to shake.

Sword Soul looked at Zhang Yue's shield and said enviously: "The juvenile divine weapon is essentially a special alien, so it is not surprising that the Tianshi tribe prepared for it."

"Interesting." Zhang Yue said as he took the soft metal and poured it onto the giant iron shield. After a while, it was absorbed by the giant iron shield, and then the giant shield began to fall asleep.

"Let's get started, this standard set meal is 20 points, I don't usually eat it." Jianhun said, the first time I came here, almost half of the points were spent here, and it took a long time to restrain The desire to live your own good food.

Zhang Yue and the others held a wine glass filled with wine, and toasted the sword soul a glass of wine.

"Thank Soul Sword for the kind invitation!" Several people said thankfully.

"Isn't it right to catch the wind for an old friend?" A light flashed in Jian Soul's eyes.

After the toast, everyone began to attack the dishes in front of them.

Zhang Yue spent a few points to be firm against the meals of several people. They are all unknown animal materials, which are of great benefit to the body and practice.

It was not until the identification was completed that Zhang Yue nodded secretly to Lu Heng, Chu Feng, Lin Dong and others and said that the food was okay. This is the small tacit understanding that several people have formed during this period.

Zhang Yue picked up a piece of meat that looked like braised pork, put it in his mouth, and began to taste the Tianshi cuisine that was blown to the sky.

After eating the first bite, Zhang Yue's eyes became cold. It was so delicious, Zhang Yue could be sure that he had never eaten such a delicious dish since he was a child.

That wonderful feeling instantly impacted Zhang Yue's taste buds, causing Zhang Yue's sense of taste to be completely captured, and letting Zhang Yue's soul go into an unconscious state.

When Zhang Yue came back to her senses, she found that all the food on the table had been eaten up by Zhang Yue, and it was a little normal after the Sword Soul, and Lu Heng and others were all in a state of being empty.

Ten minutes later, Jianhun, Zhang Yue and others had already appeared at the entrance of the Wanzu Hotel.

"It seems to have eaten a delicious meal, and it seems that I didn't eat it, but the feeling of fullness in my stomach tells me that this is true." Lin Dong touched his stomach and said, the feeling just now was too strange, just took a bite The cake, and then he recovered, Dongyi had eaten all of it.

Everyone agreed with what Lin Dong said.

"Slowly get used to it. I have eaten it several times before I can fully enjoy the delicacy." Sword Soul said with a smile.

Then the sword soul said to Zhang Yue: "Brother Yue, I will transfer the points to you now, and I will count."

"Forget it, it was a joke at that time, we are all friends, so why would you be so pitted?" Zhang Yue said in a distressed tone. The so-called so-called not hitting the smiley with his hand, Zhang Yue simply didn't have the points for the soul of the sword.

"Brother Zhang Yue, points are unimportant, but our rabbit race is not a little person who doesn't count. The points must be given to you." Sword Soul turned the points over as he said.

At this moment, Zhang Yue and others looked towards the sky and saw a golden dragon over 30 meters long flying into the Wanzu Hotel.

"The dragon clan is also a frequent visitor here. Just now it was just the golden sacred dragon, the dragon clan boss in the battlefield of ten thousand clan." Jianhun introduced.

Zhang Yue returned to his senses and sighed and said, "That is the real Dragon Race. It is estimated that a large number of people can be killed by the Dragon Power alone."

At that moment, Zhang Yue felt that the faint dragon power was no less than the suppressing power of his shield.

"Unexpectedly, I was fortunate enough to see a real dragon here. I was lucky today." Chu Feng said.

But the scene that followed was even more shocking, with the Titans, the Angel Protoss, the Protoss, the Moon Elves, the Sun Elves, the Xuanjin Tigers, and the Undead.

The top races that are familiar in the world of the heavens appeared one by one in the Ten Thousand Races Hotel, and the momentum was like a abyss, so that everyone could not breathe. After a long time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"What day is today, the top races are here."

"Is there another mechanical team to clean up?"

"It might be the Zerg."

"You don't have to worry about this, save your life-saving when there is news, go directly back to the world of heavens."

The foreign races at the entrance of the Wanzu Hotel were all talking about it.

At this time, Zhang Yue's expression changed slightly, and he thought of the news that Yue Xiaomeng had sent him that these top races gathered together to discuss the matter of attacking that Zerg too much.

"According to the analysis of the data, it is estimated that there will be any more difficult Zerg or Mechanic tribes this time. These are not things we should worry about. When the sky falls, they will bear them." Sword Soul said in a relaxed tone. There are not many people in the clan, and they are all lone rangers, so just let them pay attention.

"What if they fail to attack the Zerg together."

"Cold, as soon as there is accurate news at that time, you can immediately return to the world of the heavens before the ten thousand race battlefield is locked."

"What do you mean by locking."

"When 50% of the aliens in the Ten Thousand Races battlefield exit in advance, the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield will be locked, and any aliens will be prohibited from leaving early."

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