The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 150: Showdown against the Tianluo

[In correcting the typo, please wait a moment. 】

After confirming that Zhang Yue would buy the Condor, the Wanka girl brought Zhang Yue into the backyard of their shop.

"Mr. Zhang Yue, now I will show you how to use the spacecraft. Your spacecraft has been added with a human language module and an operating system suitable for humans in the refitting workshop." The Wanka girl said that she can earn 300 points for this single order. When you work hard, you can build your own card battle system.

"Okay." Zhang Yue said lightly, quite satisfied with the service of the Wanka family.

At this time, the Wanka girl picked up a card to activate it. A ghost of a speeding car appeared in the void, and was slowly landed on the ground by the Wanka girl operator.

"Mr. Zhang Yue [, vehicle cards are generally activated twice before they can appear in the real world. The first activation determines where the person stops, and the second activation is to directly take out the vehicles in the card opening space. ."

Speaking of the Wanka girl reactivating, the cards in the girl's hand turned into dots of light, condensing towards the phantom, and a short time later a speed car that the Wanka family had appeared on the ground.

"There is a smart system in the vehicle. If you want to change into a card, you just need to make a voice command. The same is true for your spacecraft."

"Small card, change back to card form."

"According to orders" an electronic sound was emitted in the speed car, and then the whole speed car turned into a light spot and returned to the Wanka girl's hand, becoming a card.

"Give it to you, this little heart from our Wanka tribe. When you have a chance to pass by the Wanka tribe in the world of heavens, show this flying car card and you will be warmly received."

After speaking, the Wanka girl held the card in both hands and handed the card to Zhang Yue respectfully.

"Thank you for the Wanka clan's kindness." Zhang Yue said, unexpected little surprise, which can be played for the little girl in the future.

A Wanka dressed up as a mechanic walked over, handed a card to the Wanka girl, and then left without seeing Zhang Yue the whole time.

"Sorry, the mechanics of our clan have a little axis in their brains, and they don't know anything when they are out of the machine." The Wanka girl quickly apologized.

"It's okay, understandable, let's check the spaceship." Zhang Yue said indifferently.

Subsequently, under the guidance of the Wanka girl, Zhang Yue began to check the Condor, and finally spent 50 points to let the virtual mall of Wan Clan battlefield identify it, leaving no backdoors and hidden dangers.

Zhang Yue put away the card with satisfaction and paid 1,800 points to the Wanka girl.

"Twenty times the speed of sound, it takes 5 or 6 hours to go to the God Call Clan. It is convenient. If you hurry up, one day will be enough for the world." Zhang Yue began to calculate.

At this time, Zhang Yue sent a message to Chu Xuan and asked him where he was.

"Race Arena, Small Arena No. 12."

When Zhang Yue arrived at the news, he hurried towards the arena. At this time, a black-and-white tiger race came heading over, a golden tiger skin with a height of 4 meters, Kong Wu’s powerful arms and tiger claws. It's daunting.

Both sides looked at each other as if feeling.

"His claws shouldn't break my defense."

"Divine Iron Great Shield, I don't know if I can go around the Great Shield with one claw and tear him in half."

The two sides retracted their gazes and passed by without making any waves.

Arena, at this time Arena 12 is fully occupied by 80%.

The two foreign races in the field shook the sky, and they were fighting hard, and the magical skills were flying all over the sky, and the soldiers gave their lives to fight.

"Brother Chu, do you have a goal?" Zhang Yue asked, sitting beside Chu Feng.

"There are many goals, but the points are a little bit low. When the strength of our human race is exposed, it will be difficult to find opponents." Chu Yunxuan said. This is the result of watching a few battles in the arena. Both parties will look for those. Evenly matched races play competitive games.

"It's a bit difficult." Zhang Yue said.

"It's okay, there will always be opportunities, and it's not bad to collect information on aliens here."

"Listen to your arrangements and invite you to dinner at noon. There is a Wanzu hotel here, and the dishes are very good."

"Really, I'm going to taste it later."

"Look at who else is in the game city. Let's call it together. Recently, I won a point in the arena. Let's celebrate."


After watching a few race battles with Chu Yunxuan, Zhang Yue went to the Wanzu Hotel. This time, under Zhang Yue's extreme restraint, he began to release his soul after tasting half of the dishes.

"Unexpectedly, there are still such intoxicating dishes."

In the afternoon, Zhang Yue didn't accompany Chu Yunxuan, so he went to the personal arena to watch the foreign race personal competition for an afternoon.

Three days later, the race arena.

"Zhang Yue, you keep hitting, there is no need to do your best." Chu Yunxuan quietly said to Zhang Yue before going on the court.


Tianluo tribe, third-rate senior, three meters high, born with four arms, good at professional heavy sword fighters.

"This odds is a bit tricky, and the odds of 1 to 8 are enough. It doesn't give you a chance to make a fortune." Chu Yunxuan said, after betting 10,000 points, he began to analyze the arena odds system on the tactical board.

"Lu Heng, there is a heavy-sword warrior who has just entered the legendary evaluation on the opposite side. He is right on your appetite. If I can't beat him, I will help you. Brother Chu ordered me to keep it, and the limelight is given to you. "Zhang Yue approached Lu Heng and said.

"No problem, Brother Yue, leave it to me with peace of mind. You can retreat to the second line to control the overall situation." Lu Heng said happily, and there is a psychological shadow of being abused these days, that ground thorn, that earth hand, it's really true He greeted himself desperately. This time I must find my confidence back.

Ten minutes later, the phantom above the arena said: "Human race against Tianluo tribe, small group battle, 100 vs. 100, now start."

The battle begins!

"Water God Shelter"

‘Aura of Fire’

"Dragon Power"

"Spiritual Guard"

‘Earth Elemental Armor’

"Weapon with Spirit: Sharp"

"Weapon with Spirit: Strong"

As soon as the battle began, the three sacrifices of the Tianluo clan began to add BUFF frantically to their fighters, all of which were group gains.

For a while, the Tianluo people on the opposite side were shining with colorful light.

On the stage, Chu Yunxuan watched the Tianluo tribe’s frenzied BUFF sacrifice, and said silently, “Is this a sacrifice to the heavens every time you start.”

As soon as Chu Yunxuan's voice fell, the three rune-heavy arrows directly and silently exploded the heads of the three Tianluo tribe sacrificers.

"The casting speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, you can add so many BUFFs, which is also amazing." Xu Pokong said, in order to show respect for the three Tianluo clan sacrifices, he specially used the strongest arrow. , Buy on Wanzu Mall, 1 point, features: silent, concealed, special for sneak attacks.

The head of the Tianluo clan looked at the sacrificed sacrificial rite, his eyes flashed angrily, and his four arms tightly held the heavy saber in his hand.


The leader of the Tianluo clan led 96 warriors in the clan towards the human race.

‘Military Alliance’


"Fearless Heart"

Fewer than 100 soldiers of the Tianluo tribe, abruptly blasted out a mighty force.

Zhang Yue looked at the surging Tianluo Clan with those eyes that only had the intent to fight, and Zhang Yue sighed, he hadn't seen a real soldier for a long time.


"Stop them and protect the back row! Charge with me in close combat!"

Zhang Yue turned into a huge shield and opened the most usual shield position. Holding the shield, he led the warriors and mechanical armor of the Human and Austrian races towards the Tianluo tribe.

This is when the Arcanist in the back row of Human Race begins to exert force.

"Combined Arcane: Meteorite Rain"

"One Yuan Heavy Water: Rain of Arrows in the Sky"

‘Armor Piercing Heavy Arrow’

‘Magma world’

Over the Tianluo tribe, countless meteorites smashed into the Tianluo tribe, and the sky was filled with arrow rain condensed by one yuan of heavy water. In front of the Tianluo tribe’s charge, magma began to cover them.

‘The Shelter of the Heavenly God’

A giant battle gas shield, which protects all the soldiers of the Tianluo clan assaulting, keeps the meteorite rain and arrow rain in the sky out of the shield, and the magma world in front fails to stop the Tianluo clan from charging at all. pace of.

"Awesome, it is the nemesis of the law system, coupled with the sturdy melee ability, logically speaking, it should be the most invincible state in the third-rate race." Chu Yunxuan said on the stage.

Those aliens on the stage who bet the Tianluo tribe to win, some have already begun to dance and celebrate at this time, and the odds of 1 to 8 are enough to make them crazy.

Zhang Yue led melee and mechanical armor rushing to the peak. The two sides immediately engaged in battle. When Zhang Yue's shield came into contact with the Tianluo people, he was directly bounced off by the battle energy, which was also expected by Zhang Yue.

"I'm so ridiculous, and dare to let out such a low-level shield."

Seeing Zhang Yue’s shield power, a stone human tribe in the private room upstairs couldn’t help saying that as a standard feature of the stone human tribe, shield power is highly valued in the clan. A shield without power is like one without teeth. Beast.

"As a defender, you should be humble. I think the human defender below is not easy. I feel the purest earth power in him." Another stone human race in the private room said.

"Is it pure?"


Zhang Yue directly confronted the leader of the Tianluo clan with more and more momentum with his shield. Although it was for Lu Heng to take on the main attack, it was Zhang Yue's responsibility to block the charge of the strongest fighter of the Tianluo clan.

At the moment of contact Zhang Yue directly put on a shield posture, using the huge shield that turned out to resist the strongest attack of the Tianluo clan.

"Do you think the shield can stop me."

Seeing Zhang Yue put on a shield, a heavy knife was lifted high by the leader of the Tianluo clan with the help of the charge, and the other three heavy knives were to intercept the arrow feathers that the archer took care of.

‘Strong Power: Divide’

The heavy knife drew directly across a straight line with the meaning of division, and hit Zhang Yue's huge shield.

With a ‘bang’, Zhang Yue withstood a tremendous amount of strength and took the opportunity to drag him for ten steps, but was held back by Lu Heng behind him.

"Leave the rest to you." Zhang Yue pretended to be weak. The knife just now had a sense of division. It hit Zhang Yue's mental consciousness space and was silently intercepted by the Starlight Shield without a single reaction.

"Brother Yue, hold on to the person, give me the most powerful Tianluo clan."

Looking at the frail Zhang Yue, Lu Heng said in his heart, the drama is fine.

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